
Watch Out The Move

"Shamus said a tea party together?" Cedric spoke as a smirk appeared on his face, Jaylend and Mauger walked slightly behind Cedric who was walking fast. 

They followed Cedric's blazingly fast pace of walking power, when the tea party invitation letter appeared and Jaylend gave it to Cedric who was walking from his training ground to return to his room. 

As usual, whatever was in the palace always annoyed him, he had a very sour face because of this and the letter given to him directly he simply dropped it because he didn't care; it made Jaylen look at the letter with pity. Really, the palace side was worth nothing once in the eyes of Cedric, Mauger who knew it was being casual, he didn't care about it and only trusted this commander of his. 

He picked it up quickly while continuing to stand guard.

"What does he want to make? It's funny that Shamus said tea party. He wants something and won't accept the invitation letter again."