
The Real Young Miss's Secret Identities Revealed

After the real daughter of the Jiang family fell sick, she became stupid and insisted on marrying the cold-blooded, cruel, and crippled Fu Jiu. Mother Jiang said, "So be it. She's a good-for-nothing anyway. I only asked her to marry in place of my sister." Father Jiang: "After you marry him, remember to ask 9th master to help your sister find a better marriage." The fake heiress said, "Sob, I feel so sorry for Sister, but… if you get beaten to death by the 9th master, the Fu family will compensate us a lot of money, right? I'm looking forward to it." Jiang Li sneered. She bid farewell to her hypocritical family and brought her shabby dowry to the Fu family. After having been reborn once, she knew very well that Fu Jiu was the only person who treated her well. Everyone was waiting for Jiang Li to be beaten to death. Finally, one day, she was photographed by reporters and posted online. "It's all your fault! You used so much force last night! The Jiang family is going to laugh at me again!" Fu Jiuxiao said, "With me around, no one will dare to laugh at you. Moreover, I will make them pay back tenfold for the pain that the Jiang family has caused you!"

Happy Number One · 一般的
1305 Chs

I Want A Kiss From You

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Li left with a domineering aura and did not look back.

Fu Jiuxiao watched from behind expressionlessly.

The driver could not figure out what his boss was thinking, so he could only wait nervously.

It was not until Fu Jiuxiao's eyes moved that he realized what was going on. He started the car and continued to drive towards their original destination.


Jiang Li arrived at the clubhouse. She had just gone up to the fourth floor when she heard gunshots coming from inside.

Even though there was a silencer, this unique sound could not escape her ears.

She went to a hidden window and opened it.

Her body was agile, so she quickly got in and looked at the situation not far away.

Judging from the exchange of fire, Elder Mo had been surrounded by Ghost Hand.

Yes, in order to get rid of Elder Mo, Ghost Hand had already paid a large sum of money to bribe the people around him. He pretended to spread the news and deliberately set up an ambush here.

Elder Mo was tricked. When he brought people over to catch Ghost Hand, he fell into the encirclement of the mercenaries that Ghost Hand had brought.

No matter how powerful Elder Mo was, it was difficult for him to fight that many people.

Gradually, he was already surrounded by Ghost Hand's people in a room.

The two sides were engaged in a fierce battle. Elder Mo's men gradually fell. He could not hold on by himself while the other side attacked more and more fiercely.

At this moment, there was a muffled groan. Elder Mo held his chest, and blood flowed down.

At this critical moment, Jiang Li suddenly sneaked behind the other side and grabbed a pistol. A few clean shots hit a few mercenaries who were approaching elder Mo. .

"Damn it! There's a surprise attack!"

"Cunning thing! There's reinforcements!"The mercenaries shouted angrily in a foreign language.

Seeing that there was an opportunity, Elder Mo immediately fled to the door.

Jiang Li wanted to rush over, but at this time, another group of mercenaries caught up with her.

Helpless, she could only immediately find cover and delay the enemy's firepower. At the same time, Elder Mo had already disappeared into the darkness.

When Jiang Li saw this, she snatched another pistol from one of the wounded soldiers beside her. She scanned the area with the two pistols behind her. With a series of swishing sounds, bullets were quickly fired.

Soon, the people who had counterattacked were all finished off by her.

She held the pistol and glanced in the direction where Elder Mo had disappeared. Soon, she found traces of blood. Elder Mo was injured just now, so he could not have walked far!

She followed the traces of blood and quickly arrived at the stairs on the first floor.

At this time, the traces of blood had disappeared. At the same time, the sound of shuffling could be heard in the darkness.

She took a closer look and found that Elder Mo had fainted from his injuries. This moment was when someone was going to take Elder Mo away.

At this time, she had to stop these people!

Jiang Li raised the pistol and started to aim at those people. No matter who it was, they could not take elder Mo away tonight.

Just as she was about to pull the trigger, her hand was suddenly controlled by a force.

She was shocked. At this time, the mercenaries were still chasing after her? !

She turned around and saw Fu Jiuxiao sitting in the wheelchair, looking at her with a victorious look.

It was his bodyguard who stopped her.

So the person who wanted to take elder Mo away was also his?

"What a coincidence. We have the same goal."

Fu Jiuxiao said seriously.

Jiang Li also smiled, and a dangerous look appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"It's too much of a coincidence, Ninth Master. You waited for me to save Elder Mo and then came out to stop me. It's a bit beneath your status, isn't it?"

"We are all people who fight with their own abilities. Could it be that you can't afford to lose?"

Fu Jiuxiao raised his head. Even though he was sitting in a wheelchair, he was still hot-tempered. His face was cold, and his eyes were full of arrogance and paranoia.

Jiang Li was also laughing, but her body was filled with murderous intent.

"I want Elder Mo. Why don't we make a deal? Ninth Master, if you have any requests, feel free to ask."

Such arrogant words.

Fu Jiuxiao looked at her playfully. "Can I really ask for anything?"

Jiang li answered without thinking, "As long as there is something in this world, I will definitely find it for you. I think Ninth Master is a realistic person, so you wouldn't want something unrealistic, would you?"

"Not really..."

A smile flashed across Fu Jiuxiao's eyes, making him look so handsome that it was soul-stirring. "Jiang Li, I want a kiss from you."