

Damian POV

"It's samedi (Saturday) again" I thought as I opened my eyes slightly to the view of the sun rays penetrating my eyes' lens. I woke up some minutes ago but the practice I had the previous day weakened me so much that I had to rest a bit even after the sleep is over.

"What's it to be done today, shall I visit the gym, the graduating student party or shall I stay indoor all day" I thought to myself

"I should go to the party, most students will be there especially the royals and I being a prince, my appearance will be appreciated" I thought while I made my way into the bathroom to have my bath.

"What a great day it shall be" I thought while I cleanse myself.

I got out of the bathroom in order to put in one of my party robes. I had barely put on my trouser and not yet my cloth when the water mole on my right chest glowed for some seconds and started blinking after that.

"Why would dad be calling me again for the sixth time this month, I hope all is well with him", I thought.

I sat down on the rug and then perform the yoga sitting style in other to communicate with my father perfectly, I closed my eyes sharply, placed my hands on my knees, I felt the energy surging out of my body gathering the water molecule in the air while my body kept on levitating until I reached half of the room height.

Suddenly my soul left my body not forcefully or hurtfully but smoothly that I almost felt nothing while it travelled across space, time and gravity till it reach it destination, and then I transitioned into the illusional realm where I met my father who is sitting on the throne.




My father called in a calm voice which would be the calmest I've ever seen him with.




I replied feeling curious until my Dad release another voice of his

"Son I want you to know this, though I've been harsh on you about it for some months now, but now I want to plead with you. You know you are getting older every day and according to the rule of this land, every youth should get mated early, at the age of 20 maximum" my father said with a low but steady voice.

"How old are you my son" he asked

"23 father" I replied looking down in my transitioned phase.

"That's it, that's it, 23 ugh, all the royals' son who are your age mate has gotten their mate. Where's your mate? Nowhere to be found, I feel ashamed in the kingdom I rule whenever I'm in a meeting with my subjects or other Drukes all over the world, when will you show the world your spouse, when will you show the world I'm a worthy Druke in my kingdom, show me your mate son." My father shouted with an angry voice and a red eyes. He spoke with so much pain that I could feel his strong Aura even in my transitioned phase.


"I'm sorry son" father said after he realized how scared and sad I was bearing the guilt in mind.

"It's fine father, I know how you feel, I promise you I will satisfy your wants, trust me father, but give me some chance and bear patience with me" I replied with uncertainty even though I tried to convince him, but I know he won't buy that because I've told him just that several times now.

"You think I will buy that son? You've told me this several times, but I will let you go again as usual, just know that you will be summoned again" father said with a straight face and red eyes.

"Who is that girl over there" father asked

"What did you say father" I asked just to be sure I heard what he said

"Who is that girl in your room? Wow, my son is making me proud already, guess you want to surprise me, I'm proud of you son" father said happily.

Now I can sense a change in his Aura, it's a sweet one, he's happy.

"You can go son, make sure you bring the girl home, I can see she's a royal, see the mole on her chest, see for yourself son" father said in his happy tone.

I turned back to see the girl father has been talking about for less than a minute, it's not like I have any girl in my room, but I must know whom she is.

"Wow she has a great mole energy just like mine maybe even greater, but who is this girl, I must see for myself, but for me to see her, I must return to my body phase" I thought after see the UV Ray like woman image with a mole that is made up of green, blue and red color.

Immediately I opened my eyes after leaving the illusional realm and then transitioned back into my body, I set my eyes on the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever met in my life, they were so cool and innocent. I was about to focus my gaze to the face just to know who she is, but she had disappeared into thin air just as if she was being chased.

I lower myself to the ground, put on my shirt and then dived into the hallway maybe I can catch up with her, but she's nowhere to be found.

"How could she be this quick, she just left a moment ago or did she run all through the building? I pray I find her, not because I like her anyway, but because I want to know whom she is" I thought while returning to my room.

Having my room in sight, I sluggishly walk into the room and then closed the door behind me, I was about to lay on my bed to rest when I felt my door open. I looked back to see who made my door refuse to close, but there was no one to be found even after peeping through the hallway. I returned to the bed after closing the door behind me once again, but it refused to close.

"What's it again" I thought feeling frustrated, but my frustrated soul got relaxed after setting my eyes on it, it's smooth as it used to be only that this time it's just blue in color, round in shape, right at my door.

"So you've been the one preventing my door from closing, I never thought you could be here, I will hold tight to you until I find the right time to let you go" these were my thoughts as I picked up the locket pendant which is at my door step and has been preventing my door from closing, it has four diamond shaped crystal which has the red, yellow, green and blue color respectively.

I picked it up and decided to pry it open maybe I can get a clue of whom the girl is, but I couldn't open it, I tried to get her Aura from it, but I couldn't because I keep getting back to my self just as if I own the pendant and eventually gave after several attempts. I went back to the bed after placing the locket pendant in my safe which can only be opened by me.

After laying down for about five minutes, my brain picked up a task I almost forgot, I am to attend the graduating student party, gosh I almost forgot. I got up from my bed and made my way to my sister apartment to tag her along she must be done by now, she promised to follow me to the party even though she has friends but just to make it unique, even though if it's once a year.

Getting to my sister room, I noticed a change.

"I thought they were three including my sister, but now they are four, or maybe I counted them wrong but why is this one staring at me." I thought as I move closer to the girl standing close to the entrance.

"Or is she getting punished, but by whom if not my sister, but my sister doesn't bully people especially the commoners because this girl is more of a commoner, yeah she has no sign of a royal" I thought as I walk past her.

"Where is my angel" I said while smiling at my sister who was sitting on the chair in the room

"Your angel has gone to heaven" Sera replied smiling sheepishly while she spread her arms for me to hug her and I pecked her left cheek afterward.

Almost forgot though, that's my sister, her name is Sera, and she got to this Academy a year ago with her two friends Lina and Tera. Just like me, she loves mingling with the commoners unlike most royals' offspring who despise their presence.

"If Sera is your Angel, what are we ugh?" Lina replied me in a sarcastic manner while protruding her lips and looking at me from the side.

"We are the devils' bride how many times will I remind you of that?" Tera replied her while we all burst into laughter till I break the silence with my question.

"Who is this girl standing at the middle of the room, is she serving a punishment, or she ran away from her room, and she's here for your mercy?" I asked knowing fully well that I'm just pulling the girls leg.

"She's serving a punishment" my sister replied

"Ugh?" I replied just to know whether what I heard is true or it's just illusion because I'm not ready to be shocked.

"You heard me already, I'm punishing her because she ran from her room just to sleep over here without asking for anyone's permission" she replied with a straight face that it's so difficult to detect whether she's lying or not. I look towards the girls face just to get a clue, but it seems like she's more clueless than I am.

The more I stare at her face, the more I found it tempting to stare at her face, and I fell for it. Yes I did, I set my eyes on the blue eyeball of hers, and it seems like we've known each other for years.

"Have we met before?" I ask while trying to recollect where we met.

"No, we haven't seen each other before" she replied with a shaky voice after some seconds of silence to the question I asked.

"What's your name by the way" I asked not even knowing what I'm doing but just acting on instinct.

"Annalise, mostly know as Lise" she replied with shyness or maybe scariness in her eyes.

"Sera just pardon this girl okay" I told my sister, but her reply almost choked me.

"I'm not punishing her, truly she's a newbie. Today must be her first day because I saw her with the janitor. You can come in and have your seat" she concluded with a smile on her cheeks.

"So Sera when are we attending the graduating student party" I asked feeling eager to attend.

"Which party" she asked with a puppy face.

"The graduating students party of course" I replied while I took my sit on a chair in the room.

"We went already, I guess you didn't check your time" she replied while I shifted my gaze to the wall clock which shows the 12th hour, just to be sure what I saw is true, I peeped through the window just to check the position of the sun. Alas! It's true, but I haven't done any time-consuming thing today, or did I wake up late. Anyway it's over.

"Now that the party is over, can we hit the gym then" I said with a defeated voice.

"Why don't we hit the mall instead, the gym is sick from being hit almost every day" Lina replied jokingly while Sera backed her up.

"Damian let's hit the gym, I'm always with you, let the scared cats stay indoor" Tera said while pointing her hands at Lina and Sera.

"Thank you for your complement, but a scared cat is better than a fearless mouse" Lina replied mockingly.

"Hey guys don't start this again, Tera let's go, and you, what's your name again, are you staying indoor or going to the gym" I said, not knowing why I asked the newbie to tag along anyway.

"My name is Lise, I, I, wi, will love to go" she stammered.

Tera went to get her gym kit, and she asked Lise whether she has a gym kit, but she affirmed negatively which prompted Tera to go back to get her a gym kit. When she came back, the three of us went out and closed the door behind us after we bade Lina and Sera goodbye.

To be continued...

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