
Chapter 3

  What Redhead?


  For the past days, I’ve been contacting the Sodom’s City secretary requesting for their special service, but they keep bringing the fucking hoes that isn't her!

  It's even more frustrating because whenever I described her, they tell me that they have no one fitting my description. I haven’t even has sex with any of the company’s other bitches brought here. I’m wasting cash, but I don’t care. I want to experience what I had with her again. There’s something about that chick that was so intoxicating, I wanted more.

  I sighed and picked up my phone. I called Petrulli, he answered at the second ring

  “Hey man what's up?” he asked sounding muffled

  “what are you doing?”


  “when are your not eating?” I asked shaking my head and chuckling

  “free me man.”

  We laughed

  “so I'm guessing you called because of your one night stand issue” He said

  I sighed “bro I don't know, I keep calling the office at they deny knowing her.”

  “Why are you that bothered though? I thought you're into just one night stands and shit?”

  “Yeah, I know but she was good.” I ran my hands through my hair

  “Better than that Catherine girl?” he asked

  “way better, she made Catherine seem virgin. There was this craziness about her, like psycho and sexy.”

  “Not like you got her name or anything” he sniffed “but that's a good thing, you should stay away from crazy women, take it from me.”

  “I couldn't get her name. She was already gone before I woke up.”

  “I'm sorry bro, just have fun when the ladies they've been sending. They have amazing girls in that brothel, that's why I recommended it for you. Not for you to fall in love with one of them,” he stuffed his mouth again “if that's possible.” He added

  “Shut up fool, I'm not in love. I just met the chick, she's just- I want more, I don't know if I make sense.” I wanted more of her

  “I don't know shit about what you mean bro”

  “useless bastar-“

  “-why don't you go to Sodom’s City?”

  Realization hit me

  Petrulli you fucking genius!

  “Right! I should go there!” I stroked my beard

  “there's a higher chance of your meeting her there”

  “yeah, yeah. I'll go immediately.” I checked the time, it read nine forty

  “Don't go act desperate.” Petrulli mocked

  “Says the one that-“

  “-shut up”

  He hates it when I remind him of that day

  “alright bro, I'll tell you how it goes.”

  I quickly dressed up, wearing a grey t-shirt, throwing on a leather jacket and a hot. I wouldn't want to be easily recognized in public. A Simple outfit, but leave it to me to look sexy and appealing wearing it.

  I got to my garage, took the keys to a Lamborghini and drove off, with Google map showing me the way of course, because I've never been there.

  I hope I find her and if I do find out that she works there, it’ll be an issue because they have no right to deny me of the bitch I want especially after I paid that much for sex that I can get for free, only to be give me someone I don't give a fuck about.

  After driving for twenty minutes, I reached Sodom’s City. I drove through a tranquil larvae lamp lit tunnel into a burst of color and revelry, with a large neon sign that read ‘Sodom’. The place was huge and impressive. I wasn’t that impressed though, it's nothing new.

  I paid for entering ticket and walked in

  “Welcome to Sodom” the bouncers said. As soon as I walked it, music from the DJ hit my ears.I saw some business clients and some popular figures, but I could not care less and gladly, they didn't recognize me. I am here for a reason and I hope I do find who I am looking for, because this is annoying as much as it is frustrating.

  I walked straight to the bar and sat down

  “Good evening sir and welcome to Sodom,” a bartender greeted

  I smiled at her “would you like to have any drink?” she asked smirking

  “I’ll have a Winston”

  She nodded impressed

  I received my drink in a one minute. That's fast!

  “thank you”

  “You're welcome handsome.” she winked and turned to another customer. I turned on my bar stool and faced the rest of the clubhouse, and watched the strippers dance.

  I should probably ask the bartender, she might have information on the chick I’m looking for.

  I turned back to the bartender, luckily she wasn’t attending to any customer.

  “Hello,” she came towards me smiling “I need help with something.”

  “Alright,” she shrugged “I’m here to help love”


  “I'm looking for someone,” I looked around “she’s a red head and offered an exclusive service to me two days ago.”

  She shook her head “doesn't fit the description of anyone I know that works here.”

  I sighed “alright, thanks”

  I stood up and took a sofa closer to the strippers and pole dancers. I have a feeling that she works here, and the bartender was just lying. They just think that I am stupid or something. Two sexy ladies came towards me and sat on my thighs

  “Hi” one of them said, she was a cute blonde

  I placed my hands on her waist “hi ladies,” they giggled

  Another of them came forward and she started giving me a lap dances. I would as well enjoy myself while I wait I guess.

  Thirty minutes later, I need some fresh air. I asked one of them to tell me where I can get a little escape. While holding my hands, she took me to the elevator and we walked in.

  “Where are we going?” I asked cautiously

  She pressed the elevator button to floor number forty, which was the roof top and smiled “ you’ll see”

  Climbing out of the elevator, we walked into an outdoor pool area. The pool was stylishly designed with an infinity edge, and a really attractive ambiance. There was also a Jacuzzi with equal aesthetic, there were deck chairs, a cocktail bar and a food bar.


  There were a few people there but I wanted to be alone so I asked the pole dancing girl to leave me alone, she obliged.

  I ordered another glass of the Winston Martini and found a quiet area next to the glass edges of the rooftop and enjoyed the beautiful view of Las Vegas. The city was beautiful at night, with bright swirling lights and it's tall buildings. Just as I was about to take another sip of my Martini, my eyes caught a familiar red head exiting the building. I dropped my drink and quickly ran to the elevator, pressing the button for ground floor. It felt like forever before the elevator reached the ground floor I speedily walked out and luckily I caught her before she entered her BMW

  “Hi” I said walked towards get car while she got in.

  She sat down and stared at me with a bland expression. She is a very beautiful woman, whatever feeling I felt when I first met her came rushing back

  “I’ve been trying to reach you for days.” I stated stopping next to get car

  “so I heard,” so she does work here, I knew it! “what we had was a one night thing, I do not wish and intend to have that with you again. Now get off my next pretty boy” she stated firmly.

  I frowned “why?”

  “you're honestly a disgusting young man” she replied “ and I have preferences.”

  I laughed

  “you're a prostitute, no one cares about your preferences, they do not exist to the rest of the world,” what is this bitch on about? “so that's why the company has been denying your membership anytime I called for your service. In fact, I'm going to contact your boss and lay complaint.”

  She smiled, layed back and looked at me with distaste

  “This is my company, and I would not want to see you here again, else I'll feed your fuck to my dogs.”

  She drove off.

  What the fuck?!

  She owns the place? No one told anything about her being the owner of Sodom’s City.

  Walking towards my car, I called Petrulli

  “what's up?”

  “I found her man” I sighed

  “so why don't you sound, you know?”

  “Apparently, she owns the place”

  I heard him take a sharp intake of air

  “woah bro”

  “I know right?” I got into my car

  “I didn’t know bosses get to shag their customers too!” He sounded baffled “where's she?”

  “she left, I'm on my way to your place.”

  “alright” he hung up.

  I bucked my seat belt and drove off.