

Lise POV

"Wakie wakie sleepy sleepy" 

Ugh God, those are my little brothers voice waking me up for the third time in the morning. I don't know the reason why they decided to frustrate the hell out of me, they just seem to keep bothering me since last time ever since they heard my mom telling me that she will have to enrol me in a martial academy today.

Why on Harriot will mum enrol me in a martial academy instead of a business academy or a fashion academy, even though I love the martial academy, that doesn't mean I love it more than fashion and business academy. You must be thinking that why on Cancri will an eighteen years old girl be enrolled in an academy for the first time, that's true, but that's the custom of Harriot, any ward of the commoners must be up to eighteen years of age before they learn any secondary activities in life, but the ward of the nobles are free to indulge in any activity from birth.

"Lise are you done already"

That's my mom screaming my name to affirm my readiness. 

"Almost mom"

I replied knowing fully well that I've not gotten up from the bed. I yanked over the bedsheet away from my self while I crawl down from the bed, to my greatest surprise I can still set my eyes on my brothers at the entrance staring pitifully at me but who does that help anyway.

"Scram" I screamed, and they bolted out of my room leaving the door open, I had to lock the door before moving to the bathroom sluggishly. I turned on the shower after undressing to make the water fall fleet on my skin before proceeding to the bathing chapter. After bathing, I had my hair done before stepping out of the bathroom to put on the costume my mom gave me the previous night, yeah it's the martial school uniform. Gosh, I hope I can cope in the school anyway.

"Mom I'm done" I shouted while running out of the house to meet my mom who was standing beside the chariot alongside my brothers who were looking at me pitifully. "It's not like I'm going on a death sentence, but why do they have this same look ever since they heard the news of my enrollment." I thought.

"Will you keep standing there for years, won't you get your feet here?" My mom said. I never knew I wasn't moving after seeing the scene in front of me, but I had to move towards them after her statement.

My brothers placed my luggage into the carriage while my Mom and I sat in it. We bade my brothers, and they depart into the house while I thought about the future that lies ahead of me will it be blissful or sorrowful, I don't know yet, may God help me.

"Will you get down or sleep in there" My mom shouted at me. Gosh, I'm lost in my thoughts again, I didn't know when my mom gets down of the carriage. I took down my luggage and then my mom paid the charioteer his fee then he left. 

I raised my head to take a glance at my school just to see whether it's what people claimed it to be. "Wow it is and ever more than it was publicized the environment is such a water and lively place. Even though it's very ancient, the rows of flower made it look modern plus the sweet smell from the flowers." I thought.

I made my hand move towards the blueish flowers just to pluck one of its kind, but it withdrew while the branch slapped my hands off, I was I shock or can I say I'm flabbergasted for a brief seconds, I've never seen something of this nature in my life. But have I ever seen a real magic before? I've only heard of it and read it in books even though the nobles do perform it on several occasions, but mom do not let me visit one before. I hope it inside is as amazing as this.


The Top Ludes Office

"Welcome to Bells Martial Academy lady and lady, I am sure you are ready to give martial all what it takes in order to learn it and give it the best ride. In this school, we have two categories, the noble and the commoner, as we all know that this school is the best of schools in this district of ours, you should take these forms and fill your details" the Man also known as the top lude narrated just as if he's reading it from the newspaper but my mom nod while looking at me and collecting one of the sheet returning the second one.

A lude is the nobles and commoners who decided to teach new generations how to master their fighting skills, swordsmanship and sorcery (for the nobles), they are known to have a very high knowledge of the martial arts if not being the best, but they are very good.

"The sheet is for the both of ..."the man is saying, but my mom cut him off telling him she's my mother. He couldn't say anything anymore while I filled my form given to me by my mom and then handing it over to him after I was done.

"Hello janitor kindly come to my office right now" The lude said through his body phone, yeah the phone is chipped into his body which means he's using an invisible phone. The janitor came in less than a minute and then escort me to my room while my mom departed for home after greeting and biding each other.

Once the janitor escort me to my room, she left almost immediately after showing me where to place my luggage. I sat down for a while studying the entire room "this place looks too good to be a commoner Academy room" I thought.

I laid down on the mattress shown to me by the janitor feeling the atmosphere of the room. Not only that, but I studied the room to be a room of four people not excluding me, yeah all females, I hope they are friendly commoners anyway.

"What's next to be done, it's the last day of the week which means it's a study free day wow I'm going to relax glad I'm not at home but where can I go, yeah let me check out my academy." I thought.

I stood up from the mattress, I went out of the room just to visit where God knows where, don't even know where to go but let me go to the right maybe I can see someone nearby who will show me around. "May God help me" I thought.

Bells Academy Residence

After walking for minutes and out of the building I was placed, I haven't set my eyes on anyone. "But why is this place so dull, I thought it's samedi (Saturday) everyone should be at home relaxing, by the time I must have covered a mile, I should set my eyes on someone by then." I thought.

Taking a minute more walk, I heard a melodious voice coming from the room which is a stone throw to the right from the spot I am, I decided to check in the person maybe I can find my way through whoever is indoor, I took a bold step, I knocked on the door several times, but there was no response "maybe I should walk in" I thought. I grabbed the handle of the door while opening it in a slow and steady motion but to my utmost surprise what I saw surprised me, and I'm flabbergasted.

"This is amazing" I thought while still standing on the same spot marveling at the most perfect magic manipulation I've ever seen. "I've not even seen anyone perform before anyway" I thought still fixed on the spot and glaring at the pale guy in front of me floating in the midair with water which emits several colors engulfing him while his eyes are closed.

I've been standing for a minute or less not caring about anything else until the guy opened his eyes and this scared me from my head to the marrow. I ran away immediately so that he won't recognize me. "I'm sure he doesn't recognize me because I was very fast" I thought while running back to wherever every other person knows apart from me, but I believe it's the way to my room.

After running for seconds, I finally got to my room, and I was relieved. "That was fun and scary." I thought while opening the door to enter the room. On stepping my first leg into the room, what I set my eyes on shocked me again. 

"But why again, why must it be here, why must it be my room, why should they be my roommate, why are we meeting, why? Why? Why?, today was meant to be a resting day why am I facing these problems on my first day in this Academy." Those were my thoughts while staring at my nightmare in the room that's meant to be ours, it's the district 4 chief daughter, she has been a bully to me for several years in the neighborhood until she was nowhere to be found some months ago.

"Now I understand why I couldn't see her again, she's studying at this Academy but why my roommate of all people" I thought 

"Go goo good after....." I was stammering when she cut me off with her familiar and threatening voice. 

"What are you doing here" she said.

I was trying to reply her, but it's taking forever to her, and she was about to slap me when her friend pulled her back and pleaded with her to let me go.

She didn't want to give in at first, but she eventually let go after a firm grip.

"Thank you ma" I said while trying to find my bed, but it seems like everything was changed. "But wait a minute, these are two beds here, the wall display is different, I hope it's not what I'm trying to figure out." I was thinking when her harsh voice jolted me back to reality and confirming my thoughts.

"Won't you get out of this room and go to your room" she shouted. 

I ran out of the room leaving it open while met the janitor I met earlier on my way wandering about in the residence. She took me back to my room why explaining some basic things I need to know.

"As a commoner, in this Academy you have to give respect to the royals even if the royal is a newbie while you are a captain. You must never fight with the royals unless you are ready to serve penalties There are 500 wards with 200 rooms in each ward always take note of your ward and room number as all room are identical. There are no practice on the 6th and 7th day, so you are free to do anything. Do not betray yourself and most of all, stay focus." Those were the instructions given to me by the janitor while escorting me back to my room.

"But why does the law favor the royals more than the commoners" I thought while progressing towards my room. Now I can see it, my room identity is ward 20 No 5. 

"Thank you ma" I said to the janitor

"You are welcome." she replied while going her own way.

I prayed for the last time before opening the door to my room just to set my eyes on 3 lovable ladies who were chatting but diverted their attention to mine as I was opening the door. 

"Welcome beauty" one of the girls greeted

"Thank you ma" I replied while they all burst into laughter.

"I hope this is not another hell" I thought when another girl eased me from my position by telling me to come in.

I was halfway into the room when the first girl asked me to lock the door. I went back to the door to close it feeling more relaxed but what got into the room almost made me scream.

"I hope this is not another problem for me today again, I hope I'm not doomed" I thought feeling scared.

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