
The Randomland

Hello ~ Hello ~ Welcome ~ Do you feel like your life is boring? With nothing unusual going on or even some dragons appearing in the city out of nowhere? Do you think we are all is doing stuffs systemically or have to follow each rules? Have to follow our morals and found out what we can do for the world? Don't you want to go to a place that have anything your imagination never imagined? Come, Come. Come to this place and let your imagination become as wild as possible ~ Oh, and remember, Let go off your logic because it isn't necessary in this place. Welcome to Randomland and we wish you a random journey ~ ___________________ Author note : there are some curse words in this story so I warn you if you are not alright with it. And English is not my first language so maybe there grammars errors In there. Enjoy! Another story of mine: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14901475106138705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4304972744 my discord channel : https://discord.gg/EtsRSdW

RandomGuy · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Writers guild

*Huff, Huff*

Breathing heavily, I wipe the sweats in my forehead as I take in what just happened. Who would have thought a cute girl like that would have… a thing as well below…

Shivering from the thought, I raised my head and looking at sunset In the sky. It will be night soon and I yet found a place to stay in..

Sighing, I rub both of my pockets with my hands and see how empty they are, with no moneys or anything worth at all, there would be no place would take me in for the night.

Unless… I pretend to be a son or cousin in some random houses? Maybe they will take me in…


A roar suddenly sounded as from the night sky, there's a flying gigantic raccoon that have a pair of bat wings in its back. The raccoon monster floating above the place now I'm standing in and looking below. Or more correctly, looking into me.

Oh shit.


It dive down to my direction as I'm running for my life again. I feels like I'll the first person to die by running in this world..

"Bro force!!"

A shout of little girl can be heard as few seconds later, a giant man with blonde hair and body buffed with muscles, appeared out of nowhere. The giant height is big enough to reach half of the skyscrapers building.

What the hell?

"Orryaa!" said the giant as it dash to the flying monster and punch it in the face.


Knocked back from the fist impact, the raccoon monster is bouncing off to the buildings and flattened some of them. Roaring again in anger, the monster tale stance in its four legs and rushing to the giant.

Watching the battle between both of the monster, I hide behind some of alleyway that's dozens meter away. Hoping for both of those beings didn't notice me and lost me.

"You seems not one of the natives in this world, who are you?" a girl voice sounded behind me as I turned my head to the direction where the voice come from. From the poor lighting of the street lamps, I see a woman with hair of silver and wavy hairstyle. Smiling at me, she crossed her right hand in stomach height and another hand holding her cheek.

Blinking dumbly from what she asked, I silent for a moment to think what I should say and after for a while, I answered "Yes.. I wasn't from here. Are you not from here as well?"

Not expecting me to be direct, she stunned for a second and then continuing her smile, and say "Are you an author of a book too from earth? Did you already awaken your ability?"

Ohh! Earth! Finally, I'm not alone in this weird place!

Nodding quickly like a chicken eating rice, I replied "Yes, yes, I'm from earth too! Even though I'm not an author of a book, I'm definitely from earth!"

Taken aback at how excited I was, the girl tilted her head to the right and said "Well.. This is new." And then put her hand in her chin as if contemplating something. After for three seconds long, she smile to me and said "Well, even though you are not like us, you came from earth as well. We should help each other. Do you already have place to go or would you like to join us?"

Nodding quickly again, I answered immediately without even hesitate "yes, I would like to join you guys." Even though I yet know what she meant by joining, at least now I have a place to sleep! No need to sleep in park bench or something!

Clapping her hands, she said with a smile "Then it's decided." Then take my right hand and guide me out from the alleyway "Come, I take you to meet my friends."

Ohhh, she have friends? Does that meant, it's not only us that came from earth? "You have friends? Did they came from earth too? And how many are they?"

Chucking from my sudden barrage of questions, she say "Yes, I have friends and they came from earth too. And there are quiet a lot of them."

Nodding to say I understand, we walk in the street to the direction of where her friends be…. And coincidentally, it's the direction where the raccoon monster and the giant had a fight..

"Uhmm.. We shouldn't go there, there are two monster fighting in there." I said as I don't want to go near to where the battle take place.

Smiling from what I said, the girl reply "The giant is one of my friend." And right immediately after that, the giant that fighting the monster raccoon now stepping the raccoon in his leg, while raising both of his hands high to the sky and shouting "Haha! I won!"

Noticing our arrival, the giant wave his hand to us and say "Hey, yumi. I'm finished this monster alone unarmed! I'm so strong!" then the giant laugh while holding bus waist, as if the champion of the day.

"Yes, I can see that, Sol. Can you come here and meet our guest? He's someone from earth" said the woman beside me, who apparently her name is Yumi.

Raising his eyebrows in surprise, the giant walk to us and then a phenomenal scene is happening. Each steps the giant take Ianthe more he shrink. And by the time he reach us, he become a little girl that's around thirteen years old and his black hair when he's giant now is a short golden hair.

That giant.. Is a she? And a loli at that!

"He's from earth too?" asked the little girl as she scan me from head to toe while putting her hands in her waist "Do you want to join us? Boyo."

"Uhh.. Yes, I want to." I said, while feeling a little awkward.

Smirking from my confirmation, she put her index and thumb fingers to her mouth and then whistling so loud.


A minute later, a roar came from above us as red dragon is flying to our direction. The dragon diving down so fast and land right in front of us.


The ground booming from the abrupt landing as the dragon suddenly have it's whole body covered in flames. The flames revolving around the dragon body and shrinking and shrinking to the size of human height. And when the flames gone, a guy that looks in his teen and have dark bluish hair spread both of his arms wide and laugh "Here comes the Rein Dragneel-sama, Muahaha."

"And that's another one of my friends." Said Yumi as she glance at me and smiled.

Smiling too, the little girl look to me while crossing both of her hands and say "Welcome to the Writers guild, Boyo."

Well.. Looks like I'm involved with superpowers kind of guild… Awesome!