
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter Thirty Five: The Lycans Visitor

The child had finally arrived at the home of the Lycan Royalty. This had been a place that the child was quite familiar with. They had once found many friends here, but that was far too long ago, in a world that was vastly different. The child recognized every pathway, every turn, every face that they passed. It was comforting in some small way, to see old friends.

But they had come here with one goal in mind. They had come to witness the Prince of all the Lycans, a child that would one day, devastate the world with his mate.

" I don't care whether she wants to meet today or not. I do not have the time " The King sat upon his throne as he dismissed his guards who seemed to be bringing him some rather bad news.

" She cannot and will not come here, and make demands of me" The King roared in a great rage.

His Queen sat by his side, calming him with his hand taken into hers. " I know that this upsets you, my love. But you have to keep her occupied until Lysette returns. This is what we have agreed upon" The Queen assures the King.

" I know, but this is growing more and more ridiculous by the day" The King sighed, releasing a great weight off his shoulders.

" Hello, My King" The child knelt down before the King and Queen, as a proper way to greet them.

" What is your business? " asked the King who placed his hand over his eyes before dragging down his hands, trying to wipe away all of his stress.

" I have come to pay my respects to the Prince" The child explained.

" Gabriel will not be seen today. I thank you for respects, but the Prince is being kept away from the public for the time being" The King replied.

" And I don't believe I've ever seen your face here before. Who are you? " The King sniffed the air, trying to gain the childs scent but still found it uncognizable outside of the fact that he could tell they were of Lycan Decent.

" My parents moved away from the Kingdom long ago. We live on the outskirts where my parents believed it would be safer for me. I was able to grow into quite the hunter and have managed to aquire much food over just the past few months. I can see that the Kingdom is in disrepair and I wish to offer my aid. I wish to set up a stall in the market, so that I may sell my goods. I would also like to show some of your soldiers some bountiful hunting grounds so that we all may eat plenty" The child answered.

" Who were your parents? " Questioned the King. " Because you both answered and ignored my question" he added.

" My parents...were Ivor and Aiva, of the Palefangs" This answer caught the interest of the King rather quickly.

" You mean to tell me that your father was Ivor? The closest friend of my youth..who died in the battle of the North Wall..years ago.." The King took offense to this.

" There cannot be a way that you would be his child. You do not even carry his scent. Prove to me that your words are true" The King rose to his feet, almost ready to strike the stranger down.

The child rose to their feet and reached under their clock to retrieve a small locket. It was completely silver, and was engraved with a Fang encircled by a wreath.

" This belonged to my mother. My father casted it upon the first birthday they shared as mates" The child answered.

The King walked down the three steps to approach the child and took the locket from their hand in one divisive swing. As he looked over the locket, he remembered the fond memories he shared with his friend from so long ago.

" You are their child.." The King leaned forward and pulled the child into their arms and hugged them tightly.

" You may set up your stall but you will stay with us" The King demmanded.

" If it's all the same to you, I would like to stay near the market. My parents raised me to be humble and to be self sufficient" The Child lied which caught the King off guard.

" That sounds like them " The King Laughed.

" Well You can set up in the market and since you are a family friend. You may see Gabriel to offer your respects. I cannot deny you of that " The King proceeded to lead the Child down the hall.

" This was too Easy " The child smirked.