
Popcorn Cause Conflict?

"Not this again, okay." Airine gave a stern look to her father.

Looking at the rearview mirror, he chuckled, "You really take after your mother."

At this point, Airine sighed, giving up trying to talk some sense into her father.

"So your name is Rafael? I heard you entered with a scholarship, too. How is class?"

"It's as usual, sir. Nothing different from normal school, honestly, other than the food is good and the questions are very hard."

"No one bullies you?"

At that question, Suiyin's lips curled into a smirk as she tried hard not to laugh. Rafael glared at her for a moment, making sure she wouldn't say anything. It's not that he cared about Airine's father's opinion of him.

Rafael just didn't want her father to think that the school was filled with bullies and that his daughter was in danger. Despite his relationship still not being that good with Airine, he still knew how hard she tried to enter the school.