
The Queen Of Atlantis

If I knew what will happen the next day onwards, would this feelings still be there?

Lovemyselfmariya · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 8: A Question

The one next to me in my portrait.

I swear I saw them somewhere.

Who are they?


I opened my eyes gasping for air.

This throbbing headache and nausea is still there.

I feel sick to my bones.

Every bit of me hurts.

I tried to get up and stumbled upon my steps.

"..ha.. haha"

I laughed to myself with self-pity.

I somehow made my way out of the room I was in and started looking around the mansion.

The mansion is filled with carvings. The artistic details are so refined and easy to understand.

The rooftop is made of glass. I wonder if I could get on top of it?

The mansion is pretty much covered with plants.

The plants morphed into a staircase like structure for me to climb.


I slowly made my way up it and got on top of the roof.

I can see the entire city from up here.

The streets are busy and packed with people.

This place is so warm and familiar so why does it feel like I am suffocating?

I keep seeing flashbacks.

Everyone is in pain in these flashbacks.

They look so happy in front of me, so why are they weeping such sad tears?

"Just.. what happened here?"

I was lost in my thoughts trying to distinguish the differences between the scenes in front of me and the scenes that keep flashing when someone interrupted my thoughts.

???: Your Majesty shouldn't be wandering about like this.

I turned my head to the unfamiliar voice.

Amber: Greetings Your Majesty! I am the lady in waiting in charge of taking care of Your Majesty, Amber.

She bowed down a little after introducing herself.

Myra: Hello.

I nodded and gestured her to sit next to me.

She slowly lowered herself sitting a little bit behind me.

Amber: It's so lovely, isn't it Your Majesty?

Myra: Yeah. It's a pity that I am their Queen. They don't deserve someone who can't even walk without help to be their queen.

Amber: I know your majesty feels conflicted but it only makes sense. Your Majesty has no recollection about this place. It's only natural.

Myra: Amber. What was I like in my previous life?

Amber: Hmm... I wasn't Your Majesty's lady in waiting for that long. About 50 years or so.

I was a little bit shocked by that statement.

Myra: 50 years isn't that long?

Amber: As far as my memory serves, your majesty lived for about 547 years in your previous life.

Amber: But I must say, from the little time I knew Your Majesty, your majesty was a bright person. Always smiling, greeting your people and always busy trying to become stronger to protect the smiles of your people. Your Majesty were a free spirit. Disliking the idea of hierarchy.

Amber: I heard from Miss Lylin how Your Majesty didn't like being called Your highness. *chuckle* Your majesty were the same back then too. Your majesty didn't like the title at all and always told everyone to refer to you as Miss or just Arithea. But we as loyal subjects couldn't really do so, so we just stick to the title "Your Majesty".

Amber: Your Majesty is probably also thinking these are empty flattering words, I may have not known Your majesty for long, but I knew your Majesty just as much as everyone else.

Myra:  For you to know my thoughts as well, we must've been close. Come to think of it, Ioannis also knew me what I was thinking.

Amber: Your Majesty is an open minded person. Your Majesty never had any secret motive and all your majesty's thoughts are always plastered on Your Majesty's face. Out of all the Queens, your majesty was the one closest to her people, so of course we can always guess what Your Majesty is thinking.

I slightly chuckled at her statement.

Myra: Even when I barely remember who I was?

I slightly chuckled after saying that when we both stared into the distance.

We were both enjoying the scenery, smiling the entire time.

The breeze was nice. It was playing with my hair.

As I once again dove into my thoughts hearing the ambient noises from afar, a thought crossed my mind.

At first I was a bit conflicted to ask Amber about it or not, as I was about to change what I was thinking I realized couldn't help it anymore.

Myra: Amber, can I ask you something?

Amber: Yes, Your Majesty. I will try my best to answer.

I thought about it one more time and after a little bit of silence I asked what was bothering me for a while.

Myra: Who is Larseta?