
The Prophecy of the Alpha

Amber had finally escaped an abusive relationship and was free, but she was about to discover things about both the world and herself that would change her life forever. On top of that she would be torn between 2 sides of herself and the men that brought each side out. Her decision would effect not just her but, thanks to an ancient prophecy, her choice would effect the fate of 2 entire packs. What should she do? Who should she become? And who was truly meant for?

Jordan_Barrera · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 5 - LIAM

Liam paced back and forth. His anger was bubbling up unlike anything he had ever felt before.

"Please explain to me how this happened?!? She was never suppose to get hurt! You two were suppose to make sure of that."

"I'm sorry Liam. We did everything we could to get there, but the Sherriff's are looking for someone and they were stopping all the cars. Traffic was a nightmare. We're sorry." Tucker said with real regret in his voice.

"Have all her wounds been tended to?" Liam managed to get out between clenched teach.

"Yes, Anabeth made sure of it."

"Good! Now both of you just go."

Alex left the room quickly but Tucker, Liams beta, stayed behind.

"Liam, she is going to be ok. She will wake up soon."

Liam looked at the beautiful woman lying in the bed in front of him and his anger melted away. She looked so peaceful. Her beautiful blonde hair lined her face and her features were soft and delicate. She was incredible. He had known when he had smelled her in the woods that she was his. He had gone to find Darren to warn him of what had been going on and to discuss with him what they should do to maintain the peace, but instead he had found her. She had been in the woods hiking alone and was clearly lost. He had followed her sweet smell until he had found her standing alone in a clearing. She had looked so terrified and before he could do anything he had heard someone coming. Anabeth, a woman who had married into the pack, had told them of her friends arrival and shown them old high school photos of them together but he had never in a million years dreamed that Amber would be his mate.

As soon as he had realized that fact, he had come straight home to get things set up. He knew he had to stop her before she got into town and the Everglades pack had a chance to smell her. With all the recent events that had happened a new unmated wolf in town would have only added to the tension. The plan however, had gone horribly wrong. He had never intended for her to crash or get hurt in anyway. Tucker and Alex were suppose to stop her and send her on a "detour" due "roadwork" but they had been too late and had missed her so Liam had been forced to act. He had walked into the road a ways in front of her with the thought that she would stop but he never had thought she would slam on the breaks and spin out.

Tucker cleared his throat. "She will be ok Liam. This is not your fault."

"Look at her Tucker. She's absolutely perfect. Who would have thought I would find my mate and now of all times."

"You deserve it Liam. You have done so much for this pack and we have long awaited our Luna. The pack will be over joyed she is finally here." And with that Tucker left the room.

Another hour passed and Amber started to stir. Liam went to sit by her side.

She opened her eyes, blinked a few times and sat up shocked. It's a good thing Liam was quick or she would of slammed her head right into his.

"Who are you and Where am I?!" The alarm and determination in her face made him smile.

"Hi Amber, my name is Liam. I am a friend of Anabeth's. You are in my home. You gave us all quite a scare. What do you remember?"

At the mention of Anabeth's name Amber relaxed slightly although not completely.

"Well I was driving and I had just called to let Anabeth know I was 20 minutes away when... when... well there was an animal in the road and I slammed on my breaks so I wouldn't hit it. I remember spinning out and then nothing. I assume I must have crashed."

Liam smirked at how she had casually left out the fact that the animal had been a very oversized black wolf but he would let her have that for now.

"Yes that's exactly what happened. When you didn't show, we came looking for you and found you in your car which had hit a tree. You were ok but had some scrapes and a minor concussion."

"Wait, did you take me to a hospital?"

"No, I'm a paramedic and I checked you out at the scene and verified that you were ok."

Amber blinked a few times and looked around. The room she was in was stunning. It was large with high ceilings and big bay windows. The walls were a soft yellow and the ceilings were painted with flowers and vines. The oversized four poster bed she was in had ornate carvings and everything in the room felt like luxury. Even the blankets felt overly soft. Her eyes found their way back to Liam and she had to blink a few times. He had a strong jaw line and warm brown tanned skin. His eyes were a piercing green and he had dirty blonde hair with a short buzz cut. His lips were full and pink and the smile they held took her breathe away. He was extremely muscular with the kind of built arms you only ever saw in movies. He wore a tight fitting white T-shirt and blue jeans.

"Would you like me to stand up so you can get a full look?"

Amber felt the blush go through her whole body. She hadn't been meaning to be so obvious.

"Sorry, but also give me some credit. I get in an accident and I wake up here in what feels like a kings room with you, a strange man sitting at my side. What am I suppose to do? And for the record I wasn't checking you out. I was just taking a good long look so I would know what to tell the police sketch artist if you turn out to be a liar."

"Whatever you want to tell yourself love. But let's just clear up the me being a liar part." He looked down at his phone, sent a quick text and 2 minutes later Anabeth burst through the door.

"Amber, you're awake?! You're ok!! I was so worried. I'm so glad you are ok."

Liam was almost knocked off the bed as Anabeth jumped onto it to hug her best friend.

"I'll leave the two of you alone to catch up"

Liam said and he walked out.

Tucker and Alex were waiting for him. The three of them had important things to talk about.

"Liam, someone said they saw Darren in town today. They said he looked super upset about something." Alex said.

"When is the last time he was back? It has been years hasn't it? Why is he back now? What's going on? I know you never made it to talk to him so I wonder why he is back." Tucker said.

"I don't know but I intend to find out. I wonder if Jason called him and told him what's been happening here? If something has him both back in town and worried we need to make sure it's nothing that's going to effect us."

"Agreed" they both said.

"Tucker call Jason and tell him we want to schedule a meeting. Tell him we know Darren is back in town and we want to make sure we are all still on the same page"

"Will do. In the mean time, what are you going to do about Amber?"

"Well I imagine I better start figuring out how I am going to tell her she's my mate."

Tucker laughed "Well considering per Anabeth she doesn't even know she's part wolf, good luck with that man."

"Yea maybe try dinner first before the whole I'm your mate and we're destined to be together conversation." Alex added with a smirk.

"Thank you both, you're so helpful, really what would I do without you guys."

They all laughed and headed out to get started on their plans.