
The Reader's Survival in Another World

One day, Victor finds himself trapped in the world of the web novel he read for years. How will he survive? In a world full of hidden dangers. His advantage? He knows the plot of the story to the end. Because he was the only reader who stuck to his guns. Read his story to see how he survives!

Junni_MC · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Tutorial Part - 1

The room was in a state of total chaos, with debris strewn in all directions. The clatter of terrified people echoed through the air as they stampeded for safety. Small pools of blood mingled with the internal remains of those who had succumbed to the monsters, painting a Dantesque picture of disorder and despair.

In the midst of that melee, Lily and I stood, wielding our swords with determination, our hearts beating at a frantic pace.

It was the first time we had faced a situation of such magnitude, and as we gripped our weapons tightly, we were aware that our lives hung in the balance. Despite the slight trembling in our hands, we gripped our swords tenaciously, determined to prevail.

In an instant, a deafening roar burst through the air, echoing with unearthly ferocity in the room. My eyes strayed to the source of the sound, and I was met with the terrifying image of a monster rising six feet into the air and running swiftly in our direction. Its jaws were wide open, and its sharp claws were pointed directly at our lives.

[Lily, act fast!] I shouted in my mind, my wavering voice revealing the survival instinct that drove me.

With no time to waste, we darted to the side, narrowly dodging the monster's attack.

The gust of wind it generated as it passed by us caressed our hair, leaving us stunned by how close we came to death.

Damn it! That was dangerously close. I didn't expect that monster to be so aggressive... I thought grimly, my hands trembling at the proximity of death.

Lily, who also managed to dodge the monster, had her eyes full of fear, and her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

The monster paused for a moment, assessing the situation before launching another attack. With our hearts in our throats, we braced ourselves, raised our swords, and prepared to face the next attack.

[Stay calm, Lily! Trust your instincts and use your skills], I mentally conveyed, seeking to instill calm in the midst of that chaos.


The monster pounced with renewed ferocity, howling with its piercing rage.

My heartbeat became violent as I once again saw the six-foot-tall beast lunge toward us with unbridled ferocity. Its gaping maw bared sharp teeth, and its menacing claws gleamed with malice.

As we witnessed the monster charging towards us with determination, our bodies trembled, paralyzed with fear.

Facing such a creature seemed crazy, but we knew that our survival depended on staying calm and acting cunningly.

The monster was advancing rapidly, its footsteps echoing on the ground with crushing force.

[Run!] I telepathically transmitted to Lily, feeling a tremor in my voice from the tension.

We moved clumsily, stumbling over our own feet as we desperately searched for an escape route.

Damn it... Damn it... Damn it... Damn it... Damn it...

My heartbeat thundered in my ears as I repeated the same word like a mantra.


Another deafening roar escaped from the monster's throat, filling the air with its power. Our bodies tensed even more and were guided by instinct. We lunged to the side to dodge its ferocious onslaught once again.

Our movements were clumsy and uncoordinated, but we managed to dodge the second attack just in time.

My God, this is a nightmare. If this situation continues like this, I don't know if we'll be able to survive these monstrous... I thought as I struggled to catch my breath.

The monster attacked us again, and this time, we had no choice but to face it.

My mind was overwhelmed with panic and doubt. However, I could not let them defeat us. With a mixture of determination and trembling, I raised my sword in an attempt to protect myself.

[Lily, I know we can make it] I transmitted telepathically, trying to inject some courage as the monster got closer and closer.

The monster unleashed a ferocious attack, and in the midst of our fear, we moved uncoordinated to avoid its lethal claws.

We stumbled and staggered, almost losing our balance, yet we managed to recover and stand firm.

[Don't give up, Lily. Let's keep fighting], I voiced telepathically, despite the tears threatening to well up in my eyes.

The monster, even more enraged by our resistance, let out a roar of fury and counterattacked.

Lily and I, desperate to survive, confronted the monster, waging an intense fight with all our might.

Our attacks were clumsy and haphazard and, at times, barely grazed the monster. However, we did not give up. It was a matter of survival: fight or be eaten by the creature.

Between agitated gasps and gasping breaths, the battle continued. The monster seemed invulnerable, but Lily and I refused to give in.

We fought with renewed determination, and an even more valiant attempt followed each failed blow.

"I can't take it anymore!" whispered Lily, her voice trembling with exhaustion.

I turned quickly at his words, but I could not allow discouragement to consume us.

[Lily, keep fighting! We can't give up now, or we'll be lost], I transmitted with determination through our telepathic connection.

Damn sea, why is this monster so relentless? In the novel, the protagonist didn't have to fight such an uphill battle as we did against this creature...

Once again, the monster lunged toward us, but this time something changed. Our movements, though still unsteady, began to synchronize.

We managed to dodge their attacks more efficiently and found small openings to counterattack.

With each desperate blow, the monster seemed to weaken.

As our actions became more precise, the monster began to show signs of fatigue.

Finally, after a series of desperate efforts, the monster fell exhausted to the ground.

Seeing the creature gasping on the ground, I quickly moved in and slit its throat.

We were on the verge of defeating this damn monster. I even thought we wouldn't survive...

The air was filled with silence, interrupted only by our agitated breaths and the hurried beating of our hearts.

Lily and I looked at each other, covered in blood, wounds, and sweat.

"We did it," Lily whispered in awe, clenching her fist tightly.

[You killed an "Orhobgo"]

[You earned 100 coins] [You earned 100 coins

[You have been the first to kill an "Orhobgo". You will receive coins and a random skill].

[You have earned an additional 200 Coins.]

[You have obtained the skill "Weapon Handling"]

Were we the first to kill a monster? That's pretty strange. I thought the protagonist had already killed one. Anyway, it's a nice surprise...

[Lily, are you okay?"] I asked telepathically as I withdrew my sword from the monster's throat.

"Yes, I'm fine. Fortunately, you won't suffer any serious injuries, and you'll also get a karma coin for defeating that monster," Lily replied in a tired voice.

I was relieved to learn that he had not suffered any serious injuries. I smiled slightly at him, expressing my relief.

Thank goodness she was not seriously injured; otherwise, she would have had to look for someone else.... Well, I shouldn't think about that now. We'd better concentrate on improving the skill I just acquired.

[You have invested 300 coins in "Weapon Handling"].

[Weapon handling Lv. 1 → Weapon handling Lv. 2]

[Current currencies: 0]


At that moment, after killing the first monster, an unleashed fury seized the others.

Their roars filled the air, piercing our ears with terrifying violence. We realized that we had unleashed savage fury by killing one of their kind.

Chaos erupted even more in the room. The people, already frightened and injured, were now in the sight of the vengeful monsters.




The aggressiveness of the attacks was chilling. Desperate screams and pleas filled the space, creating a chorus of terror.

Lily and I, exhausted and wounded from our previous confrontation, prepared for the next assault.

Damn it, why did these monsters go crazy now? Couldn't we have waited a little while until we rested and regained our strength?

[Keep your guard up, Lily] I transmitted to her telepathically. [We can't afford to let our guard down now!]

She attended, her face reflecting tension and fatigue.

We again prepared to face the onslaught of the monsters that were approaching with a thirst for revenge.

As I watched the group of monsters approaching us with their crazed stares, I felt a cold sweat on my back.

The creatures' attacks began relentlessly. We awkwardly dodged some blows, but others hit us, leaving painful marks in our fatigued flesh.

The stinging of the wounds and the feeling of weakness began to take hold of me.

Despite the pain and fear, we stuck to our guns. We understood that if we faltered and allowed exhaustion and injury to take over, all would be lost.

The sound of dull thuds, gasping breaths, and crunching bones filled the room. Each impact echoed through my body, merging with the deafening roar of the monsters.

The perception of imminent danger was tangible, but we fought with overwhelming determination.

[Don't give up yet!] I shouted telepathically to Lily, struggling to steady myself as the pain threatened to make me pass out.

Lily calmed down; her face reflected a mixture of pain and fear. We fought with a combination of clumsiness and desperation, aware that our lives were at stake.

Every blow we threw, every move we avoided, became an act of survival. The fight became a whirlwind of emotions: fear, pain, and hope intertwined in a deadly dance.

Time seemed to be running out as we continued our desperate struggle. The exhaustion became increasingly overwhelming.

As the monsters fell one after another, calm finally began to return. The roars died down, leaving a silence interrupted only by the moans of the wounded and the sound of our heaving breaths.

We fell to the ground, wounded and exhausted but alive. A mixture of relief washed over us as we looked around us, contemplating the havoc the battle had left in its wake.

And at that precise moment, after defeating the last monster, a screen appeared in the center of the room.


[Congratulations! You have completed the first stage of the tutorial!]

[Those of you who have survived have demonstrated that you are fit to survive in this world, and as a reward for defeating the monsters, you will receive 1000 Coins each].

[With Karma Coins, you can upgrade your skills or stats or buy items from the mysterious vendors you will meet later]


[As the one who contributed the most at this stage, you will receive additional Coins]

[You have earned 1000 Coins]

[You have earned an additional 1000 Coins]

[Several Constellations have begun to show interest in you]

Wow ... it looks like I managed to survive and finally caught the attention of the constellations, which is quite positive!

However, I did not expect this initial phase to be so challenging; in the novel, everything seemed much simpler. This will be much more arduous than I had initially imagined.

As I was immersed in my musings, an imposing stone door swung wide open, releasing the monsters in a sinister omen.