
The Randomland

Hello ~ Hello ~ Welcome ~ Do you feel like your life is boring? With nothing unusual going on or even some dragons appearing in the city out of nowhere? Do you think we are all is doing stuffs systemically or have to follow each rules? Have to follow our morals and found out what we can do for the world? Don't you want to go to a place that have anything your imagination never imagined? Come, Come. Come to this place and let your imagination become as wild as possible ~ Oh, and remember, Let go off your logic because it isn't necessary in this place. Welcome to Randomland and we wish you a random journey ~ ___________________ Author note : there are some curse words in this story so I warn you if you are not alright with it. And English is not my first language so maybe there grammars errors In there. Enjoy! Another story of mine: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14901475106138705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4304972744 my discord channel : https://discord.gg/EtsRSdW

RandomGuy · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Special chapter: Happy birthday, Yumi!

*One day, at Writers guild base*

"So… like I say... We have to give her the best party ever!" I said as my eyes full passion and have my right arm raised high, "Let's buy her gifts and cakes!"  

Tilting her head to the side, Shin say, "But what would Yumi likes? What should we give her?" 

Making a dabbing pose, Rein says, "Everyone loves dabbing! Let's show her some dabbing dance that we will make!" 

Squinting my eyes to Rein, I say, "There's no way she would like that." 


Slamming a cardboard box to the table, Norah making a weird smile to all of us and say, "If it's about gifts, I have already prepared for it! A box full of those toys! They will become handy when women are at that… mood." then Norah face blushing a little when she said the last part. 

Stretching his arms high, Tim smiled and says, "How about I teleport her to the height of three thousand meters. The thrill will make her have fun~" 

"We need to rent another place in one of Randomland towns. Celebrating here is alright and all, but a change of place, something like restaurants or something like that is good too." said Goldie as she put her hand on chin as contemplating gesture. 

"Oh! Then let's do that! How about we are going for places with ballroom in it? That would be fun!" I said as I'm beaming with smiles. 

Tilting his side to the side and yawning a bit, Tim says, "One of us should keep her busy as the rest would prepare the birthday party." 

"I will do it." Said Goldie as she smiled and winking at us, "I'm good at distracting people~" 

Making a 'Hell yeah' gesture, I say, "Good! Then me, Rein, Norah, Shin, and Tim would go to the town to search for the gifts and the place!" then I turned my head to face Tim and say, "Care to take us to the nearest town?" 

Smiling, Tim says, "Gladly~" and then he teleport us all except Goldie. 

Right above the clouds… 

Screaming loudly as my hands flailing around, I shout as loud as I can, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" 

"Hahaha~" laughing mischievously, Tim says, "It's fun this way, you know~ and I did teleport you guys to the nearest town. It's right below us~."  

Facepalming, Norah says, "This idiot... " 

Chuckling, Rein crossed his arms in his chest and say, "This is nothing to Rein-sama. For I, the Rein dragneel, is the conqueror of the sky." 

"Woaaa.." said Shin as her eyes become brighter any seconds "This is actually so cool~"

Sighing loudly, I give up in reacting too much and just let myself calmly falling free to the ground, "Tim, you go with Norah to search for the ballroom. Me and Rein will go search for the gifts. While Shin search for the cakes." 

"Tsk." Pouting a little, Tim says, "oi oi, since when you become the leader, huh? Giving us orders so carelessly." 

Taking out a lollipop from her pocket, Norah throw it to Tim head and say, "Quickly teleport me and Shin to the ground, you idiot! Jeez.."  

"Fine, fine.." putting his fingers to his forehand and waved it, Tim says, "Well, adios~" and then those three immediately gone. 

Wew… time to get some gifts in town.. 

*Fifty minutes later* 


A pie suddenly thrown right at my face as it knocked me back a few steps. 

"Don't you come back! You lewd!" said a middle-aged woman she slammed the door of the shop right in front of us. 

What.. How.. I just asked if you have something nice for girls as I see you are an accessories seller.. And then you throw a pie at my face and said I'm pervert?.... 

"Pfftt" chuckling a little, Rein crossed his arms In his chest as he held his head higher and give me a smug face, "Defeated by an old woman, how pathetic." 

This guy… 

Black lines formed in my forehead as the urge to punch this guy's face is so tempting any minute now… "Said someone who didn't even bother to ask her in the first place.." 

Parting his hair as he assumed what he thinks a prince gesture, Rein says, "For I, the Rein dragneel, is not someone who has to ask others about anything. The perfect me has no flaws!" 

Sighing at this idiot, I think 'Who ever thought that searching for gifts would be a big hurdle to face.. This is already the fourth shop and it's ended in failures because the residents of this world is too stupid for selling and buying system..' 

"Oh, there you are, Houzue." 

Suddenly, a voice called out my name behind me as I turned my head to see who had called me. Turns out it's Shez, and another two persons behind him. 

Uh oh.. That's Randy.. And another man with green hair in a ponytail behind him. 

Pointing his thumb finger to the bag on his back, Shez says, "Goldie had called me for the surprise party we would do for Yumi. Everyone already had been prepared and Yumi on the way to the place Norah got as we speak. And I already buy everyone's gifts for her. Thanks to Randy and his superpower, we can get a lot of good stuff without even having to spend a penny." 

Smiling at us, Randy says, "Let's put all of our grievances behind. It's a joyous day so of course I have to attend and congratulate the person. Oh, by the way, the man behind me would be Max. You know, the guy who saved my ass from our battle before." 

Frozen a bit, I hesitated for a moment but at the end nodded my head as I says, "Yes, let's have fun together today. And I would like to go with you guys to the place." 

Shez nodded as well and said, "Well then, shall we?" and then lead us by walking right in front of us first. 

Well.. That works better than I expected.. For the gifts problem.. Jeez.. 

*Twenty minutes later* 

We all waiting right In the dark as all the lamps in the room being off at the moment. 

"So what do you want to show me? Goldie. It's been a while already." we heard Yumi voice faintly as the door of the ballroom slowly open in seconds. 

"What's this? It's so dark here." said Yumi as she's walking to the room with Goldie in tow. Goldie smiling behind Yumi as she raised her right arm high. That's it, that's the signal! Then everyone on the lamp as we are all shouting together in syn. 

"Happy Birthday!!! Yumi!" 

This chapter had no correlation with the main story. This chapter made for my friend that have birthday today, and this chapter is for her. Happy Birthday, Yumi! X)

RandomGuycreators' thoughts