
The Prophesied Outcasts: Fall of the Seven

This story is a strange one, so listen close. Titanis, a not so average, angel boy, lives day to day just like you or me. Turns out life is quite hard without a father figure, but it only gets worse. One day, on his way home, Titanis is ambushed and captured by Satan. In the deepest pits of Hell, Titanis learns that both angels and demons are not as they seem. So Join me won't you. For the thrilling tale of Titanis Angelus

OutcastKing · アクション
20 Chs

Is Anyone Else Dizzy?

Chapter XVIII

Is Anyone Else Dizzy?

I was awoken by a loud bang on the door. I walked over and opened the door to a fat, greasy goliath.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to bend over and shut your mouth!" I burst out laughing as the dude pulled out a huge knife and held it up to my throat.

"You really wanna do this?"

"Get in that room and bend over!" 

"I'm too tired for this, back off before you get hurt."

"You're in no place to make demands, now listen like a good little boy and bend over!!" I let out a sign and walked back into the room, the demon closed the door behind him.

"This is your fault." I turned the lights off and lit my hands on fire. The demon stared at me with pure fear, "I warned you! You have thirty seconds to get your greasy ass out of my room before you end up dead!" The demon charged towards me, I grabbed his arm and threw him through the door, he looked like a huge, burning boulder flying through the night sky. 

His body slammed into å club across the way, but when his body made contact it burst into ash, leaving a dark stain on the side of the club. I walked over to the doorway then got dressed. Management wasn't happy, so I gave them some gold coins and I was on my way.

I unfurled my wings and flew towards The Golden Mountains, the air was nice and crisp as I passed through the diamond powder clouds. I looked down at the ground below and to my surprise, there was no line!

I flew down to the ticket booth and rented the park out to host a free entry day. Anybody who wanted to enter the park could do so for free. I then opened a portal to the Greed throne room and fell asleep on the throne.

I woke up and was immediately met with a mass of demons standing around me, I quickly sat up and wipped the drool from my face;

"Hello?" The demons began cheering, a huge crowd ran towards me and lifted up. I was carried throught he casino and out the door. I was then dropped off at the Spew Spinner. "What's happening!?" The demons pushed me onto the ride right next to Tyritus and Buzz. "Do you guys know what's happening?"

"The people of Helll are grateful for the free day, they just want to see you have fun."I looked over at Buzz,

"Why are you here? I thought you were still resting in the sloth hospital."

"You think I'd miss this?! Anyway, I'm a demon lord, I heal quicker than normal demons." 

"Fair enough, let's have some fun!" The operator came over and made sure we were all strapped in. My stomach sank when the ride made an intense click and we started to slowly move in reverse, after one final click the ride came to an eerie stop. Then suddenly we began to violently spin around and around.

I quickly lost consciousness as the wind slapped my face. I woke up to that same wind blasting my face, I tried my best to hold in my puke till the end of the ride, I did; however, The second the ride stopped, I violently threw up on the floor.

"Are you ok?" I lifted my arm up and gave Tyritus a thumbs up, while continuing to vomit all over the floor. When I was finally done, I walked out of the ride and gave everyone a thumbs up. I then walked through the crowd and towards the food stands.

"You ok there buddy?" Asked the vendor

"Yeah, I just need some food. Can I get a horn dog?"

"Sure thing, we'll have that ready for you soon. You should probably sit down while you wait." I sat down on a nearby bench and waited for my stomach to fully calm down, Tyritus and Buzz walked up to me and sat on the bench.

"That was rough dude, you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine, just hungry. I think I puked out everything I've eaten in the last week."

"Why didn't you say so? I could've given you butloads of food. I am the queen of Gluttony after all."

"Well I already ordered a horn dog, it's being fried up right now."

"Whatever, just ask me next time. We've got a full day of vomit and fun."

"Yay?" The vendor then called me over and I ate my horn dog, the taste was much different than anything I'd ever tasted, it was crunchy and bitter. "Let's get back out there!"

"What should we ride first? The spew spinner again, Or the ebeneeser?"

"Well I've already been on the spew spinner so lets try the ebeneeser." We walked away from the concessions and towards a massive, rickety, roller coaster. I nearly vomited at the sight of it. "What did I get myself into?"

"A fate worse than Hell." claimed Tyritus in a joking tone; though I could hear some truth behind it. I looked up at the rolling, rickety mess.

"Maybe, just maybe." We stepped into the line and were immediately carried to the front and plopped down into our seats. The carts were snug; however, that's what it's like when you're eight foot seven.

The ride luched forward with a sickening shake. I closed my eyes as we began to rise, it wasn't long before our cart was on a straight, vertical climb. I opened my eyes, unaware of the height we'd reached.

I looked down and saw we'd risen so far that we could see over the clouds.

"OH SHIT!!!!!" I squeeled as we began repelling down the massive hill. It took no more than five seconds before we were met with a spine dropping ninety degree angle straight away. There was another dip, this dip led through a Christmas themed tunnel lined with chains and fire.

I could barely keep myself from passing out, I miraculously held in my vomit through the remainder of the dip, but to make things worse we were flung through a corkscrew causing nearly everybody in the cart to vomit; as we flung through the rest of the ride, looking like a fireball of puke, we stopped suddenly back at the start.

"How am I still alive!?!?!? I can barely feel my legs." I looked down just to see myself suspended above the ground by my wings. "How can you still walk after something like that?!?!"

"Been riding these things since I was little. I mean, my legs still feel a little weak."

"I can't relate, I helped build the thing, and I have plenty of legs to hold me up." Said Buzz jumping between her many legs. 

"How did you even fit those on the ride?"

"I can switch between human and spider legs."

"Why don't you use your human legs more often? I mean, it's gotta make ya tired moving all those legs."

"Dude, I'm like ten thousand years old, I've been using these legs forever. It doesn't make me tired." I shrugged and we continued walking down the rows of rides until reaching one called The Nine Rings. The ride looked like one of those rides that takes you up then drops you.

Once again, we were passed up to the frotn and dropped into our seats. The ride started slowly rising up higher and higher. When we finally reached the top, I looked over at Tyrtus, he was covering his eyes. I looked over at Buzz, who was doing the same thing. I covered my eyes and the ride dropped.

I could feel the air rushing against my face and all around me, I screamed and opened my eyes. The sheer air force blew my eyes out the back of my skull. Constantly reforming, my eyes could hardly see as we dropped down to the first ring, then we went up and dropped down much faster than before, this time we dropped into the second ring. This continued for the duration of the ride until, passing through the ninth ring.

We stopped down at the bottom and saw another dropper that took us straight up. The next place we stopped was the casino, Buz just kept betting BIG, but no matter what, she won. I started off small but gradually began to bet more and more until all the money from my satchel was lost.

That was the day my gambling addiction began. That night I was constantly at the casino shooting crap with Buzz. Tyritus had gone to bed, but me and Buz couldn't get enough of the glamour. All the rest of the night me and Buz partied like it was our last day in Hell. It didn't take long for both me and Buzz to end up wasted on the side of the street.