
The Progenitor's Reincarnation

"I am going to create a world full of peace where everyone can live happily.", these were the words of the Creator, The Progenitor, the almighty being. But he was wise enough to know that peace is temporary. So he infused mana in each and every being on earth so they can fight for their survival and protect the earth. The Progenitor sought for peace, but it was not possible due to the existence of monsters, interdimentional beings and constantly power hungry villains. So to protect Earth, on which the space-time of the entire verse depended on, he infused mana inside each and every human so that he can defend the earth and anything which he wishes to defend. This led to the fast pace development of Earth and some new things too. The humans started the so called, 'Arsenals' which was created for people to show their skills and power by fighting each other. This welcomed not only humans but otherworldly creatures too. But, "PEACE WAS NEVER AN OPTION!". Wars kept occuring and for this, the strong people whose mana was powerful enough were here to save the day. Those who rised to the top, were proclaimed 'Warlords' and they continued to protect their planet. After years of struggle, the Great War ended but it planted seeds for another future wars. But to everyone's surprise there was the birth of a boy who was born to rule and stop wars. This was our MC/Protag/Hero or anything you wish to call. But his name is Chlevern Nollan. Follow his journey to stop wars, meet new friends, make new enemies, and find some love . Not from one but from many(harem) hehe. A/N: Please support my book with your power stones and do add it in the lobrary. This is my first time writing a novel, so I don't know how you'll like it but pls do support. It will get better once I get the hang of it. EXTRA TAGS: Cultivation, Slice of Life, r18 Note: The cover is not mine, but is edited by me for my book, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove the cover, I will do but if not do praise me for putting it to good use.

Yours_Lovingly · 都市
19 Chs

Ch. 04: A Serious Affair

After the cafeteria incident which occurred a few days ago, the news of the boy in the Weak Mana stage of class 11B defeating three Semi Great Mana staged boys of class 11A, spread like a fire in the forest.

The entire school was discussing about this incident. Every student had this news on their tongues. Even the teachers discussed this serious matter too.

*Inside The Principal's Office*

Every teacher was sitting in front of the principal's table.

"What do we see here? are you sure he was on the Weak Mana stage?", said Mr. Hilbert Johas, the English teacher.

"Yes I am a little doubtful about him too. He would not mingle in groups, always trying to be away from everyone and has only one friend. Is he hiding his real stage or something?", said Mrs. Mariona Linder, the Geography teacher.

"Should we call him, and interrogate thoroughly? Maybe we can make him spill out his truth.", suggested Mr. Chris Galven, the Maths teacher.

"No. Maybe we should not do such a thing. Even if this incident occurred, he is still a student and it is not acceptable as the school authority to interrogate a student.", said Ms. Kelly Delva, the Chemistry teacher calmly.

"Maybe we can diagnose him and check if he has something hidden inside that body?", asked, Draxen Dare, the Biology teacher.

"Why do you always have weird things in mind, Mr. Dare? there might be some physics behind it, maybe.", said Ms. Noelle Easton, the Physics teacher.

"I am a little suspicious about him too. How can he be this strong when his monthly rank checkup reports say that he is still on Weak Mana stage?", said the Principal, Mrs. Jonasse Josephine, while looking at his reports in her hand.

Every month, each student was instructed to take their 'Rank Checkup' along with health and regular checkups. And until now, Thomas Howard, has been on the strongest rank, i.e. Great Mana stage.

"How can you all doubt such a student? maybe he had ranked up by training after the latest monthly checkup by taking a hardcore training course. And does it matter if he has only one friend? does it matter if he does not mingle with groups? He is a hardworking student. Even today, when I checked his homework, it was so neat that I can barely even speak ill about him now!", said Ms. Angelina Selver, the one and only History teacher, a little annoyed.

'Is that Chlevern kid that special? Even Ms. Selver, the stubborn and cold one is siding him.', thought everyone in the room.

*Meanwhile in the cafeteria, a few days later*

"Dude, you know what? You are famous in school now!!", said Nick, excited.

"And how is that?", asked Chlevern, confused.

"Bro, everyone in the school now knows about that day's cafeteria incident, where you defeated, the Semi Great Mana stage students.", said Nick, totally hyped.

"Is that so!? Was it that big of a deal?", said Chlevern, surprised.

"Yes dude, even the teachers are surprised.", said Nick once again with the same tone.

'Well, it doesn't matter as I have already reached the Semi Great Mana stage.', thought Chlevern, inwardly.

"What about those bullies? are they planning anything, like revenge or ganging up or something?", asked Chlevern randomly.

"Surprisingly no, those bullies have never entered the cafeteria since that day. Maybe because they lost face in front of so many people hehe.", said Nick while grinning.

"That's good to hear I guess?", said Chlevern, relieved.

"That's not all! I have a more surprising news for you man.", whispered Nick.

"Yeah and what is it?", asked Chlevern.

"I overheard somewhere that in the Principal's Office, when everyone was arguing about your incident, only Ms. Selver stood by your side and talked in your favour.", whispered Nick again, but this time with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"What?! Are you sure?", said Chlevern, now in shock.

"Yes it's true bro!", said Nick, satisfied to see Chlevern's shocked expression.

'Why did she talk in my favour? Was she always like that? And if yes, why did she behave in such a rude and unpleasant way with me before?'

These were the thoughts swirming inside Chlevern's brain.

Finally, Chlevern smiled a little and whispered inside his mind, 'Thank you, Ms. Selver.'

*In the staff room with Ms. Selver*

Ms. Selver laughed unconsciously with a small blush on her face.

'Wait, why am I feeling all flustered and happy all of a sudden? Am I sick or what?', thought Ms. Selver.

*Back to class 11B*

Everyone was sitting properly on their benches. It was the lecture of Mr. Hilbert Johas. He was teaching 'The Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare in his English lecture.

Meanwhile, Chlevern was continuously thinking about Ms. Selver taking his side. He was so engrossed in it that he was unable to pay attention in class.

"Now who will answer this question?

'What examples did Bassanio give as a reason for not choosing the Gold Casket, during the Casket test?' ?", asked Mr. Johas to the class.

Mr. Johas saw one to two hands raising in the air. But then his vision suddenly drifted towards Chlevern who was sitting quietly, while being in a deep thought.

"Chlevern Nollan!", called Mr. Johas, with a little raised voice.

Chlevern was pulled out of his deep thought and took back by Mr. Johas's voice.

"Yes sir!!!", was the only thing he could reply.

"Can you answer this question for me?", asked Mr. Johas.

"Sir would you mind if I ask you to repeat the question once again?", said Chlevern with low voice.

"Okay then, 'What examples did Bassanio give as a reason for not choosing the Gold Casket, during the Casket test?', pls answer this question, would ya?", said Mr. Johas.

"Yes sir, Bassanio says that outer appearance can be deceptive and can cheat the world by its looks. To support this statement, he gives the examples of, father in a church, a lawyer, cosmetics used by women, pretty wigs, Indian beauty under a veil, men who grow beards on their chin to make them look brave like Hercules and Mars, but have livers white as milk. His one more reason to not choose the Gold Casket was that, Gold was even a hard food for Midas.", said Chlevern.

Everyone in the class was shocked by his answer. Even Nick.

"Perfect, good job. But next time don't let me catch you dozing off, you hear me?", said Mr. Johas.

Chlevern nodded and sat down on his seat and no sooner did he sit on his seat than Nick started whispering underneath the desk.

"hey dude, how did you know the answer? it was a difficult question though?", asked Nick.

"Nothing, I had read this scene earlier sometime so I remember the answer.But I was lucky to get this question. If it was some other question, I would've been standing outside till now.", Chlevern whispered back to Nick.

"Ok, no problem. By the way, good answer", said Nick.

"Yeah, thanks", Chlevern replied back.

'Hmmm I see now. I see why Ms. Selver sided this boy back then. Maybe she was right after all.', thought Mr. Johas inwardly.

The End