
The Randomland

Hello ~ Hello ~ Welcome ~ Do you feel like your life is boring? With nothing unusual going on or even some dragons appearing in the city out of nowhere? Do you think we are all is doing stuffs systemically or have to follow each rules? Have to follow our morals and found out what we can do for the world? Don't you want to go to a place that have anything your imagination never imagined? Come, Come. Come to this place and let your imagination become as wild as possible ~ Oh, and remember, Let go off your logic because it isn't necessary in this place. Welcome to Randomland and we wish you a random journey ~ ___________________ Author note : there are some curse words in this story so I warn you if you are not alright with it. And English is not my first language so maybe there grammars errors In there. Enjoy! Another story of mine: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14901475106138705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4304972744 my discord channel : https://discord.gg/EtsRSdW

RandomGuy · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Mysterious swordsman

*Somewhere, in one of the Randomland cities*

"Here we are." Said dumdum as she bring me down to the ground from midair. Flying from the base to this city took us twenty minutes. A great feat for a girl who have to fly for twenty minutes and bring a guy with her as well.

"Now, investigate anything that can be a clue from the God or any myths stuffs. Make a paper report of it if you want to and don't make it if you didn't want to, ciao." After giving out rough explanation, dumdum waved her hand to me and then fly away to the base.

Well… now what?

Sighing, I look the place around me. The street is pretty quiet so there's no one to scream how I can get here by flying, who's that girl that can fly too, who are they, and so on.

Waking without purpose, I follow where the street goes and maybe can meet some people's for questions.

After threading the path for ten minutes, there's sign of more people in street. Some people's wearing weird clothes like in middle aged era, some cosplaying as star wars characters, and there are one that wearing poop costume.

Well… now better stay away from that last one guy..

I walk around and see a middle aged man wearing a tuxedo is crying in the side road. He's squatting down while crying his eyes out. Screaming how he want to die and all.

Uh oh…

Going to him, I said "I don't know what happened to you, good sir. But it's too early to give up. At the end of every storms, there will always be rainbows."

Gazing into me, he size me up and say "Who are you?"

Smiling to the guy, I reach out my hand to him for a handshake and say "my name's Yan Houzue."

Slapping away my hands that's in front of him, he immediately stand up and spit me in the face with his saliva "Fuck you!" and then after that, he turned his body to the right and run away.

What the hell….

Frozen in place, my brain can't keep up with what just happened. But before I can collect myself and wipe off the spit, a shout called out to me.

"You there! My soldier!" said a woman wearing ancient Chinese empress clothes, and she's running to my direction.

Oh fuck… I have bad feelings with this one…

*Bang* *Bang**Bang*

Gunshots can be heard as the woman coming to me. Breathing heavily, the woman grabbed my arm and then hide behind me and use me as a shield.

"Stop running!" behind her, a group of men's wearing black suit and glasses is chasing her and arrived in front of us. Guns in their hand, they pointed the guns tip to both of us as their fingers is ready to pull the trigger.

"W-wait! Don't shoot! I'm just a passerby!" I said while raising both of my hands highly as possible, a sign of surrendering.

"Shoot him! Then later shoot that woman as well!" immediately after I said to not shoot, the guy in the middle of the group said otherwise, while having his eyes red in bloodlust to me, as if I just has massacred his entire family a few minutes ago. Why are you looking at me like that! I had done nothing to you !

Pushing me to the front, the woman behind me then said "Here! You guys can kill this man instead of me!" still pushing me, she urgered "Go and kill them! My soldier!" who the fuck is your soldier? I don't even know you and you bring me into your mess!


Suddenly, with a ka-ching sound, all of the men's guns is being split in half in the blink of an eyes. Behind them is a man wearing a gray colored kimono and atop his head is a kasa (bamboo hat).

Katana drawn out, the man giving us all a glance while chewing some kind of plant in his mouth. Opening his lips, his voice is aloof and calm "It's improper to ganging up on two person with fourteen people."

"Retreat! That's the madman who destroyed three of our bases!" Seeing who's splitting open their weapons in half, the men's faces suddenly go pale and run away immediately.

Blinking my eyes at the sudden help, I beamed with smiles as I walk to the man who just saved us. But before I can react enough, the man dash to our direction and kicked the woman behind me right in her face.


"Die you vile woman!" shouted the man as the woman knocked away from the impact and fainted. Black lines in his forehead, the man continue "you bitch dare to trick me to save your assess and after I had saved you, you kicked my nuts. Just like what you had done to all that mafia bosses. What grudge you have against our nuts."

Cold sweats in my forehead as I now realized that she's kind of looking at my bellow and licking her lips a little back then while pushing me… I thought she just pervert.. But she's more worse than a pervert…

Noticing my gaze, the man crossed his hands and puffed his chest, appearing proud "Do not thank me, young man as I don't need your thanks" raising his hand, he rub his fingers and said "But of course, moneys would be more useful than gratitude no?"

Uh oh… another weirdo..

"Uh… I don't have any moneys." I said while scratching the back of my head. Stunned with what I said, the man then come closer to me and start sniffing me.

Oh great…

Backing away immediately to protect my purity, I quickly turned my body and try to run away. But before I can take few steps, the man already appeared in front of me and blocking me from my escape "Wait, you misunderstood me. I just sniffing at you because you smell different."

Halting my legs, I stay in my place and say "….okay?"

Smiling to me, he say "You are not a native in this place right? You smell like someone from earth."

Blinking my eyes, I ask "You are from earth as well?"

Nodding to me, he replied "Yes, my name's Shez and i-" before he can finish his sentence, an earthquake is happening below us as it throws me off balance.

Feet rooting in the ground, Shez frowning while looking into the sky and said "Oh, it's already time for 'that' huh…" grabbing my hand before I can fall, Shez continue "careful there, friend. It's already time for those monster to invade this place, I suggest you to take shelter somewhere far away from this city." Smiling to me, he say "You see, we will have war soon and it's better for you to not get involved."

Oh great…