
The Promise of Freedom: An Outsider in a Divided World

Times of war are approaching, a man has lost everything he loves, his soul has been corrupted and for him there is only the scent of blood and revenge.

yiordano_aquino · ファンタジー
16 Chs

crossed fates

Max held the letter in trembling hands. As he slid his eyes across the paper, he discovered a series of places and dates that were completely unfamiliar to him. The information triggered a mixture of intrigue and confusion in his mind. Each written word opened a door to the unknown.

Each date detailed a place completely alien to this world, Max incredulously keeps the letter in his chest while continuing his police work, each word of the letter echoed over and over again in his mind, while wandering through the extensive streets of Japan, being 04:30 on Tuesday July 6, 2010 Max successfully completed his workday, returning to his small flat decides to buy some groceries.

He goes to a small shop that was near his home, while wandering through the aisles a pain in his chest emerges, Max thinks he needs to sleep as soon as possible for the pain to go away, he approaches the counter with some bags of food and a few instant soups of different flavors.

The manager of the shop asks him if he is well, he mentions that he has only had a bad night, he decides to leave without further thanks for the attention of that lady, while climbing the stairs to get to his flat he suffers a small fainting spell, after regaining consciousness Max rushes to get to his home.

He brushes his teeth, he sees for a moment his reflection in the mirror, he can see tears streaming down his face, he doesn't understand what is happening to him, he hurriedly dries his tears but they don't stop, a strong pain invades his head, small fragments of a landscape with a huge tree come to his mind.

Max believes that the letter is influencing his tired mind, it causes hallucinations, he hurries to wash his face to go to his room to rest from a long shift as a police officer, when he falls down on his bed, he remembers that letter, and tries to imagine the pain that Charles had to endure, tears wet his tired eyes, he doesn't understand how he can cry for someone he doesn't know.

A strong pain invades his chest, he has suffered a small heart attack, suddenly thousands of memories come to his mind, all these memories are similar to the stories of that letter, he recognizes each of these places, he can see the face of a lady crying while she is on the ground, he can see a huge tree where that lady is in which they swear eternal love, suddenly he sees that tree covered in flames, everything around him has turned grey, the smell of death spreads everywhere.

Tears run down Max's face, he has realised that that letter was not the fleeting dream of a failed writer but rather a recount of his former life, incredulous he tries to get up from his bed, he thinks that his mind has played a little joke on him in the form of a nightmare, suddenly a golden light emerges from the darkness of his room.

A voice mentions that he has waited for a long time, this voice is filled with joy to know that the story/spell has finally reached its recipient, Max screams with all his strength, he thinks that the letter has completely clouded his judgement, he screams over and over again that the voice should shut up and let him rest for once and for all.

That voice replies that he is only fulfilling the pact that they forged many years ago and that now Max must comply with the part of the deal, Max excuses himself saying that he does not remember anything and that in the story he did not find anywhere that agreement, the voice with a serious tone recriminates and asks if Max does not remember the promise.

He shakes his head again and again, the voice introduces itself as the creator God and explains that the pact was sealed many years ago, the reason was that Max could return to the world to get revenge, the only condition was that the destiny was always intertwined, the only offering requested by the creator God was to reveal the crude reality of the false God that governs that world.

Max remembers having signed that pact with loyalty, he decides to trust the words of that being, he takes the letter that has been transcribed over many years and invokes an incantation that the supreme being grafted into his vocabulary.

"God who rules over the stars that illuminate the firmament, allow your faithful servant to return to the matter of creation, to be one with his past lives, I commend my path according to your ideals, allow me to cross the portal that connects the worlds so that I can take the lives of the unjust and unfaithful who dare to confuse your benevolence with your wrath".

Suddenly a portal opens before Max, he can see that tree that he imagined while reading the letter, he can hear the singing of the wrathful beasts that fervently welcome the new visitor, with disbelief at this scenario Max slowly approaches those graves that contain the corpses of the family that he loves so much, these graves have been desecrated to be considered profane to be part of the family of one of the apostles of the infernal king Zephyr.