
Chapter 37

  Light Bob

  Irena's POV

  "Decided to join us, Queen Ursula?" Countess Shiva drawled in a monotone voice. From her expression, I could tell she was trying to hold herself back from rolling her eyes.

  "Miss me?" I was smirking, ensuring to hold her gaze and annoy her as much as I could. But then in my defense, Shiva was an annoying woman, being an elder vampire still doesn't erase the fact that she's very annoying. Shiva is a living example of time being insignificant to character change for some people's life.

  "I see you're still a snarky little child Irene," Shiva remarked dryly.

  "You have so many wrinkles for a vampire, Shiva," I said in reply as I sat on the seat reserved for me; it was the only seat available, as I had been the last royal head to arrive. Magnus sat a few feet away, in the area reserved for guests.

  Lady Shiva looked like she had something to say but decided against it.