
The Pursuit of Heaven

"Angels fell from heaven, and then some of those Fallen burnt their wings with hellfire to get further away from God and become devils. In theory it should be possible to reverse the process." - Salas, Teacher of Judas Prince, Adviser of the Morningstar, Patron of Conspiracy's. The Story of Judas Prince and his journey of learning the mystery behind his reincarnation., and his journey though the path of Sinner to Holy. An utter reversal of the Devil Lucifers path. With God's will he'll walk this path to its end. 1 Chapter a day +More if I feel like it / got the time.

XrvdsFiction · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 4

POV - Judas

Slowly opening my eyes and raising my hand to wipe the blurriness out of my eyes I take in my new surroundings. A pure concrete room with a white sigil of some kind carved onto all four walls and the ceiling.

Looking around I see Salas reading a book sitting on a comfortable looking chair. 

"Oh. Your awake." He says upon noticing my current state. "Well let's get started."

"Started? With what." I struggle to get the words out of my mouth, still a bit dreary.

"With undoing that seal on you of course. Looks to be done by an Ultimate-Class like myself. Demonic in nature too." He says. "Whoever created it didn't want you to hit puberty. If it wasn't for me you would be dead within the year."

"A seal. Why would someone put a seal on me? I don't know anything. Who would hold such malice towards me." 

Salas seemed to think for a moment and after a couple seconds said "I have 2 theories. Either you are the son of a woman with high status who could not just outright kill you, or you are the son of some powerful devil and are being hidden from him. Either way there's nothing you can do about it unless you find whoever did this to you."

Even if I had lived a life before this, and have a wonderful mother in this one I can't help but feel bitter about the fact that the women who gave birth to me might want me dead.

"Alright" I hear Salas say happily. "Let's begin."

In an instant I feel a pain that I have never felt before both in this life and the last that can even compare to it. There was zero thought in my mind. 

Extending down from the roof is the white sigil. It seemed to multiply itself downward towards my chest, and get smaller until it was a perfect fit for the new glowing purple one that appeared on my chest.

"Don't worry it will be over in a second." As if to prove his words both sigils broke and I felt a power like no other flow through my veins.

In the next moment everything around me exploded in a dark flash of light that is hard to describe, and I could feel new appendages on my back that I instinctively know are wings.

Flexing this power within myself I feel all the dark light that spilled out of me return. In an instant I noticed something weird.

First is the light that returned to me. It is no longer a dark colored light that seemed to hide from all that is good, but rather a piercing white that I knew instinctively can tear asunder all evils in the world.

Second, my wings. From what I remember from the show, devil wings are supposed to be battish, but mine looked far more like the wings of Fallen Angels.

Third is my body. My whole life I have had white hair and blue eyes, but right now they have changed to a light gold. My body as a whole has also changed. Muscles which were non-existent before now exist in mass, and my height has gone from 5'2 to 6'3. It's as if I went through puberty in the manner of 1 minute and reached the age of 18.

Standing up I can feel the power coursing through my body. With a swing of my fist this room will collapse, and with a wave of my wings I will reach the clouds.

Turning my head I look at Salas who's just standing there with an astonished look upon his face, and it's the first time I feel his power.

If I could use my light to destroy a building then he could destroy the city in which the building lies.

"I thought you said I was a devil." I said trying to break him out of his astonishment, but it didn't work. I do notice my voice has gone through a transformation of its own also.

Walking up to Salas who is now a little shorter than me I shake his shoulders.

"Wake up."

He does, but the emotions traveling across his face tell me he needs some time to process what is happening. 

After a few seconds Salas finally comes to his senses. "I know it has been theorized, but can a living being actually go through a state equivalent to Balance Breaker… to break the very balance of existence."

Salas gives me a once over no longer with the constant smile he has had from the moment I met him.. "This is impossible. The seal he was under was meant to suppress devils, it would have no effect on those of angelic nature."

"Angels fell from heaven, and then some of those Fallen burnt their wings with hellfire to get further away from God and become devils. In theory it should be possible to reverse the process."

Salas almost done with his ramblings rushes over to me, and before I can move he has me stuck in place with his hands on my shoulders creating cracks in the concrete beneath us.

"DO YOU GO TO CHURCH." He screams in my face with such force that it actually starts to hurt.

"Y-ya." I grunt out due to the pure suppressing power he has over me with just his hands on my shoulders.

"Then it makes sense. Or does it." He once again begins his mutterings. "Has no devil tried to repent before? If this has been done before, every being in the world would know of it."

"Perhaps there is a flaw in the Christians God system, but that can't be unless he purposefully left such an error in it." Salas looks at me with suspicion.

"No, that's impossible. That only leaves two explanations. God has a reason for this to only happen to this boy, or God is dead." Salas seems to be more scared at this thought than I was when I realized what world I'm in.

"What can possibly kill God." I ask in a shaky voice hoping to just be done with this conversation so I can go home and process everything that has happened today. 

"Nothing." He answered back at me. "That's right, nothing can kill God. That must mean the brats important to him somehow."

I decided to stay quiet. He apparently didn't want to though. He looked straight at me, and after everything that has happened today had the shameless nature to ask.

"Would you like to become my student?"