
The Realm of Eternity into the unknown

Luna Adriana is an orphan who never knew her birth parents. Spending her whole life never having a true home. The day her twentieth birthday came, she was tired of living alone working a dead end job to keep her shitty apartment. She found herself in the woods with only one plan to end her life. Fate seemed to have other plans that day though as she meets a stranger who shows her a whole other world she never knew existed outside of stories. A world she shouldn't be able to enter as a mere human. Follow Luna through her perilous journey as she tries to uncover the truth about her past and find her footing in this new world, with two kind, gorgeous, and mysterious men with secrets of their own. The more she learns about herself the more dangerous things get. As secrets come out bonds will be broken and new bonds will be awoken. As Luna learns the truth of herself she sets out on a journey farther into the realm in search of Allies. As the magic inside her awakens more everyday she begins to realize how bonded she is to the realm and three of the beings that accompany her on her journey.

Feisty_Kitty12 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Being magic famous sucks

I awoke to Luca once again today to take me out for my training. Zephyr has had Asta helping with family business most mornings recently well most days if I'm being honest. I've been here a little over two weeks now and I've not seen much of either Asta or Zephyr since my dates with both.

Luca said Zephyr has had a lot of work come up he needed to attend to and he's been having Asta help him so he's not able to use this time to keep me to himself. Which I guess is fair in his mind. At least I've not been lonely I've had luca to keep me company most days we've ended up hanging out in the dragon barns together and discussing our love life issues.

His are all mainly due to the lack of available gay beings in this realm. We've finished our training for today and while I can now slightly control how much flame comes out at once I still can't do anything precise enough to be impressive. Luca had to leave early today so I'm just cleaning up a bit after our training session. I've just finished putting the last bit of things into the bins and started walking up the path through the rest of the training fields back toward the house.

I try to avoid looking at anyone still hanging around the training fields so as not to draw any attention to myself while I'm walking alone. I haven't done much walking alone even though I've been here a little over two weeks now I've stuck to clinging to Luca's side as he's the only familiar person who's been around lately. Asta has added a jacket to my outfits everyday since our date.

Today I'm wearing black silky form fitting pants, a form fitting golden blouse, with a matching golden jacket. I pull the jacket closed as the wind picks up. I can see the sun sinking below the horizon in the sky beyond the house.

As I look back to the path from looking up toward the sky I'm roughly shoved backwards. I look up to see a gorgeous elven man with dark blue fluffy hair standing in front of me staring at me smugly.

"Looks like the big threes new plaything is finally alone." His voice is dripping with venom as he speaks taking a step toward me.

"What is your problem with me?" I snap back taking a step backwards.

"My problem little girl is you came here a stranger to this family and even this realm and yet somehow have gotten more attention from the heads of this family than many of us have gotten in years." His voice is rough and angry and the more steps I take backwards the more he takes toward me.

"That's not my fault. I didn't ask for any of it and you can't seriously expect them to give you all one on one attention thats insane." I say, my voice trembling. My body is shaking as the oh so familiar bundle of nerves try's to settle in my stomach.

"Of course thats insane but they should give more attention to those who have been loyal to the family the longest not some stranger who grew up in the human world." He spits that last part out like it disgusts him to say.

"What do you want me to do about it? I haven't forced them to give me their attention. They are grown ass men who make their own decisions." I snap at him my voice steadying as I start to get angry at this man who is currently insanely laughing at me. I push the nerves down letting my anger rise above my anxiety.

"You will tell them you want nothing to do with them." His voice is menacing as he takes another step toward me his hands starting to spark with lightning.

"I wont lie to them." I feel the anger mixing with the magic in my body as I let it come forward the fiery energy surging through my veins. I have to have control it's now or never.

I let the anger building in my chest mix with the fiery sensation of the magic exploding through my nerves. I put my arms out to my side my palms facing the ground around me. I glare at this man in front of me the pure magical energy coursing through my body making me feel so powerful.

"I wont ever hurt a single one of those men." I scream back at him as I let the power explode from my body letting every bit of the magic I feel running through my body explode out of me.

Flames erupt from both my palms I spin in a circle surrounding myself in a ring of flames. When the circle is complete and the flames towering over me. I stop the flow of flames, but I can still feel the magic coursing through my veins as I focus on the flames going higher making a wall around me.

The flames shoot up surrounding me in a blazing wall of flames. If I wasn't in danger I'd be jumping for joy I was able to control my fire like this.

"What the fuck?" I hear the man shout, but I can no longer see him through the flames. "I'm still going to get you stupid little bit." His voice is cut off but I cant see what's happening.

"Havent you learned not to fuck around with women Rydell. You may be crazy, but a woman will always be prepared to be crazier" A woman's voice says.

I wish I could see whats going on now. "Myrin if you want to take him to zephyr let him know about his extracurricular activities today I'll make sure the lady is okay."

"Yes Lady Electra." A male voice responds and I hear muffled sounds of protest and dragging noises as Rydell I guess gets taken away.

"Lady Luna you're safe now. No more need for the rather impressive fire wall. I guess we are capable of more than we think when in a pinch."

I take a deep breath to try to calm down as I focus on the magic still coursing at the surface of my body and think about the fire wall slowly fading away. It takes a few tries, but to my surprise it does start to dissipate.

As It fades away I can see a woman with long straight forest green hair. Her emerald eyes are bright as she looks at me. "I'm a bit shaken but I'm fine thank you for getting him away from me."

"Not a problem. I'm Electra I help Zephyr from time to time with his errands. Rydell who you had the misfortune of meeting has a short fuse and is easily jealous of anyone who gets any attention from the big three, because he wants to be able to even just do things for them. He has to understand though it's his outburst like this that causes him not to have the privileges he desires. Nothing of your fault though my dear." Her voice is soft and sweet with a slight country accent to it.

"Nice to meet you. Wasnt so nice to meet him, but glad to know it wasnt a problem with just me."

"Definitely not just you this isnt the first time and sadly probably wont be the last one." She rolls her eyes causing me to laugh a little.

"I dont have anywhere to be the rest of the evening if you would like some company to where you are going."

I awkwardly chuckle rubbing the back of my neck. "I don't really know where I'm going Luca didn't say when he would be done tonight. I haven't seen much of Asta or Zephyr in weeks. I could go back to my room I guess. I just haven't eaten in a while, but I dont know anyone but the big three so I dont know what to do." She smiles at me shaking her head.

"You need to make some more friends. If you don't mind I'd hate for you to go back to your room alone. I know a nice place in town not too far from here. We can get some dinner and get to know each other I can be your first friend here outside the three." She says with pep in her voice. Her energy is so bright and vibrant it's almost contagious. As I think about her energy I see that cloud of color floating around her. Her aura is a vibrant red. "I think I would like that." I smile at her.

"Then lets go!" She exclaims bounding happily down the path. I follow after her excited to have made a new friend.

"I know this place isn't as glamorous as where youve been going with the big three, but it is decent. The food is good and the people are nice." Electra says as we climb one of the towering trees in town to a bar built into the giant tree.

It's built in the same way as the shop Asta took me to when I first arrived in this world. As we step inside the bar I see an assortment of magical beings sitting around the bar and some at the tables around the rest of the building. The bar is lit by twinkling lights strung all around the building. We take a seat at one of the empty tables in the corner of the bar.

"So how did you end up here? I know Asta wouldnt have just told a stranger about magic or our realm." She asks as we sit down across from each other. Her emerald eyes are curious as she stares at me and I know she means no harm.

"I was in the woods and I happened to see him walking by. I ended up following him mainly because I saw his aura so brightly and id never seen that before in the human world or maybe I had and never looked hard enough as I never looked at people much for long if I could help it. I caught up with him right as he was going through the portal and went through with him."

"You didnt want to go back home?"

"I didn't have a home. I was an orphan who never got adopted or fostered and when i aged out of the orphanage. I was working a dead end job to pay for a shitty apartment. Only to still get told I made oeoooe uncomfortable." Her curious eyes change to a guilty sadness.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have been prying." She mutters.

"Hey it's okay. I'm doing well here. I am happier here than I ever was there and thats all I need to focus on is the here and now and moving on with building a wonderful new life for myself in this realm with our family."

She smiles at me. "You're right. You know you seemed so nervous and shy when you first got here but you really seem to be opening up and getting pretty wise."

"Thank you." I giggle. "If I'm being honest Asta taught me a lot of how to move on from my past and to better cope with my anxiety." Her eyes fill with shock.

"I never would have thought that. He's not really known for being one to share feelings or care deeply about a female."

"I know he has a reputation." I sigh. "He can be so kind when he wants to be. Even before we really got to start getting to know each other he was kind to me. He's just reserved around people. If you know about what is going on with my weird love triangle. You probably also know its happened before and Asta lost, and I think that did something to him more than he ever said and he never wanted to get close to a female again because of it." Her eyes are thoughtful now.

"I do know, and I never thought of it that way you could actually be right. I shouldnt be so quick to judge people based on what others say. After all people are saying you are sleeping with all of the three, but I dont believe that."

I almost choked on my spit. "I am not. I may have a weird love triangle with Asta and Zephyr, but first off Luca is hardcore into men so they need to leave him out of this. Secondly I have not slept with either of them. I'm supposed to go on ten dates with each and after pick one to be with and that was all their idea not mine."I wave my hands in the air as I speak.

"I know." She laughs "Like I said I do work for Zephyr sometimes and you know if you dont pick him you could always give him my number that man is fine."

"I know his jawline, his eyes just perfection. He smells amazing too like a forest after a fresh rain with a hint of cinnamon. I'll keep that in mind though Electra if I end up having to break his heart it will be nice knowing youll be there to help If he lets you."

"You are so unique." She says shaking her head at me, as she softly laughs.

"Is that a bad thing? What do you mean by that?" I ask, my voice curious and slightly nervous at the same time.

"It's not bad it's really good. I think we'll be great friends. You are just so kind and caring. You radiate this energy that hell makes me want to love you. It's even more intriguing you seem to have such pure magic energy in your blood yet you came to us from the human world. Why were you there to begin with?" Her emerald eyes are bright and shining.

"That's a question I cant answer. I hope this realm can help me find the missing pieces to that puzzle."

"Maybe we can search for the answers together I'd love to help you find out more about your magical heritage if I can. We can go to the library tomorrow if you can."

"I would love that. I haven't seen much of Asta or Zephyr lately, but if I see Luca tonight I can ask him."

"Sounds good I can just come by your room in the morning and it's okay if you aren't able to go."

"Thank you."

"Can I get your order ladies." A voice asks and I look over to see a tiny female pixie hovering over our table with a notepad.

We pause our conversation to give her our orders. "Would you like a drink?" Electra asks me. I think about it for a minute and decide after the day ive had I deserve it.

"Yeah that sounds good. You know best so I'll have whatever you get."

"Good choice." She says a mischievous grin on her face.


After we finished eating Electra took me back home and I'm now sitting in my room hoping to see one of the three to ask them about tomorrow. I had a good time out with Electra I think we could end up being good friends. The prospect of a new friend outside of the three within the family is exciting. I flop down on the bed exhausted from the day.

"Are you okay?!" Asta's deep voice exclaims as my bedroom door flies open.

"I'm okay, a little frazzled and exhausted, but physically fine. Being magically famous just sucks"

He laughs a little."You arent magic famous just new still. i'm just so glad you're okay. He sits down on the bed next to me and pulls me into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much." He lets out a content sigh as he nuzzles his head against my neck.

"I've missed you too." I whisper wrapping my arms around him a little tighter.

"Zephyr has had me buried in paperwork and other errands. I barely managed to get away to check on you, but we were both worried so he let me come see you."

"I'm glad he did. You guys don't need to worry about me though. I promise I'm fine and I had a good night with Electra." I smile at him trying to reassure him.

"It's so good to see your smile again. I heard you went out with Electra. I'm happy youre making friends. I also heard you managed to fend off Rydell with a massive fire wall. I would have loved to see that I bet it was impressive."

I feel my face heat up as I start to blush. "Thank you I just got angry and a little scared and knew I needed to do something and it somehow allowed me to get some control on my fire finally. Although I doubt I could recreate it."

"I'm proud of you my little fire fox. Sadly I can't stay long and it is really late you should be getting to bed soon."

"I don't want you to go just yet." I pout at him giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"I dont have to leave just yet Vixen." He smiles at me. Oh how ive missed that smile and those bright violet eyes.

"I do have a question.Electra offered to take me to the library tomorrow to see if we could maybe find anything about my birth family and I was wondering if it was okay if I went?" He looks at me his eyes thoughtful.

"Zephyr did want me to tell you he was going to be taking you on your next date together tomorrow night. That's part of why I got to be the one to check on you tonight, but I dont see any reason you couldnt go as long as you are back by the evening. Electra is capable and I trust her with you. Besides I know how much you want to start looking into your past. I'll let Luca know you won't be doing training tomorrow."

"I can't wait for my next date with you." I smile at him my eyes bright.

"I can't wait either Vixen I already have it planned." He winks at me that giant smile I adore so much lighting up his face.

"Will you meet me in your secret room tomorrow night?" I ask staring at him with doe eyes.

"I should be able to get away with doing that. I should start being free more often here soon especially in the nights." He winks at me and I start to laugh but get interrupted by a yawn.

"You need to get some sleep youve had a long day little fox."

"I know I just haven't seen you in a while. I really have missed you. Can you lay with me until I fall asleep." I say yawning once more as I start to crawl under the covers.

"Of course I can. I've missed holding my little fox." I smile as he crawls under the covers with me and wraps his arms around me pulling me close to him. I love how my body seems to fit perfectly in the curve of his as he holds me tight I feel so safe and cared for.

"Is this what you wanted." He whispers his voice low and silky right next to my ear.

"It's perfect." I mutter happily as my eyelids start to feel heavy.

He kisses my forehead. "Sleep good Luna I'm so glad you are safe. You are so precious to me." He whispers as I drift off to dream land.