
Chapter 43

  Late Night Caller

  Irena's POV

  "Who's this?" I asked after waiting for two seconds and getting no word from the receiving end.

  "Urm hey, it's Alexey," the caller replied.

  I didn't like that my heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard his voice.

  "You called," was all the reply I could make. My voice was a little shaky, but I did well concealing it. I got on my bed and made myself comfortable, resting my head on a pillow and placing the phone on top of my exposed ears.

  "Yeah, I called. Way to travel impromptu,"

  "I don't owe you an explanation do I?" I asked him, raising one eyebrow.

  He laughed, " so where are you?" His voice was so raspy and it made me feel hot, reminding me of nasty things.

  "Somewhere," I answered promptly. I wonder why he called, would his dumb reason be that he misses me? "Why did you call?"

  He sighed and chuckled lightly, "can I just call to check up on you?"