
The Prophecy of the Child

What would you do if you saw a dog like creature in front of you once you opened your eyes, what if it shows you a world that only you can enter, and many things waiting to be discovered? Join our Zhi Lao with her guardian Xi Lie on her way of being the most respected and feared person in the whole world while also avoiding the so called 'prophecy'.

jhan08 · ファンタジー
14 Chs


A beautiful young girl can be seen walking around the village with an adorable mixture of both dog and wolf following besides her.

"Wow, look at her she's so pretty."

"She's so beautiful, more beautiful than that Xue Xing."

"Look at her robes. I bet that she came from a rich and powerful family."

"Now that you said about it, her robes looked like it cost a fortune, even if us villagers needed to work our whole life we may not even buy a single strip of what she's wearing."

Different comments arose when Zhi Lao entered the village. Some were jealous while others were because of how beautiful she is for her age.

"Hmph, she's not that beautiful. She can't even hold a candle for our young miss." a hateful voice loudly said.

Xue Xing jealousy looked at the beautiful girl who was walking around not minding all the comments the people around her.

|Hmph, who does she think she is, to walk around like she own this place when my father does.| Xue Xing hatefully thought.

While Zhi Lao was finding the way towards the village market to buy some food for her to eat since she don't want to show anyone about her space ring, Xi Lie warned her about showing her space ring to anyone because it can bring her trouble.

She also noticed everyone staring and commenting about her lookes but she didn't give it a thought since she was used on being stared at her world.

She soon found the village market and looked around to find what she wanted to eat. She bought some wild fruits that the villagers picked from the forest nearby, and some edible things that can be eaten.

After buying some foods, she soon wondered around and found a place so she can eat the foods she bought.

When Zhi Lao left the market, voices can be heard discussing about her.

"Did you heard that the beautiful girl bought some fruits and payed with Spiritual Coins!"

"Really? So that means she's a cultivator!"

"No wonder she can afford those robes."

"She's beautiful and also a cultivator."

They continued to praise Zhi Lao hoping for her to be pleased so that she can continue buying from their village. Unfortunately she's not there even if she's there she won't be buying since she will be in another place the next day.