
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter fifteen: The Caged Bird

In a dark prison cell, a figure stands in the center. It has been an eternity since the being had last seen the outside world. The being knew that it had absolutely no chance of ever making it out of the cell and yet remained hopeful. It dared to not waste its efforts on an escape because it knew only one singular person could free it. And that, was its father. Prince of the Night- Slashers.

It had been a fierce battle between the two, fighting for their own beliefs and what they felt was the right and wrong thing to do. But this being, had been shown the truth. It too, had seen the things that Penny was about to witness and knew full well what that would do to Penny's mind. It was nessary but would send her down a path from which she would never return. This was the curse that their father had placed upon them. It was a curse that he felt was the right thing to do and yet would consistently doom them all.

And in truth, The being knew that what it's father had done was the right thing. But this also meant that doing the right thing would always result in the same outcome. Something had to happen differently. Something had to change. And finding out how to make sure that change would happen with something that no one seemed to have answers for.

But there would come a day, where this caged bird would be set free. Though it may be too late to actually change anything, The being patiently waited for that day. Because that day not only would bring freedom for them, but freedom for the Underworld.

" I will set things right. I will fix all that is broken. I don't care what it takes and I don't care how long it takes. I will ensure that the world can carry on..whether it is filled with transgressors or not" The being laughed maniacally at the thought of being able to complete their one life mission. Their mission, to correct the world itself and ensure that it would reach its best possible outcome. And to it, that meant annihilating anyone and anything that stood in its way.

" And though he would choose to not admit it, Perhaps because he can't bear the thought of it..but father knows I am right. He knows that I speak the truth and that fury and justice is the only way to cleanse this world. I will do it Father. For you. Since you could not bring yourself to do it" the being cackled.

" You may try to imprison me again, but I will make sure that you fall as well, because I deserve to be free. I deserve to taste the completion of the purpose of which was placed upon me at birth. And I already know exactly how I can do this, But you need to set me free. You need to let me go so that I can fix things. That is what you've always wanted correct?You wanted the world to be fixed! And I can do that for you, you know that I can. Let me show you the way. Let me prove myself to you so that you can see that I am right" the being continued talking to

itself, as it had been the only company it could ever have.

" The arrogance of saying what is right and wrong" The being spits onto the ground. " Pretending that you have all the answers when in truth you've never been able to follow through with those answers even if they were correct. You and Mother were just the same. Weak, unable to take responsibility. Blaming yourself is not taking responsibility. To accept what you have done and change for the better..that is the way. But you never could..and neither could Mother. But she tried at least..she tried to change but in the end, she just went down the same road as you. And that is why she was erased" The being carried an immense amount of pain within them. Pain that would never be healed, and this fueled there need for vengeance.

They had spent their life trying to fulfill one singular purpose and that purpose had been continuously denied of them by their parents. And that is what had imprisoned them within this room.

" I will be free..I will be free..and you will see father. You will see.."