
The Puppeteer's Dilemma: I Became an Admin of a Simulated World

In "The Puppeteer's Dilemma: I Became an Admin of a Simulated World," readers are introduced to an ordinary individual whose life is abruptly cut short, only to be thrust into a world of revelations and intrigue. The protagonist, whose identity remains undisclosed, experiences a near-death encounter that triggers a series of events leading to a profound awakening. Through a series of flashbacks, we witness the protagonist's journey from a life filled with regret and unfulfilled potential to a shocking realization: their world is not what it seems. As glitches in the fabric of reality become increasingly impossible to ignore, the protagonist is compelled to share their discoveries with the world through an online blog. However, their revelations attract the attention of the enigmatic Agents of the simulation, who will stop at nothing to maintain control over the illusion. In a harrowing confrontation, the protagonist is hunted down and left for dead, only to awaken in a hospital bed, seemingly reincarnated and endowed with newfound powers. As the protagonist grapples with the trauma of their near-death experience and the memory of their assailants, they are confronted with a startling revelation: they have been appointed as an Admin of the simulated world. With access to a myriad of controls and hacks, they must navigate the complexities of their dual existence while confronting the moral implications of their newfound authority. "The Puppeteer's Dilemma: I Became an Admin of a Simulated World" is a gripping tale that delves into themes of power, morality, and the nature of reality. It challenges readers to question their own perceptions of the world and consider the consequences of wielding ultimate control in a simulated universe.

Aruhan · SF
5 Chs

Chapter 3 - "Getting the basics"

The next day, Emily swung by and dropped some serious bombshells. She said she was part of this group called the Order of Shadowed Silence. Yeah, I know, it sounds like something straight out of a cheezy movie, but Emily swore it was legit. Anyway, back to the Order.

She broke it down for me: This organisation was founded 35 years back by one of the first people who figured out about the whole simulation deal, which they call "enlightened." Their main gig? To uncover the big shot who cooked up this whole simulated world, no matter what the price is , like, they're not afraid to shake things up on a global scale! 

She also said that a few of the enlightened have the ability to connect to the simulations servers and alter the very fabric of reality, of course the amount varies from person to person, the people who have this power are called the "awakened". 

Most operations are usually some form of assassination or spying, meaning that the organisation likes to work behind the scenes, however, there have been times when a few agents and awakened have fought head on, and the damage that was caused has been immense. Most awakened prefer to use their powers to enhance their physical abilities but in theory it should be possible to do anything, even "magic" (whatever that's supposed to mean in a simulation) . 

There is a ranking system in the organisation and it's a grade based ranking, there is grade 4 (the "weakest"), grade 3, grade 2, grade 1 and special grade (JJK reference???). Emily said she was 2nd grade.

She later went on to explain the reason why she was startled when I told her about the admin thingamajig, as it turns out admins have insane control over the entire simulation, ranging from simple abilities to overpowered hacks that can alter the way everything functions inside the simulation, though,"admins" are very rare, infact so rare that most enlightened have only heard of admins through urban tales, but our dear Emily over here, she experienced the wrath of a admin first hand when she was just a child, she didn't tell me much about what happened during this encounter and i didn't pry much into it as she might have trauma from it. 

Currently it is estimated that there might be 6 Admin's, meaning I am the 7th Admin, also, something important that Emily said was that each Admin has varying control over the simulation, some are stronger than others. No one knows who the strongest Admin is, and presumably the strongest Admin is the creator of this simulation. 

After Emily is done explaining I ask her a question, "Well, how do I use these Admin powers?" 

Emily thinks for a while before answering, "I guess you should try opening the main menu" 

"And how exactly do I do that?" 

"Well, I would assume by giving the system an order, try saying something like open main menu, or try to do a gesture like snapping" 

"hmm" I say as I try to snap my fingers, suddenly a GUI pops up in front of me. 

As I focused my attention on the holographic display hovering before me, the translucent panel materialized into view, adorned with an array of glowing symbols and buttons. It felt surreal, like something out of a science fiction novel, yet here it was, right in front of me.

At the center of the interface, a large, pulsating button caught my eye—labeled "Main Menu" in bold letters. Without hesitation, I reached out and pressed it, eager to explore the possibilities that lay beyond.

Instantly, the Main Menu expanded before me, revealing a wealth of options and functions. Each symbol seemed to beckon me, promising untold power and control over the simulated world.

With a sense of anticipation, I began to navigate through the menu, my fingers dancing across the holographic display with practiced ease. The options seemed endless, each one offering a glimpse into the vast capabilities at my fingertips.

First, I explored the "System Settings," adjusting parameters and tweaking variables to my liking. It was exhilarating.

Next, I delved into the "User Interface" options, customizing the appearance and layout of the GUI to suit my preferences. It was like crafting my own personal playground, a space tailored to my every whim and desire.

But it was the "Admin Tools" that truly captivated me, offering a suite of powerful abilities and tools that I could use to shape the world around me. From spawning objects to altering terrain, enhancing physical abilities attributes and looks, as well as different usable abilities ranging from elemental to healing, and many more pages/tabs full of abilities. The possibilities seemed limitless, and I couldn't wait to put them to the test. However, before I can explore this I have to clear all my doubts.

"Emily," I began tentatively, "you mentioned that the Order of Shadowed Silence has been involved in geopolitical affairs. What exactly do you mean by that?"

Emily's expression darkened slightly, as if she were choosing her words carefully. "Well, let's just say that the Order has a knack for pulling strings behind the scenes. They've been known to influence decisions at the highest levels of government, sometimes even orchestrating the downfall of entire countries."

I couldn't help but shudder at the implications of her words. The thought of an organization with that much power was both exhilarating and terrifying. It made me wonder what other secrets lay hidden within the ranks of the enlightened.

As Emily stood before me, her hazel eyes filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, she hesitated for a moment before broaching the topic that weighed heavily on her mind.

"Katsuro," she began, her voice soft but resolute, "I know this is a lot to take in, and I understand if you're hesitant. But I need to ask you something."

I met her gaze, my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for her to continue.

"I want to offer you a chance to join our organization," Emily said, her words careful and measured. "With your abilities, you would be such a valuable asset to our cause."

Her offer hung in the air between us, heavy with expectation and possibility. The thought of joining an organization dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the simulation filled me with both excitement and dread.

But as I glanced down at my trembling hands, the memories of that fateful night flooding back with painful clarity, I knew deep down that I wasn't ready. The scars of my past still haunted me, the trauma of my near-death experience too fresh to ignore.

"I-I appreciate the offer, Emily," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "But I... I can't."

I saw the disappointment flicker in Emily's eyes, her expression falling as she processed my words. She had hoped that I would join their cause, that I would embrace the opportunity to make a difference in our fight against the simulation.

But as she looked into my eyes, she saw the shadow of fear and uncertainty that lingered there, the wounds of my past still raw and unhealed. She couldn't fault me for my decision, for she knew all too well the weight of carrying such burdens.

"I understand," Emily said, her voice gentle and reassuring. "I won't push you to do anything you're not ready for. But if you ever change your mind, if you ever decide that you want to join us... the offer will still stand."

With a heavy heart, Emily reached into her pocket and withdrew a small card, its surface glinting in the dim hospital light. She held it out to me, a silent gesture of goodwill and understanding.

"This is my contact information," she explained, her voice tinged with sadness. "If you ever need anything, if you ever want to talk... don't hesitate to reach out."

I took the card with trembling fingers, my heart heavy with a sense of loss and regret. I may have declined Emily's offer, but I knew deep down that I hadn't just turned down an opportunity—I had turned down a chance to make a difference, to find purpose in a world that had always felt so empty and meaningless.

As Emily turned to leave, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty hallway, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness wash over me. I may have chosen to walk away, but the weight of my decision would linger long after she was gone.

"I kinda wish i got truck kuned" - Katsuro's inner thoughts

Aruhancreators' thoughts