
The Prophecy of the Child

What would you do if you saw a dog like creature in front of you once you opened your eyes, what if it shows you a world that only you can enter, and many things waiting to be discovered? Join our Zhi Lao with her guardian Xi Lie on her way of being the most respected and feared person in the whole world while also avoiding the so called 'prophecy'.

jhan08 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Hidden World

Once Zhi Lao saw the scenery, she was amazed. She felt her jaw dropped to the ground. "Where are we, Xi Lie?" Zhi Lao asked.

"We are at a world hidden away from the people who are with evil intentions and not the chosen one. The chosen one can only open this world which she already owns and only she can enter ." Xi Lie answered Zhi Lao.

While Xi Lie was answering her question, Zhi Lao was looking around, she was awed not just because of the beauty of the place and its vegetation but also because she realized she is the "chosen one".

Zhi Lao looked at Xi Lie's eyes with her eyes saying |I'm the chosen one?|

Xi Lie chuckled because of the look she gaved him. "Yes, you are the chosen one little brat"

"Hey don't call me that!!" Zhi Lao angrily shouted at him.

"Call you what?" Xi Lie asked.

"Brat. Don't call me a brat!" Answered by the angry litte girl who is still on top if him.

Xi Lie just chuckled at her angry face. "By the way, can you get off me now?" He asked her.

Realizing that she is still on top of this big dog like creature who can talk, Zhi Lao quickly got down. And when she felt the grass with her barefoot, Zhi Lao was roaming around, looking at the beautiful flowers that looked like it came out of a painting with the butterfly's that filled the field with their unique colors.

When she was tired and also hungry she came back to where she left Xi Lie, she saw him lying on his stomach looking like he is sleeping she then joined him, lying on her back with the soft feeling of the grass that doesn't fell itchy to the skin she looked at the sky and saw the clouds that are chasing each other, the birds that are flying above, and the melody of their songs from the the forest near them that makes one feels relaxed. Before she knew it she had already gone to her dreamland.