
The Radiant Ascendancy Chronicles

Jackson Ryder is a model student studying at Hoover Crest High School in Hoover, Alabama. With a flawless academic record and a passion for knowledge, Jackson's life seems perfect, at least on the surface. But deep down, he feels an unshakeable void that no amount of straight-A grades can fill. Despite his academic success, Jackson yearns for something more. Every time he walks past the football field, he longs to be out there, leading his team to victory as a star player. But his dream seems impossible with his thin frame, geeky demeanor, and reliance on spectacles. Everything changes one fateful evening when Jackson chances upon the Solar Heartstone, a mystical relic with the power to harness Sun Qi. As the stone bonds with him, Jackson unlocks the secrets of the Eternal Radiance Scripture, a cultivation technique that allows him to utilize Sun Qi for personal growth and strength. As he delves into the teachings of the Eternal Radiance Scripture, Jackson undergoes a remarkable transformation. His once-frail body becomes robust and athletic, and his vision improves, freeing him from his dependence on spectacles. Now armed with newfound strength and confidence, Jackson is determined to pursue his dream of becoming a football star. Balancing his academic commitments with the rigorous demands of the sport, he continues to cultivate his abilities using the Solar Heartstone, his efforts destined for greatness on the football field.

Mujunel_the_Mystic · スポーツ
19 Chs

The Light of Dawn and New Beginnings

Jackson woke up early, even before the first signs of dawn showed outside his window. He stretched, feeling the fatigue and muscle pains from yesterday's training.

Despite the discomfort, a determined smile spread across his face. He knew he had a card up his sleeve: the Solar Heartstone and his cultivation of the Eternal Radiance Scripture.

Slipping out of bed, Jackson changed into comfortable clothes and quietly left the house. The early morning air was cool and refreshing as he jogged through the familiar streets of Hoover, Alabama.

The world was still asleep, the silence broken only by his rhythmic footsteps and the occasional chirping of birds. His destination was the large rock on the outskirts of the nearby woods, the unique spot that had become his morning go-to sanctuary.

As he reached the rock, Jackson settled down on its smooth surface, cross-legged. He closed his eyes and regulated his breathing, ready to welcome the first rays of the sun. The Eternal Radiance Scripture and its Sun's Embrace Technique were phenomenal, allowing him to vividly feel and attract the sun's energy as it rose over the eastern horizon.

The moment the first rays of the sun touched his skin, Jackson welcomed them with the Sun's Embrace Technique. He felt the Solar Heartstone pulsating near his heart and aiding in guiding the Sun Qi into his body.

A slight aching and throbbing emerged within him, but he ignored it and transitioned to practicing the Solar Veins Mantra, the next component of the Eternal Radiance Scripture.

Jackson followed the already-familiar breathing exercises and visualized the Sun Qi flowing through his already opened meridians in his limbs and chest before converging towards his abdomen. There, he guided the Sun Qi with the intention of opening the meridians and linking them to his Dantian.

However, guiding the Sun Qi even through one of these mysterious abdominal channels was like pushing a boulder up a steep hill with a spoon—it was arduous and almost comically difficult.

Jackson knew he was facing his first bottleneck on his cultivation journey. But he didn't give up. He continued pushing the Sun Qi through the channel and eventually opened another one-twentieth of it as the mandated half-hour of cultivation for that day ended.

He made some quick mental calculations and realized he would fully open and link the meridian to his Dantian, breaking through to the rank-four meridian opening stage in about 18 days—just before the commencement of the regular football season on 31st August.

Smiling, he stood up from the rock, feeling the benefits of his cultivation. The muscle fatigue and pains from the previous day's football practice had significantly alleviated, leaving him refreshed and energized.

With renewed vigor, Jackson jogged back home, his mind clear and focused. After he arrived home, he showered and got ready for school. He then made his way to the kitchen to have breakfast with his mom, Evelyn, who was preparing to rush to her nursing job at Valley View Hospital.

"Morning, Mom," Jackson greeted as he settled at the small kitchen table.

"Good morning, Jackson," Evelyn replied with a warm smile. "How are you feeling today? Any aches or pains from yesterday's football practice?"

"A little sore, but nothing I can't handle," Jackson said, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

Evelyn nodded, her expression serious. "Just remember to be careful out there. Football is a tough sport... and as I already mentioned yesterday, I worry about you getting hurt."

Jackson smiled reassuringly. "I know, Mom. I'll be careful. I promise I won't let my grades slip either."

"I trust you," Evelyn said, reaching over and patting his hand. "Just make sure you keep that promise. And remember, you can always come to me if you need anything or wish to talk."

"Thanks, Mom," Jackson replied, appreciating her concern.

After breakfast, Jackson slung his bag over his shoulder, ensuring he didn't forget to tuck the signed consent form inside. With a swift goodbye to his ever-supportive mom, he dashed out the door and headed to school.

The morning was then a blur of classes and assignments, but Jackson was even more focused after promising his mom to keep his grades up. His teachers couldn't help but notice his increased focus and applauded his efforts, especially during the challenging math and science sessions.

Then, as the lunch bell chimed, he joined Liam in the cafeteria, where they delved into a lively discussion about their football training and the exciting upcoming scrimmage game.

Liam was his usual outgoing self, animatedly talking about the training they might go through over the next ten days. "Man, the coaches are going to push us hard. We must get our defense solid and our offense sharper before our preseason scrimmage game."

Jackson listened quietly, absorbing Liam's enthusiasm. The cafeteria was bustling with activity, the clatter of trays and the hum of conversations filling the air. "Do you know who we're playing?" Jackson asked, a thought crossing his mind.

Liam grinned. "Of course. I heard from my mom—we're facing the Maplewood High School Titans."

Jackson was intrigued. "What kind of team are they?"

"The Titans are no joke," Liam said, leaning in. "They're known for their strong defense and disciplined play. My mom, being the offensive coordinator, keeps tabs on all the teams. She says the Titans have a good chance of making the playoffs. They've got a solid squad and some standout players we'll need to watch out for."

Jackson nodded, the information sinking in. "Sounds like it'll be a tough game."

"Definitely," Liam agreed. "But we can take them. We only have to work hard and stay focused. Our defense must be rock solid to stop their offense, but we must also hone our offensive plays. Their defense is strong, so we need to be precise and coordinated. Timing and teamwork will be key."

Jackson appreciated Liam's insight. "What do you think we should focus on for our offense?"

"Well," Liam said, after some seconds of pondering, "we need to work on quick passes and creating openings in their defense. If we can hone strategies to confuse their linebackers and safeties with fake plays and misdirections, we'll have a better chance of breaking through. Plus, everyone needs to know their routes and execute them perfectly. One slip-up and we could lose the momentum."

Jackson listened intently, absorbing Liam's strategic thinking.

They soon finished their lunch, and as they left the bustling cafeteria, the buzz of students filled the air, adding to the day's excitement. Liam suddenly halted Jackson on their way to afternoon classes and asked eagerly, "Hey, did you manage to talk to your mom about the consent form?"

Jackson grinned, excitement evident in his voice. "Yeah, she signed it."

Liam's face lit up. "That's awesome! Congrats, man. Now you're officially part of the team."

"Thanks, Liam," Jackson said, genuinely happy.

They parted ways for their afternoon classes. Jackson was in a different cohort from Liam due to the school's scheduling system that grouped students into various sections based on their academic tracks. As he walked to his next class, Jackson felt a renewed sense of purpose. The afternoon hours that followed were grueling, but he remained focused and determined to excel.

When the final bell rang, Jackson rushed to the locker room to pick up his cleats. He headed straight to the football field, eager to pass the signed consent form to the appropriate person. He found Sarah, the team manager, and handed her the envelope.

"Good job, Jackson," Sarah said, taking the envelope. "Welcome officially to the team."

"Thanks, Sarah," Jackson replied with a smile.

He then made his way to the locker room, where he was greeted by the team captain, Ethan "Tank" Johnson. Tank was still his towering self with a solemn demeanor.

"Hey, Jackson!" Tank called out, his voice booming. "I hear you're all set with the paperwork. Time to get you your locker."

Jackson followed Tank to a row of lockers. "This one's yours," Tank said, pointing to an empty locker. "It's got your name on it now."

Jackson opened the locker, a sense of pride swelling within him. It was a small but significant milestone, marking his official entry into the team. The locker was clean and spacious enough for his gear. He then made a mental note to personalize it as he noticed a few personal touches from other players—stickers, photos, and small mementos decorating their lockers.

"Thanks, Tank," Jackson said, feeling the weight of his football aspirations settle comfortably within him.

"No problem," Tank replied with a solemn nod. "Welcome to the team, officially. Now, get changed and meet us on the field. Coach Harris and the other coaches are already waiting."

Jackson was filled with anticipation as he swiftly changed into his training gear. His earlier excitement had transformed into an unstoppable surge of energy and determination. As he laced up his cleats and secured his helmet, he took another moment to take in the details of the locker room.

Motivational posters adorned the walls, accompanied by team photos from past seasons and banners celebrating their victories. The room was alive with the buzz of teammates - some strategizing, others sharing jokes and laughter. Although he didn't approach them, Jackson felt an overwhelming sense of belonging on the team.

With spirits high, he made his way to the field, eager to continue his cornerback training with Coach Reynolds. The next ten days of intense training for the preseason scrimmage against the Maplewood High School Titans awaited. But Jackson was prepared to meet the challenge head-on, fueled by the unwavering support of his mom, coaches, and teammates.