
The Promise of Freedom: An Outsider in a Divided World

Times of war are approaching, a man has lost everything he loves, his soul has been corrupted and for him there is only the scent of blood and revenge.

yiordano_aquino · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Welcome to Hell's Paradise

The money I had obtained thanks to the charity of that lady, dressed in a blue skirt, a red hair covered with flowers, those flowers emanated a scent that intoxicated me.

Remembering that, I regret not having asked for her name, maybe the only thing I have left of that beautiful encounter, is only her dazzling memory, and her angelic voice, before leaving, I remember those coins that I still have from my previous life, maybe I can play just once and recover what I had lost.

When I try to take those coins out of my pocket, they fall to the floor, I can see that the face of the owner of that casino changes, his expression denotes that my coins may have some value.

The owner with great haste, picks up each one of my coins and tells me that he can buy them from me because they have a great value, but this transaction must be done in a private place, since these coins have a historical value so their valuation is incalculable, suddenly a door opens and tells me that I must follow him, so that our business is completed.

Suddenly I feel a blow to the side of my head and I think I lose consciousness, I see blurred due to the daze of the blow, gradually I begin to regain consciousness, I do not know the place where I am, my hands and feet are tied and I can not move what happens I wonder when suddenly I hear some voices, I begin to scream desperately for help and begging to let me go.

I don't know how long I have been in this place, although it doesn't really matter, I have nothing valuable to give, beyond my life I have a couple of coins that that beautiful lady gave me, suddenly I see a golden hair was a man of no more than 1.90 mts, dressed as a medieval knight.

He orders another of his vassals to release me, before releasing me one of these strange characters recommend that they should kill me, to prevent me from taking revenge, when I hear the suggestion that gentleman with golden hair, mentions that it is not worth it, I'm just a poor devil, then that guy mentions that I should not return for these places, I nod with my eyes and thank the opportunity that just gave me.

After leaving through a dirty and abandoned alley, I lose consciousness again, while I still have some consciousness I can see in the distance that lady who gave me her help, I think I'm delirious because of the wounds in my head, the only thing I regret was having let myself be carried away by my demons, and not taking advantage of this new opportunity.

Some hours passed in which I had strange dreams, one of them consisted in that I was in a labyrinth so deep that I could barely see my hands, when I heard a weak and tired voice, that guided me towards an old room, full of letters and prayers that I did not understand, a beautiful girl that was barely dressed in a black tunic with gold borders, she asked me for help, listening to her voice calmed me down, while I slowly approached that lady, I regained consciousness.

Suddenly I see that angel who guided me and who will help me in this new adventure that I call parallel life, I can see that her face reflects sadness and anguish, with the little strength I still have, I ask her where I am, her face is filled with joy and concern, she mentions that I should not worry and that I should rest because I am in a very bad state.

I fall asleep while my brain tries to assimilate things, I wake up in the middle of the night, I have no idea what time it is, it is one of the many things I have not learned in this world, I can see that the lady is still holding my hand, I can not understand how someone like her, I can watch over the sleep of a complete stranger like me.

The morning enters through the small window of this strange room, that girl asks me if I feel well and if I have not yet become a ghost, between laughter I mention that I have never felt so good in my life, I ask her why she worries about me because before my ideals I am just an unknown stranger with no fixed direction, She takes my hands and says that she would take care of the needy even if it depended on her life, since her faith professes that they should give shelter to the sick and food to the hungry, I am grateful for her attentions even though I do not share her ideals.

I mention to her that I should leave, so as not to disturb her destiny, she replies and tells me that I can stay a couple of days, but I have to talk to someone very important, suddenly I hear the voice of a man who asks if I have regained consciousness, When he sees me, that elderly man smiles and is glad that I am awake, that man with his hair full of stories in the form of white hair and a smile that denotes that he has had a life full of joys, he asks if I am hungry but before that he introduces himself as Steve, he tells me that he is 75 years old and that he has been a farmer all his life. After reprimanding the lady, he tells me that she is his granddaughter Juliet and that she has been a guard in the border town "Voidless". He mentions that Juliet left that job some time ago and has dedicated herself body and soul to agriculture but has not yet had the success required to continue to exist, Steve cordially invites me to have breakfast, Juliet mentions that she has not yet prepared anything for breakfast and to wait a moment, she leaves that room and I see that the wounds on my head have healed completely, although I still have some bruises on my battered body. I take courage for a moment and mention to Steve why he and his granddaughter have been so attentive to a complete stranger, he laughs and thanks me for being so cordial, but I don't need to think so much about that suspense, he just tells me that I seemed a very good person to his granddaughter and that she wouldn't let me rot in that old and dirty town. After breakfast I thank them for their kindness and tell them that I want to leave so as not to be a burden to them, Steve reproaches me and tells me that I should stay and live with them because outside this place it is too dangerous for an outsider like me, he suggests that if I want to find a way to repay all those good deeds. I stay to work on the farm, there are never too many hands willing to help rebuild the farm that I left abandoned many years ago, after losing both legs during a conflict with the demonic empire that happened over 100 years ago, listening in disbelief, I ask him how he has been able to live so many years.