
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter Thirty Eight: The Unassuming Queen

Aurora had been focusing on her duties around the Kingdom and had been trying her best to spend as much time with her child in the process. She found this difficult though. The balance between being someone in charge of an entire kingdom and also being a mother was quite difficult. Aurora wouldn't have it any other way however. She loved the challenge. And she also loved her daughter with all of her heart.

And though most citizens had nothing more than just simple petty problems, There were quite a few who had more concerning issues. And there matters had to be dealt with immediatly.

" I told you that I am done with your petty squabbles" Aurora sighed as Two men stood before her, one a commoner and the other a noble.

" I don't think it really matters who broke the vase. You both could easily repair it. I cannot understand why in the world, you would result in trying to burn down one anothers homes because of a vase.." Aurora had heard some strange things in her time but this case had definitely took her by surprise.

" Yeah! Well, it's not just that though is it! He was bashing me Sis " The commoner croaked.

" I was not bashing anyone! I was simply Aquiesting to her request for some mortal entanglement" The noble snorted.

" wait..what does this have to do with the vase? " Aurora questioned.

" He got my sister plump! " The commoner screamed.

" He did what to your sister? " Aurora questioned, now more confused than ever.

" This fool believes that I have impregnated his sister" The nobleman explained.

" He did! And I know he did! My sister was pure before him! Honest!" The commoner pointed at the nobleman.

" Your sister is of age. It is her choice who she lays with in whose she doesn't. And might I add, This is not a reason to burn down someone's home. Nor is a vase" Aurora was shocked by the amount of lengths people were willing to go to when scorned.

" This man stole my horse though" The nobleman accused.

" I did not, I would never steal a horse! " The commoner defended himself.

Meanwhile, light footsteps traveled to the nursery where baby Kara awaited in her crib.

" Me say Hello little Queen " Gooblin smiled down at Baby Kara and scooped her into his arms. " You come with me. Me Gooblin. Me take good care of you " And with that Gooblin dissapeared in an instant.

Just as he did however, one of the maidens returned to the nursery and noticed that Baby Kara was missing and rushed downstairs to alert Aurora.

" What do you mean she is missing? Who could have taken her? " Aurora ran upstairs to confirm what the maiden said was true. Aurora began to panic and proceeded to put the entire Kingdom on lockdown. Noone was allowed to leave whether by foot or magic. She would find her daughter, no matter what the cost was.