

  A Mad Man Is Back

  Irena's POV

  "I want everyone primed and ready to move in on Pete's location in the next fifteen minutes," I ordered as I walked towards my room to change into something more suiting.

  "Uhmmm, Irena?" Magnus called to me, causing me to stop.

  "Do we have a plan for when he sees us and tries to use the spell that makes them old and die?" He inquired monotonously.

  "Don't worry your pretty little head darling, I have just the thing for that," I reassured before continuing to my room to change.

  We left the villa in three different cars taking three routes to converge on Pete's location from different points to minimize his chances of escape.

  We arrived at Pete's safe house primed and ready, and we burst in immediately.

  Pete was surrounded. He knew this, but still, he tried to fight his way out of the situation.