
The Rabbit Hole

let's say you find this huge hole in the forest, are you jumping in? of course not but what if you trip into it, well follow our main character as he falls into a wonderful and scary land as a Rabbit.

xXSpiderGamingXx · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 2 New Life

I felt like I was falling for a whole day but I finally got through to the end, it was all white and then darkness, I woke up on the ground, I quickly checked if I was still a Rabbit, but unfortunately I was still a Rabbit, I thought that once I'd jump into the hole I would turn back human and be back on earth but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Still the same rabbit as before with my hat, but I'm still in a forest, I still don't know what going on.


Rabbit Menu




Name: Midin

Strength: 1

Mana: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 1

Stamina: 1






Rabbit Mage




Water Blast

Wind push

Earth wall


So this is what I am, a Rabbit Mage, I'm also weaker than a Beatle. At least I have four skills, they sound crazy. Let's try the Fireball skill.


As I said fireball, a small ball of flame was put in front of my hand and shot, but I guess it's because I'm only level one but it slumped right after, I guess that the other spells are going to do the same thing.

I wanted to see if I could run faster by using wind push on myself, but since I have low mana, and I shot a fireball, the menu said that I didn't have any mana left and that it takes 1 hour to recharge, which I feel is the slowest recharge ever.

There was a dirt path that I fell on so I walked it for about 2 hours then, when I saw a river, I got attacked by this slimy ball it hurt a lot, it kept jumping at me and hurting me, I decided to use fireball and shot it at the slimy ball, it seems that when you are aimed at something it auto locks onto the target because my fireball didn't slump but hit the slimy ball mid-jump.

It got destroyed by my fireball and dropped a gem on the floor.



You have killed your first monster

1 stat point given

Slime Slain

1 gem collected


So that was a slime, I thought slime was that stuff you squeeze and it's super satisfying, but I guess it's a monster.

I'm getting pretty thirsty I'm going to get myself some water at the river, I drank a bucket full of water and left on the path again.

After an hour of walking, I found a village, of mounds.

Specifically called Rabbit burrows, it's a place where rabbits live and have some of the best structural support ever, you can step on these mounds all day and it won't move an inch.

I walked into the town this place seemed like a fortress it had walls covering the whole place and then had buildings that were burrows and the signs seemed to signify what was in each one.

All I know is that this is probably my New Life.