
The Prophecy of the Child

What would you do if you saw a dog like creature in front of you once you opened your eyes, what if it shows you a world that only you can enter, and many things waiting to be discovered? Join our Zhi Lao with her guardian Xi Lie on her way of being the most respected and feared person in the whole world while also avoiding the so called 'prophecy'.

jhan08 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The Beginning

In the old times there was a prophecy, a prophecy that can cause the whole world to shake.

It is said in the prophecy that there will be a child who has a mole on its left side of the neck that can bring great fortune to its family and its kingdom, but there is something that is important the prophecy told which is that child can bring misfortune to the people who doesn't respect the child.

So when the prophecy was announced the king ordered to search for a child who has a mole on its left side of the neck. Then, the search for the child who is described in the prophecy begin.

When the king ordered for the people who he send out to search to come back with the child they had found who has a mole on its left side of the neck. The people who he sent out brought only 10+ children with them, but almost all of the children they had brought have two to three moles on its neck.

But since the prophecy didn't tell them how many moles on the neck is supposed to be they just hoped that the child in the prophecy is one of the children. Since then the king had ordered that children who have a mole on his/her left side of the neck can live on the palace and be with the princes and the princesses.

There was a time when someone riped the part where it says in the prophecy that 'whoever disrespect the child can suffer from misfortune'. The king got furious about the news, he then ordered his men to catch the person who had done it and punish him severely.

Time passed by, the people in the kingdom slowly forgot about the incident and they continued on searching for the chosen one.