
Before bed.

I look up at the sky. The stars sparkle bright. Reminds me of the day me and Liam danced. Liam....God I miss him.....God I love him...Why is this my life....

I ride home and put Taylor in her bed. Then I grab some left over pizza I brought home from yesterday and I warm it up in the oven.

"Hey love." My mom smiles at me. She kisses the top of my head. "You're back late."

"Oh yeah me and the squad used the telescope from the book store to look at the stars. It was fun." I smile.

"Oh fun. There are leftovers from tonight too." She smiles.

"Thanks mum." I smile as I grab my book out of my bag 'you get so alone at times that it just makes sense' and sit on the couch as I wait for my pizza to be done. She sits next to me. I start reading. I call my mom mum because that's what they do in Britian and when I was little we used to play around like that. Like we were british.

"Hey were did you get that heart necklace?" She asks.

"Oh this...this old lady gave it to me. She said she believes I have a good heart and she gave it to me. I tried to give it back to her but she refused." I say.

"Interesting, People here are super nice. Especially to give you that. It's a saphire pendant in a heart, like really wow. You now how expensive that is?"

"Yes Mum." I say as a I read. It's more than she thinks it is. Of course, I can't tell her that. I can't tell her the truth. And it sucks.

"Ella, Whar's with you and Dylan?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you two together? Like as a couple?"

"MOM!!!!!!" I yell closing my book. I blush red.

"Hey it's a normal thing, Sweetie. Your Ate does it too." She says. A-th-e is how is said but spelled Ate and So what! Ate means Older sibling in Tagalog the FIlipino laungage and since I'm filipino I called her that ever since I was a kid.

"NOT HIM!" I yell. "He's my best friend mom of course I love and hang out with him! But NO!" -Beep- The oven goes finally. I go over and take out the pizza slice and put it on the plate.

"Sounds like you have crush." She smirks.

"NO MOM!" I yell. Running upstairs to my room.

I look at my old wish boxes. The one with the Heart. That heart box.....I made it when I was 9 with my dad. It's how I learned I love to woodcarve as much as sing.

I put down the Pizza on my desk and stare at the box. I stopped carrying it around with me a month ago when I started to give up on the wish inside. I pick it up and open the small wooden box. There is a small piece of paper inside folded into a heart. I unfold it.

"To keep my promise to Liam and find him again." I read aloud. On the back there is a tiny note. "I need to find him so we can be together again." I read again. "I do want to find him. But this seems to real. to be so close." I say fold it back in and place it on my desk. I close the blinds and change into a tanktop and some shorts. I go onto my phone scrolling through Instagram as I eat my pizza. After I finish eating I go downstairs to put my plate away. I snuggle into bed when I hear scratching at my door. I open it and it's Taylor.

"Want to sleep with me today girl?" I put her on my bed and cuddle with her. Let's hope tonight is just a regular night. I yawn and drift to sleep.