
The R.E.M Chronicles: Lucid.

Issabelle Woods, or as she prefers, Issa, a struggling freshman in college, is taken at a party and awakens to see an unknown man there, George Jackson, watching over her, seemingly as her kidnapper. But is he really as bad as he seems? Is anything really as it seems? Issa is going through some abnormal stuff that a normal person would call her crazy for. That these kinds of things she is experiencing could only possibly happen in one's dreams. Right? The madness begins when she awakens at an abandoned school, unaware of how she got there. No memories of her night prior, leaving her to wonder how and why she got there. Just when things start to seem normal, at least for her, everything begins to change in her life yet again. She doesn't know how she even got to be in the position she is in or how to stop it from happening again, but she does know there's no way she'll ever forget. She couldn't possibly forget this lucid nightmare.

JrHathaway · LGBT+
46 Chs

Chapter 3: George.


Day 2.


When I woke up in the morning, I was half expecting to have been dreaming. This whole experience just felt just like a crazy dream since the beginning. But it wasn't fake, and I woke up inside my new room at the school feeling absolutely worn down from previous my day alone.

I looked at the clock next to my night stand. It read; 11:31 am. I somehow managed to sleep all eight hours last night, though most of the night I spent crying into my pillow. At some point I heard a banging against my wall from one of my neighbors telling me to be quiet, so I eventually forced myself to sleep.

I was up from my bed combing my hair when there was a bang on my door and a voice saying;

"Lunch time! Hurry up or miss out!" I could just barely identify the voice as Kris again. I heard footsteps and knew he had walked away. Believe it or not, I just was not very hungry. I walked over to the body mirror already hanging against the wall and checked myself out. I did have a scratch on my face, tracing just below my cheek bone, though it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was still wearing my old clothes, and I knew they couldn't have smelled too good after days wearing them.

I looked beside my door on the floor and was surprised to see a small grocery bag. Inside was deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush and some clothes. It was only a plain white t-shirt and skinny jeans, but it was clean, so I'd take it. I didn't know how it all got there, but it meant I could feel clean so I didn't think too hard about it.

I put the clothes on and looked, yet again, in the mirror. I had to assume they had been from Cam, and I wasn't very surprised Cam knew my exact size, they fit perfectly. That creep.

I put my hair in a bun to style the outfit, like that really mattered, then hesitantly left my room. I wasn't hungry at all but I had promised that girl Lectra that I'd sit with her today, plus I wanted to make at least a few friends here so I wasn't completely lonely. As I walked past each room, I noticed that some had decorated their doors. Next door at room 110 had a sign next to it saying; "Keep out!". How original. Wonder who my grump of a neighbor is?

I walk past Cam's office and felt sick again. Why did I have to be so close to his office? I didn't want to have to see him all the time. I hated just how used to this place I was already getting. I already knew my way around the damn place.

I got to the cafeteria easily and saw Lectra sitting down so I waved and sat next to her.

"Aren't you going to get something to eat? You need brain food." Today she had on glasses and actually looked super adorable.

"Nah, I'm not really feeling it this morning. The only reason I'm here is for you, so feel special." She waved her hand at me and ducked her head, acting like she was being bashful. Something told me she really was the opposite.

"You really should eat though. But, alright." I appreciated her, but the thought of any food right now made me gag. I looked around the room hoping to see George but didn't. Feeling like I at least needed to hydrate, I got up from my seat to grab a bottle of water from the fridge near the food. Today they were serving meatloaf, corn and baked potatoes. As good as it sounded, I couldn't bring myself to try any. 

I was getting ready to head on back to my seat when I saw him in the entrance looking at me. It was George. I'd never felt so much relief in my life. He started walking towards me so I did the same. I was smiling like an idiot and was about to reach in for a hug when he walked right past me.

What the hell? There was no way he didn't see me, I was right next to him. I turn around to see him grabbing some of the meatloaf. He grabbed some more items then goes to sit down at a table all by himself.

I was feeling incredibly stupid now. Why was he ignoring me? Just yesterday in this same area he was talking to me so lively. I couldn't believe that little time apart made him already not need me. I go and sit back down next to Lectra, I can hear her talking to me but all I can do is glare at George. I feel a poke on my shoulder and look over at Lectra;

"Girl-you like, really zoned out. Whatchu looking at-?" She tries to look over in the direction I was staring at but I stop her before she can.

"It's nothing, I was just daydreaming. What did you say?" I don't know why I felt this way for staring at him, I just didn't want her to know how dumb I was for still caring when obviously all he was doing here was caring for himself and Cam. And what's worse; I literally knew him for a day, I shouldn't be this devastated.

"I was saying-have you properly met Wires? You can just call him Wes though." I look over and see the touchy guy I was talking to yesterday.

"Oh yeah, the guy who invades personal spaces." I said this with a sarcastic smile and he smiled back. He was cute. He wasn't exactly my type though. He was what I would call 'too attractive'. It was hard to explain. He looked too much like Ken from Barbie, but with raven black hair, just like Lectras. He was still cute and buff though, so I wasn't complaining. 

"Sorry, just didn't know how else to get the new, hot girls attention." I heard Lectra spit out her juice beside me then begin gagging. Guess she does do that alot.

"Is this how you flirt Wes? Good try, but I have a feeling that won't work on Issa." Lectra says this while wiping off her face full of juice, looking slightly annoyed with him.

"No-" I pause then glance over at George and notice he's staring over at us.

"-I don't mind. You're pretty okay looking too. Kinda cocky though." I wink at him and see George get up from his seat, dump his tray and leave the room. Guess play time was over.

"Of course I am." Wes says this over exaggerating his cockiness.

"Okay get a room. I still want to keep my food down." Lectra then gets up to dump her tray just as George had, voice now monotone.

"Hey, where are you going?" I say quickly, getting up from my spot and following her. She dumps her tray and says;

"Gonna go shower. Today's my day." Shoot. So is mine. Guess now's the most perfect time as ever.

"I'll come with, it's my day too." She winks and nudges me with her elbow;

"Hey it's Wes' day too. Maybe you'll see him there. Eh? Eh?" Oh God. I really wished guys didn't have to be there with us girls. I'm not insecure about my body, but it's still the weirdest thing to get naked in front of a bunch of guys. I just ignored her and we started walking towards my ends showers.

"You shower down here on my end?" I said excitedly. I knew it was kind of a stupid question, why would she go all the way to Wing B just to shower, but I wanted a way to start conversation somehow.

"Oh yeah, easier than going way on the other end of the building. Ya know, since my room is right down here."

"What room are you? I'm 111." She stops in her tracks and looks at me shocked.

"You're kidding? Mine is 112. The coincidence is unreal!" She realizes what she just said and gets serious;

"Oh, so that was you crying all night?" I shouldn't be embarrassed, but I was. Of course I'd been crying, I was just kidnapped and being forced to work for people.

"Yep, that's me." I say this sounding sarcastically happy. She pats me on the back twice and we start walking again, now going down the stairs. I'm glad she didn't give me the unnecessary 'I'm sorry' because what does that help? I'm just like everyone else here, I didn't need special treatment.

"Here, grab a towel and sandalssandels. You can borrow my shampoo and body wash for now since you probably don't have any yet." There was another huge room, just across the showers, that Kris never bothered showing me, used for holding all of the necessitiesnessesities needed for showering. I take a towel and a pair of sandalssandels then head for the doors of the showers with Lectra.

We go in but thankfully there weren't many people in there, mainly females. Plus, it was very foggy. Most people were probably still eating, but don't get me wrong, it in no way made the experience any less awkward. Lectra wastes no time and starts stripping down, and I quickly shielded my eyes. 

"You've gotta get used to it. Besides, I look good." Lectra does a swiveling hip movement then continues getting undressed. Well she definitely wasn't very shy like I had originally thought at our first meeting. Lectra wasn't wrong either, she was gorgeous. 

She had long black hair, and if you were in the right lighting you could see natural tints of beautiful dark blue. To top it off, she had cute bangs, and a skinny, athletic figure, almost like mine. Looking at her, I finally gave in. I put my towel down and just went for it. If Lectra wasn't scared, why should I be?

I take off my shirt with some hesitation and I hear a 'whoop' realizing it was Lectra hyping me up. I laugh and take off the rest of my clothes, feeling alot better. I turn on the water and it felt unbelievably refreshing. I needed this. I pour shampoo on my head and rub. Knowing it was wrong, my eyes begin to wander. I look around and spot a familiar face across from me.

It was too late to leave now and run for cover like I wanted to do, I had shampoo in my hair and was, well, naked. It was George. Ah hell.

I quickly turn back around so only my backside was showing. It was too late because he already saw everything, and so did I. I stop staring at him and rinse my hair out, wanting to just drown in the soapy water.

"Here, my body wash. It's brown sugar scented. It exfoliates." I barely heard Lectra from all the embarrassing thoughts scattering my brain. She hands me her body wash and I slowly take it but she notices my red face in the process. She looks around and has to hold her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

"Dude, you have nothing to worry about, I'm pretty sure him and Cam have a thing going on. He probably isn't even interested like-that." She gestured to my body insinuatingly. If only she knew. Lectra then continues;

"Plus, he's a dick." I nod at her agreeingly then pour the body wash onto my hand and start washing. Why would she think George and Cam were together? Maybe that's why he was ignoring me now. I shouldn't be this upset, I barely knew him. I decide then to just not let him get to me. At least that's what I was telling myself.

I ditch that thought and continue washing and feeling good about myself. I look over my shoulder and see he had also turned towards a corner. I noticed some girls were staring at him and giggling, clearly, but unsuccessfully, trying to get his attention. I guess not everyone hated him after allafterall.

Just then Wes walked in. All the girl immediately started to give all their attention to him instead. Man, did they not have any self respect?

Wes walks over to us over in our corner while, respectfully, not glancing at us, then he was saying confidently;

"Hey ladies."

Lectra glances over but continues what she was doing immediately, then she basically shouts to everyone;

"Ooh, now the parties here!" I look around embarrassed and see George is now looking over at us again. Maybe I would entertain him a little longer.

"Hey Wes. You just gonna sit there or get undressed? Or are you shy now?" I said this louder purposely so George could hear. He did, because I could see him smirk and draw a hand through his hair and look away while shaking his head.

"Issa, I wouldn't tease me. I can get way more cocky if that's what you want." Wes was smiling a sly smile at me. I just gave him my 'prove it' look and he started taking off his clothes. This person I am right now is nothing like me. I don't know what had come over me. Anger? Confidence? Maybe both. Whatever it was, it was a rush and I liked it.

Then Lectra interrupted us both;

"Look guys, as much as I need some action, if this is about to go south tell me right now so I can skedaddlescedadle." I gave her a look like she was bonkers. That definitely was not the plan.

"Yeah, we'd totally do anything in here with all these people here." She only laughed at my smart-ass comment then added;

"You'd be surprised how many times I've witnessed exactly that here." I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not but I didn't want to find out anytime soon.

"All right, guess that's my cue to go." Wes looked disappointed at me, but waved goodbye anyway.

"Yeah I'm done too, I'll follow." Lectra grabbed her towel and ran after me into the locker room.

"Mainly cause he can get a little grabby." Good thing I noped outta there when I did then, yeesh. I give her a sorry look and she giggles lightly then quickly explains;

"That was a joke Iss." I smile at my even shorter nickname of my already shortened nickname, while also breathing a sigh of relief. I put on my towel and right as I was about to leave the showers, I glanced one last time at George, who was also getting done.

Lectra and I dry off in the other rooms and get dressed. I notice she was looking at my clothes very judgmentally.

"We can go to the lobby so we can pick you out some new clothes to wear. And shampoo." It felt weird to not have done any work yet today so I ask;

"When do I start working? I haven't done anything at all yet."

"Well, you can either start in your room or we have computer labs and a library for whatever you need to do. I know this was a school at some point, but it is really still just like being at school. Only no tests, just work." Not wanting to admit it, this place so far wasn't too horrible. I get to work on work I actually wanted to do and there are even some hot guys here, like it really was like I was back in college. I saw little issues right now.

Besides Cam and George being jerks. And being kidnapped and forced to be here. Ugh, whatever.

"I just work on electronics, so I don't get to do much, so I have plenty of free time. So does Wes-" She then pulls up her sleeve to reveal a gnarly scar along her arm;

"I got this from getting shocked while working on an outlet. Ever since then my hand isn't so steady anymore, so Wes helps me." That explains the shakiness I noticed when we first met.

"He even rooms with me. He's messy, but I love him." I grinned at her and elbowed her like she did to me earlier. She smacks me away and gags.

"Not like that you sicko. Wes is just a friend. Last resort if anything."

"Well that isn't a no?" I wink at her again, feeling good about our friendship already, when I turn the corner from the changing room and bump right into George. He was wearing only a towel and smelled amazing. He holds me upright so I don't fall from the impact. We just look at each other for a few seconds, inches away, his breathtaking eyes catching me off guard and leaving me unable to even say anything.

"Hey-watch it buddy! C'mon, ignore the teachers pet here." Lectra pulls me away from him then tugs me upstairs before I get the chance to embarrass myself more.

I hear George in the distance behind us saying;

"Thanks Lectra.", obviously sarcastically. I turn around to him staring at me. I roll my eyes at him and turn back around. I wanted to hate him, but whenever I looked into his eyes, I find myself falling for them again and again. He was so irritating.

"You okay? Hope he didn't hurt you, if he did he probably wouldn't even get in trouble since Cam is obviously in love with him. He would most likely just blame you. Definitely stay away from that one." I wondered if I should tell her about us. Me and George. It's not like there really was an us, but things still did happen between him and I that was worth telling.

"I'm just fine. Why do you think he's so bad?" I managed to finally ask, trying not to sound too obvious we had more history than she had thought, but she looked skeptical by it anyway.

"Hm. We can talk about it later. For now, let's pick out some clothes for you!" We arrive in a room full of tables and chairs and about a bazillion books and I quickly realized it was a library. Lectra and I entered then sat at a large center table with catalogs all over them. Lectra opens one and immediately shows me a loose mini skirt.

"It's cute right? You should get it." It was cute, but I wasn't sure it was for me. I make a face and she rolls her eyes back at me.

"I love how you're being picky. You'd look hot. Okay then, how about this-" Just then I hear a rumbling of a voice across the room. I can tell Lectra noticed too because she abruptly stopped talking and looked up at him. It was Cam, this time wearing a normal t-shirt with jeans, not as fancy as yesterday and right beside him like a puppy, is George, hair still wet from our shower.

"Hey girls-" Cam stops and looks directly at me;

"-how are you fitting in Ani? Making friends already?" To anyone else, it might have looked like Cam was simply being friendly to me, but I could sense the backhandedness coming from him. I look him in the eyes and say nothing. All I could think to do is look back down at the catalog and ignore him.

"We were looking for some clothes for Iss-er, Ani. I was just telling her that this skirt would look nice on her, but she disagrees." Lectra says this to Cam carefully. Cam then grabs the magazine from her and looks at the skirt closely;

"Hm. I dunno. Doesn't seem like our Ani here. Good call." I look up and glare at him and a dam of hate bursts inside me the second I make eye contact with him.

"And exactly what do you think you know about me?" George beside him quickly looks at Cam and grabs his hand, clearly in an attempt to calm him. Cam simply shakes free.

"You're feisty. Is this cause I stole your little fling here? Sorry, he prefers me." I heard Lectra make a kind of 'oh' sound, finally understanding why I was so defensive about George earlier. George stood there beside him confused, yet also like he was ready to pass out at the same time. Once again without saying anything, I looked down at my catalog and ignored them. This time it was George who says something;

"You left this in the changing rooms. Here-" I look back up to see George handing me my key card and I don't hesitate to grab it from him. As he hands it back to me, he drags his fingers across my palm. I look up into his eyes, feeling tears forming, but quickly look away, hopefully, before he noticed. I took it and said;

"Thanks." I hear a 'hmph' from Cam then he was grabbing Georges hand again. Finally they turned and left. I felt embarrassed for tearing up, so I just stayed low, looking into my magazine.

"You are incredible! You let him have it! Maybe, though, make sure I'm not there to get hit in the line of fire if he goes off on you next time?" I laugh at her. Lectra makes me feel better.

"Also-tell me everything about pretty boy-ASAP!" 

After that, me and Lectra spent the rest of the day shopping for clothes for me, and explaining to her about what happened between me and George. Every last detail-ugh.