

  Food or food?

  Irena’s POV

  We finally had a general idea of where the defiler was hiding but didn't have enough bodies to cover the area.

  I had to make a decision, we either waited for reinforcements or went in with the numbers we had.

  And with time running against us I had to rush in with the numbers I had to avoid losing the defiler’s trail.

  We encountered some problems along the way, an Armada squadron armed with obsidian stakes most likely given to them by our enemies to fan the flame of the imminent war.

  We made short work of them however despite their best efforts and their obsidian weapons, only losing one vampire to a surprise attack that no one saw coming.

  But the loss of that one was a major blow to our already thinly stretched number.

  But we pushed on, I had left words and coordinates for reinforcements to find and follow, but for the time being, we twenty were all the world had against Babatunde The Defiler and his horde of defiled.