

He could see when he was climbing that the light in the kitchen was on; it meant his sister already started cooking breakfast.

Rafael quickly took a shower, then went down as usual. Reina then looked at Rafael suspiciously, "You are early today."

"What do you mean? I usually come down at this time."

"No, you always come down at least five minutes after this and this smell." 

Reina walked closer and then began smelling. 

"Isn't this a woman's perfume? Did you use mine? But I don't have this one?"

Rafael raised his hand, then tried to smell, 'Damn my sister and her bloodhound nose, I could barely smell it, but still, even a shower doesn't really make it disappear. Just what kind of perfume do you use, Suiyin?'

"Rafael, did you meet a woman? But when? Yesterday, I didn't smell this from you."