
The Promise of Freedom: An Outsider in a Divided World

Times of war are approaching, a man has lost everything he loves, his soul has been corrupted and for him there is only the scent of blood and revenge.

yiordano_aquino · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Those days

After Steve finished telling his story I begin to understand how this world is governed and the segregation that the underworlds, also known as semi-humans or infernals, have suffered.

There is something that worries me I mention to Steve, I tell him that my position is in favor of the resurgence of the infernals, even when I find myself in another world I still consider myself a human although I can say that with pride after listening to his story.

Steve mentions that I shouldn't feel guilty for something that I didn't perpetrate, besides it happened so long ago that his wounds have healed and thanks to the duke's daughter he regained the will to live and also thankful for living that hell because now he has something more beautiful while he points to Juliet.

After this Steve asks Max what he wants to do now that his wounds have healed, he is a free man and they do not want him to feel some kind of obligation for each of the attentions given in this short time.

I can see a bit of nervousness in Juliet's face, she tries to listen carefully to my answer while she holds a plate with cookies, they really give off an exquisite aroma, it has been a long time since I have eaten cookies, I remember that in my old life my dear and beloved grandmother used to cook while I wander in the memories, Juliet speaks to me and asks me to give her an answer.

I mention to them that I wish to stay for a long time, although I have never worked as a farmer but I will strive to become the best farmer. Juliet screams with fervor as she drops the cookies, embarrassed and somewhat furious she blames me for this event we all start laughing as she tries to hide her blushing face.

A few months passed in which I improved my skills as a farmer although at the beginning I was a disaster since I didn't know the plants and I didn't know how the seasons worked, these were similar to the world where I came from but they were mixed and you couldn't calculate the probabilities of rain.

But Juliet never abandoned me, in my darkest days she was always there, the purity of her soul and the beauty of her gaze captivated me day by day, I could not avoid that my heart accelerated when I heard her speak. My trips with her were the best of my life, once a month we traveled to the village to stock up on food that we did not produce on the farm.

As time went by she began to tell me what had happened to her life and she told me that for a time she worked as the Viceroy's bodyguard, finances were not ideal, a plague devastated the fields and debts increased from one day to the next, she had no choice but to safeguard the life of this repugnant being.

She tells me that she suffered mistreatment and sexual advances from this depraved being, my heart burns with anger, I can't stand the idea that this damned being would try to take advantage of her kindness, besides I can intuit that he has some kind of responsibility for that strange plague that hit the farm.

She calms my anger and tells me that she has never seen that despicable man again and that thanks to my effort the farm has managed to heal its debts and even if everything fell into disgrace she would still trust me, since she has given her life in my hands, when she realizes what she has just said she blushes and runs away probably blushing. As I run after her, many ideas invade my brain, this really moved something in me.

I'm really nervous, I don't know what's going on, I'm confused, my head is spinning, the only thing that matters to me now is to reach her hand and not separate from her and see her face every morning for the rest of my life I'm really in love This warm feeling that surrounds my heart is nice. I remember that in my previous life I never had the chance to love, I just worked for years without a goal. I wasted my life without knowing what love was.

I manage to reach her on the outskirts of that town by the lake where I woke up, the sky is covered with stars, I could not wish for a better scenario than this, I subtly take her by the hand and ask her why she runs away, she only tries to run away from me, I take courage to hold her hand firmly and declare what I feel, I caress her cheeks and slowly approach and kiss her passionately at first she resisted but as the seconds passed she lost resistance and began to respond to my caresses.

I bring her close to my chest and tell her that as long as my heart beats, she will belong to me and that I want to see her face for the rest of my life, even if I separate from her I will find a way to return to her side, I would count every grain of sand until I find her, at that precise moment I ask her if she is willing to give me her life, because mine belongs to her since the first day I saw her.

She is silent for a few seconds, my heart stopped in that short period of time, she just lowers her head and whispers to me that she has always loved me in silence, with tears in my eyes I hug her tighter than ever, and I promise her that I will never separate from her.

The next morning I tell Steve of my feelings for his beloved granddaughter, he dies laughing and tells me that it took him too long, he suspected my feelings before I knew it. He gives me permission to marry her and expects us to fill this house with many children.

So the months passed and I was finally able to marry her, I continued with my life as a farmer, the fields began to grow slowly, one day while tilling the land Juliet comes to me, she has lost her appetite and has sudden mood swings, suddenly she collapses I run to her, I pick her up subtly and take her to our bedroom.

She regains consciousness I don't understand what is happening, I am really terrified I don't want to lose her, she and Steve are my only family in this world, she only whispers that soon I will have to work because the inhabitants of the farm will increase, my eyes are filled with joy to know that I will be a father, I really don't care when it happened, I just want my son to live in a better place.

*Rain probabilities* that sounded more like a section on the morning news.

I don't really know if anyone has read my story, or if I'm writing non-stop, well it doesn't matter if you come across my story I'd be grateful if you took the time.

I'm trying to improve, it's a little difficult to put my ideas into words.

yiordano_aquinocreators' thoughts