
Chapter 36


  Speak of the little devil, "Nala!" I exclaimed picking her up and spinning her around while she laughed adorably.

  "Irena, I've missed you!" She cried out pouting, her large brown eyes twinkling in excitement.

  "I've missed you too Nala, look at you, I leave you for a year and you have gotten way taller and bigger," I observed.

  Her blonde hair had grown longer and she looked healthier and better.

  "And you still look the same, but more beautiful!" She replied

  I noticed she had a few missing teeth. Nala is the only human child that had survived the gruesome transformation from a human to a vampire. She was a six-year-old orphan who was kidnapped by a mad vampire to serve as his food source. We found out before it was too late, but hoping to kill her, the vampire whose name I have forgotten, injected her with some of his blood and fled, abandoning her.