
Ten Years And Nothing Has Changed

It's been 10 years since the accelerator explosion and nothing has changed till now. Everything and everybody has evolved. The world changed rapidly. Supernatural powers lurk here and there and we have to stop them.

Oh, perhaps I need to introduce myself. My name is David Rozario. I am 16 years old. My mother and father had died in the accelerator explosion and I was somehow alive, which made it worse. I was forcefully recruited in the legion in exchange for food, water, and some coins.

There were thousands of people in the legion. All those who survived were the ones who were recruited. The legion was headed by General Taftor, who had many captains under him. Each captain was assigned a group of two thousand people. Our lead was Captain Hunder, who was a tyrant.

Our weapon array was fully high tech from death lasers to lightning orbs to sophisticated machine guns. Today, me and my friend, Chris Clazio were assigned to polish all those weapons. I had to be extra careful while polishing those weapons because they were always contaminated with lots of enchantments.

"Pal, these enchantments never scrub off," he grumbled, "Hunder gave us this work just to irritate us to death."

"Pfffft. That's what he likes to do. He and his likes rule, tell me something I don't know," I said, "Bah! This is useless talk. We cann-."

"Huh, But what if we overthro-?" he asked suddenly.

I froze. I immediately clamped his mouth shut with my hand and hissed, "Do you want our early deaths? If somebody heard us plotting against him, it will be enough for him to grant us death."

He pushed my hand and we continued doing our work after that in silence.

By then, it was noon and we came out of the armory. We ate lunch in the dining pavilion. We had fresh bread and roasted hams. The master chef, Daniel Fernandes was the only person who I considered as father and gave me advice on most of the problems. He used to listen to our day's work and then we'd only meet him for dinner. He is the best chef there and also the most experienced because he has been here for nine and a half years.

I and Chris were telling him about our day when Hunder marched in with a sly smile and said, "General Taftor has called you urgently."

"But why?" I asked shocked.

"Oh, it's for treason against your own captain," he said smiling cruelly.

And then, I fainted.