
The Prodigy and the Band Girls (BanG Dream x Touhou OC)

Nagae Riku, heir apparent to the prestigious Nagae Family and a young prodigy in the world of classical and modern music. What people don't know, he is one of the greatest professional musicians to ever live. Alongside with his brothers that took him in, they've won the greatest tournaments in competitive music and created a dynasty. For 3 years they have dominated the competitive music scene. And one day, they have decided to retire. Leaving the world of music in shock. Riku retired in search of something. He had the money, the fame and made his name in history as a true prodigy, but deep inside him, something is missing in his life. 3 months after his retirement, he got a call from his grandfather and says: How about trying to go back to school? You might find something that you've been lacking. And who knows, you might find the one you've been looking for. By accepting his grandfathers offer, Riku did not expect that his life will take a 180 turn..........only one way to find out. A/N: Ight, I may be a bit trash with descriptions but this is the best that I can do, so bear with me. And I may upload a long, long, long while cause sometimes I get mindblocked and again bear with me cause this is my first time doing this. Now with that out of the way.......IWAE!!!!! Credits to VALVE, the DPC(DOTA Pro Circuit)and DOTA 2 for the details in the DOTA 2 Major and The International and also credits to the owner. And credits to ZUN for the Touhou characters, all of those belong to him. And another note.........This series is originated from the one that I have in wattpad, and at the back of my mind, why not put it here as well? So here you go. Hopefully you like what you read.................and I suggest you guys read this in your PC or laptop because some of the words are in Bold, Italic or Underlined and reading it on your phone won't show it.

IWAEHypeMan · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

XI - Results, Plans and Secrets

Few minutes later

Riku POV

After chasing the two men who were planning to kill us and leaving them to Koishi, me and Youmu went back to the live house, and by the time we got back to our locker room, beastcoast was already performing.

Riku: Looks like we missed the other bands perform.

Johan: Riku, you're back. What happened?

I looked at Johan with a very serious face. I got close to him and spoke to a tone where only me and Johan can hear what we're saying.

Riku: Johan. After group B finish their performance, try to call all the band leaders and coaches. I've got something very serious to discuss.

Johan: Is it that serious?

I just nod telling him that it was THAT serious.

Johan: Okay, I'll send them a message later. But for now, try to relax, we'll discuss this in the hotel.

Great thinking from Johan. And by huge coincidence, the hotel that OG and the other bands are staying is actually owned by Yuyuko-san. We can use the hotel's meeting room with no issue since the hotel staff already know that I'm Yuyuko-san's nephew.

While me and Youmu were resting from the chase that happened earlier, my phone rang. I took out my phone and it was a message from Chu². I opened the message and she sent me a picture where she was at her studio with her band with all members. Including Rokka-san.

To think that she manage to convince Rokka-san to join her band. The other members was a girl with smooth dark-brown hair reaching her top back with no fringe, but bangs that cover her ears and lightning blue eyes. She's wearing a white shirt with a wide neckline and long sleeves to her wrists, slightly torn jeans, and a black sleeveless jacket open until mid-torso.

The other girl has short dyed blonde hair which barely reaches her shoulders, with asymmetrical fringe, as well as dark gold eyes. She wears a high-waisted wide leg pants with a cropped black top, over which she wears a deep red sukajan jacket with white stripes and pictures of Hanyo Usagi on the front. And by looking at her stature, she had the looks of a delinquent. But I trust Chu² if she sees something in her.

As for her keyboardist PAREO or by her real name Nyubara Reona, I've already met her as she was the first one that Chu² scouted and introduced to me immediately. She's a nice and dependable girl. As a musician though, she's an unpolished gem in my eyes. With the correct guidance, she can surpass Rinko in piano or maybe even me if she's given enough time to improve. And I found out that she's a total Pastel*Palettes fangirl when she found out that Chisato was my childhood friend, she was begging me to get Chisato's autograph which I did and thanked me for it.

Seeing Chu² happy while playing with her band puts a smile to my face. It's only a matter of time till she and her band make it to the big leagues.

Johan and the others notice me smiling and asked me what's up.

Johan: You look very happy Riku.

Riku: Yeah. My cousin just sent me a photo with her band. Can't wait to see her perform once I get back. Hopefully she's doing fine right now.

At the same time at Chiyu's Penthouse

Chiyu: ACHOOO!!!!

Rokka: Chu²-san are you okay? Are you sick?

Chiyu: I'm fine. It feels like that someone is talking about me. And you're lagging by 0.5 seconds. Pick up the pace!

Rokka: H-HAI!!!

Now back to Riku

Riku: By the way, what happened when me and Youmu were out?

When I asked them what happened, they told me everything they saw. The most shocking news was EG had to withdraw from the tournament because their guitarist Arteezy broke his hand right before the group stage started and they have no stand-in to replace him, resulting in EG to withdraw and another one was Mind Games from group B was disqualified from the tournament because the band failed to secure VISA's for their 3 members.

Riku: Then that means no one is getting eliminated from now on. Only the seedings matters.

Johan: Yeah. As long as we get the best results in the 2nd and 3rd day, we get a guarantee in the upper bracket. Now let's clean up. The group B bands are on their way here and we gotta make this place clean for them.

Me and the boys nodded and cleaned the room for the next band who is going to stay here and made our way back to the hotel.

Few hours later

Hakugyoku Hotel Stockholm Branch - Meeting Room - 7:30 P.M.

After the 1st day of the group stage ended and voting is officially open, all participating bands returned to the hotel to rest and prepare for the 2nd day. The bands with the exception of OG gets to experience authentic Japanese cuisine especially TORONTOTOKYO(Team Spirit) who was in tears while eating and thanked me for letting him experience the taste of Japan since I was the one who suggested this place for everyone to stay.

Me, Johan and Youmu are currently in the meeting room waiting for the other band leaders and coaches to arrive.

Youmu: Are you sure that they'll come Riku-kun?

Riku: They will. This is something that they won't overlook.

Then a little than a few minutes later, the leaders of each band with the exception of Mind Games were here but...I don't see the coaches with them.

Riku: Why are only the leaders here? Where are the coaches?

MoonMeander(TSM): Enjoyed themselves too much, ended them getting wasted.

The other leaders nodded in agreement.

Riku: You know what, I'm not gonna ask why but you guys will do. First of all thank you for coming here tonight.

DJ(Fnatic): We got a message from n0tail that you wanted to meet us here.

Riku: True that Johan sent you that message. But I was the one who told him to call you guys. And as for why, you will respond quickly if Johan was the one who made the call rather than me.

Kuku(T1): What do you want to talk about?

Riku: I'm only gonna say this once so listen well.

I began to tell the leaders on what happened after OG's performance. From the discovery, the pursuit and capture. All of their faces turned serious when they found out that someone was out there to kill them. Some of them were concerned for the safety of their members, which I can understand.

Pandaboo(Thunder Awaken): So what's going to happen? Will the tournament be cancelled?

Riku: In normal terms it would be canceled after the incident. But I already discussed this with the organizers to let the tournament continue.

Everybody raised their brow when they heard that the tournament will still continue.

Seleri(Gaimin Gladiators): Then what about the bands safety?

Riku: I know of someone who can help us with this.

iNSaNiA(Team Liquid): But who will benefit from all of this?

Riku: I don't know yet. I just need to wait till they get-


The conversation stopped as we heard the door knocking.

Staff: Pardon the intrusion but...someone here wants to see Riku.

Riku: Wants to see me? Did they give a name?

Staff: Yes. She goes by the name Komeiji Satori.

Riku: !!!

Everyone turned to me as they saw me surprised by the name.

Riku: Tell her to come in.

The staff nodded and he tells her that it was okay to go inside.

The young girl who entered has short purple hair with violet eyes. She wears a blue shirt with yellow heart shaped buttons and a pink skirt with faint flowery patterns while having a deadpanned expression.

iNSaNiA: Uh...Riku, who is sh-

Satori: Komeiji Satori. Please to make your acquaintance....Aydin Sarkohi.

iNSaNiA: How did y-

Riku: All right calm down as I introduce you guys to her. And Satori-san, please refrain from reading their minds.

Everyone: Wait what!?

Satori: Very well.

Riku: Now then....let me introduce you guys to Komeiji Satori. The current matriarch of the Komeiji Family, a part of the Celestial Families in Japan. She works as a detective and she's capable of reading minds.

Everyone was thinking the same thing. How is this little girl became a family head?

Satori: You boys are thinking that how a little girl like me is the head of a big family aren't you?

Some of them were getting nervous as they were caught red handed.

Skem(BOOM RIVALRY): Did you-

Satori: I don't need to read your minds for that cause it's already obvious from the faces you made. And I'm 25.

Everyone: 25!?

Satori: Got a problem with that?

The leaders shook their heads showing that they have no problems with it.

Satori: Now then.....Riku, Orin got something from the two.

Riku: Rin? Well that's fast. So? What did she found out?

Satori: From what Orin got from them is that those two were hired assassins of the Black Fang.

Everyone was confused on who were the Black Fang.

Riku: The Black Fang huh.

Fly: You know them Riku?

Riku: A bit. It's an international assassin organization whose primary targets are mainly corrupt politicians or somewhere in that category. My grandfather hired them years ago and I got to get along with one of their members. Is there something the matter?

Fly: Yeah. From what I heard from my father, 2 years ago the movements of the Black Fang changed, aside from their usual targets.....everyone is now a target. As long as the price is reasonable, they'll do it.

The atmosphere got even heavier when they heard Fly said that they'll kill anyone for the right price. What made them change? I gotta look at it after this tournament.

Riku: Satori-san, did Rin got something on the one who hired them?

Satori: *nods* The one who hired them is Shinomiya Oko himself.


I slammed my head to the table hard which surprised the band leaders as they never saw this side of me.

Riku: Of all people......that bald motherfucker really is that petty.

SoNNeiko(BetBoom): Is something wrong Iku?

Riku: It's nothing.....it's just that things will get VERY complicated.

Scofield(beastcoast): How complicated though?

Riku: Listen closely and I will only say this once. And anything I said will not leave this place. You get me?

The leaders nod as they promise not to tell anyone and I began telling them my history with him.

One storytelling later

DJ: Oh my god....

MoonMeander: So that's why you left quickly after TI8.

Johan: How come I haven't known this?

Riku: My grandfather ordered that this would be confidential as possible. Unless another member of the Celestial Families besides me is present and since Satori-san is here, then it's okay.

Miposhka(Team Spirit): So what's next?

Riku: For now, let's just see how it goes. Before I forget, which member of the Black Fang is in charge for this one?

Satori: We've checked the bodies and we saw a wolf tattoo.

Fly: So it's the White Wolf.

Pandaboo: White Wolf?

Fly: Lloyd Reed. Also known as the "White Wolf", my father told me that if I ever meet him, I should keep my guard all the time....despite me being a musician.

Riku: So it's Lloyd...I might be able to do something.

Johan: I trust you Riku but, don't be reckless.

Satori: I've already informed Yukari about this. So expect help to arrive by tomorrow morning. For now, I'm gonna let Okuu and Orin patrol this place to make sure.

Riku: Thanks. I appreciate the help Satori-san.

Satori: Hmm. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Solving 10 cases in one day and then this tires me out.

Satori-san left the room while complaining about her workload which leaves me and the other band leaders.

Riku: Let's end the discussion here. Like I said earlier, keep what I said a secret.

Sneyking: What about the other members of our band?

Riku: It's up to you whether to tell them or not. But they must keep it a secret as well. Are we clear?

The leaders agreed to keep it a secret and ended the meeting there. After cleaning up the meeting room, me and Youmu are in our room.

Youmu: Is everything okay Riku-kun?

Riku: I'm fine Youmu. I just need to clear my head. So much stuff just happened in one day.

Youmu: If you say so. I'll bring some tea to calm you down.

Riku: Please do.

Youmu left the room to get tea leaving me to think on some plans to deal with Lloyd.

Riku: To think of all people it's gonna be Lloyd. I might be able to convince him but.....it'll be-


My phone rang and it was a message from Yuyuko-san.

Riku: From Yuyuko-san? Hmmm.....

I opened the message and when I saw the contents of the message, I just sat on my chair with a bright smile on my face. Youmu came back with the tea and asked me why I'm smiling.

Youmu: I'm back with the tea Riku-kun. Why are you smiling?

Riku: Take a look.

Youmu took my phone and when she saw the message, she just smiled.

Youmu: I see.

Riku: Guess I'll be giving my all tomorrow.

Meanwhile in an unknown location

??? POV

??? 1: So, what's the report?

??? 2: Unfortunately, they've failed the mission sir. They took their lives once they were captured.

So the scouts failed....they're one of my best scouts in my squad. Who could manage to catch them to force my men to kill themselves?

??? 1: Interesting. Did you see who manage to catch them?

??? 2: Yes sir. From the info that I got, it's the heir of the Nagae Family. Nagae Riku.

What? Did I hear that right?

??? 1: Wait, did you say Nagae Riku? Is your sources true?

??? 2: Y-yes sir.

Nagae Riku...then our target is...no....it can't be.....

??? 1: Now this will be problematic. Tell the men standing by in Stockholm to not engage.

??? 2: S-sir!?

??? 1: Because I'll be going there myself. Send my order to the men immediately.

??? 2: Yes sir!

I have to do this myself. I can't risk my men dying for ni reason. If my men had harmed Riku in some way. No way in hell that the Celestial Families will let this slide.

??? 1: Hopefully we can clear this out without any grave losses I'm sure father and Linus will understand or else Nino will be very upset.

The Next Day

Hanasakigawa Girls High School Principals Office

May 13, 2021 - 7:30 A.M.

Yuyuko POV

The exams finished yesterday and today the test results are already out. At first, I thought that the girls will be struggling especially Kasumi-chan, Tae-chan and Hagumi-chan. But to think that they can put in this much effort...ufufufufufu~ I guess Riku-kun's plan worked like a charm.

And I am more concerned on what Riku-kun sent me. I'm now hesitating whether to let the girls go or not. Better explain this one to them after class. But where.....


Yuyuko: Ara~ I wonder who could it be?

I went to the door and opened it and I see Remilia along with her sister Flandre and their maid Sakuya.

Yuyuko: Ara~ I guess you finished everything you needed to do am I right?

Remilia: It took a while, but it's already finished. Sakuya, the documents.

Sakuya-chan handed me the documents and I nodded in approval.

Yuyuko: Now with this, you three are now students of Hanasakigawa. You girls will be in class 3-B.

Flandre: Not with onii-san's class?

Flandre-chan had a dejected look hearing that she can't be with her brother figure.

Yuyuko: I'm sorry Flandre-chan, but class B is the only class that has some open slots. But you can still hang out with Riku-kun right?

From a dejected look to a bight innocent smile. She really loves Riku-kun as a brother.

Sakuya: Yuyuko-sama, when shall we start?

Yuyuko: Ah, I'll be taking your classroom myself. Just let me finish this breakfast.

Remilia: You're having breakfast just now and at school of all places?

Yuyuko: Well with Youmu not around at this time, I have to eat much more than normal.

I said that and returned to eating my breakfast in a fast pace. Not sloppy, but fast.

Class 3-B - 8:00 A.M


I still can't get over from Riku-kun's performance yesterday. Even though we're just watching him on the TV, I could still feel the raw emotion of his songs....especially the first one. The other bands performed pretty good as well but not as impactful as Riku-kun's band.

But even still, they were pros. The way they play and the atmosphere they bring is very different from what we've been doing.

After Riku-kun's band finished performing, Chisato-chan insisted we practice Yura Yura in preparation for the Japan Idol Fes next month. I guess Chisato-chan got inspired by Riku-kun.

I looked at my phone to see the current standings in the group stage.

Group A

Upper Bracket:

OG - 457,445

Tundra - 388,367

T1 - 305,788

BOOM RIVALRY - 294,790

Lower Bracket:

BetBoom - 238,884

beastcoast - 229,754


Evil Geniuses - Forfieted(Arteezy Injured)

Group B

Upper Bracket:

Team Liquid - 403,643

Gaimin Gladiators - 399,784

Team Spirit - 392, 667

Thunder Awaken - 389,655

Lower Bracket:

Fnatic - 386,779

TSM - 384,229


Mindgames - Disqualified(Failed to obtain VISA for 3 band members)

Aya: Wow....Riku-kun's band really got the top spot. And so many votes in just the 1st day.

Student: Aya-san....Aya-san!

Aya: Eh!?

While I was in my thoughts, one of my classmates was calling me.

Student: Aya-san, you've been out of it for a while, sensei is already here.

As I looked in front of me, sensei was already at the front.

Teacher: Maruyama-san, is something the matter? Do you need to go to the nurse's office?

Aya: Ah no need! I'm alright!

Teacher: Very well, but please do tell if you feel any different.

Aya: Hai sensei.

Teacher: Good. Now before we begin homeroom, I like to announce that we'll be having three transfer students here in this class.

The class starts to talk amongst themselves as they were surprised that our class will have a transfer student but three. But.....why now?

Aya: Um...sensei.

Teacher: Yes Maruyama-san?

Aya: Umm...exams ended yesterday but we're getting transfer students. Isn't that a little-

Teacher: I know what's on your mind Maruyama-san. But they had to deal with some issues for the past month. Now let's not waste time, You girls can come in now.

When sensei said that, the door opened and I saw three girls entered any my eyes went wide open as I knew these girls. They were with Riku-kun when we went to CiRCLE for the first time.

The girl with the light blue hair bowed and introduced herself.

Remilia: Greetings to you all. I am Remilia Scarlet, pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Flan, your turn.

The blond haired girl nodded as she introduces herself in a bit of a childish tone.

Flandre: My name is Flandre Scarlet. I am onee-sama's little sister. Let's hope that we can have fun together!

Student: Um...Flandre-san. If it ain't rude to ask...how old are you?

Flandre: I'm 14.

Everyone: 14!?

She's 14!? At her age she's suppose to be at least 3rd year in middle school. But before we ask why, the silver haired girl cleared the situation.

Sakuya: As to why Flandre-sama is attending high school as a 3rd year, she manage to skip some grades, and despite her childish nature, her intellect can equal to at least college level. And I am Izayoi Sakuya, I work as a maid for the Scarlet Family.

So Flandre-san skipped grades and Sakuya-san is their maid.

Teacher: Thank you for introducing yourselves. Now you find your seats there at the back.

The three proceeded to go to their seats and then Remilia-san saw me and made eye contact with her, she let out an evil smile that scared me a little and went to her seat.

Teacher: Now that introduction is finished. The next announcement is that you will receive your test scores after class so be patient. Now let's begin.

Lunchtime - 12:00 NN

Rinko POV

Lunch has started. Me and Hikawa-san were going to the student council office to have our lunch along with Ichigaya-san and as well as finishing some last minute documents. As we were walking down the hall a girl with light blue hair that is the same height as Ako-chan is blocking our way and made her way to me.

Rinko: Can I help you with something?

Remilia: So you're Rinko....Remilia Scarlet. Pleasure to meet you.

Rinko: H-how did you know me?

Remilia: Don't need to get scared, I won't bite. I just want to see the girl that Riku-boy has been talking about years ago.

Rinko: Riku has been talking about me?

Remilia: Yes. And you caught my interest Shirokane Rinko. I can tell....things will be very interesting. It's only a matter of time.

Sayo: Wait! What do you mean-

Hikawa-san tried to ask Remilia-san but she's already gone.

Sayo: What was that about?

Rinko: I don't know....let's just go....Ichigaya-san is waiting for us.

Hikawa-san agreed and continued our way to the student council office.


Remilia POV

I'm at the rooftop along with Sakuya and Flan enjoying our lunch and Sakuya asked me on what's my impression to Rinko.

Sakuya: So you've met Rinko-sama. What's your impression on her, oujo-sama?

Remilia: I gotta say, she didn't disappoint. I saw her fate and it's really connected to Riku-boy very tight.

Sakuya: Are you going to do something then?

Remilia: No. Let's just see how far her fate will go. How long will she hold on to that promise. And Sakuya. What Riku-boy sent to us yesterday was true?

Sakuya: Yes. I tracked down some records and it was legit. It was a brilliant idea for you oujo-sama to send Meiling to aid Riku-sama in Stockholm.

Remilia: Thank you for the compliment Sakuya. I knew I had a hunch that something will happen, good thing I sent Meiling beforehand.

Flandre: Onee-sama! When will we get to watch onii-san perform!?

Flandre asked me as she finished eating her lunch with crumbs all over her face. Sakuya gave me a hand cloth and I wiped my sister's face, removing the crumbs.

Remilia: Soon Flan, soon. Goodness look at the crumbs on your face. Come here let me wipe your face.

Flandre: Ehehehe~

Remilia: Sakuya, begin cleaning up. Class is about to resume.

Sakuya: Understood, oujo-sama.

After I finished cleaning Flan's face, Sakuya already finished cleaning and we went back to our classroom.

Class 3-A - 2:30 P.M.

3rd POV

Classes are just 30 minutes away from ending. The teacher entered the room holding a stack of papers.

Teacher: Now what I have right here are the results of the exams yesterday. And as I call your name, you may get your result here and don't look at your result until you get to your seat. Are we clear?

Everyone: HAI!

After the teacher gave her instructions to the students, she calls their name one by one till everyone gets their paper. Rinko took a look at her score and.....this is what she saw.

(A/N: Okay this is going to be the layout of the scores)

(Name - English/Science/Math/History/Japanese - TOTAL)

Shirokane Rinko - 100/99/99/100/100 - 498

Rinko: I passed....thank goodness...I didn't expect I'd score this high. What about you Hikawa-san?

Rinko asked Sayo but she was just quietly looking at her score with a smile on her face.

Hikawa Sayo - 100/100/100/100/100 - 500

Rinko: That's amazing Hikawa-san! You got a perfect score!

Sayo: I guess my hard work paid off. This is the first time I got a perfect score.

Rinko and Sayo looked at the other girls in the room and some of them had sighs of relief, some of them were happy and some of them were looking all serious. Then they look at Chisato and Kanon and both of them were smiling.

Rinko: Shirasagi-san, Matsubara-san. How did it go for you two?

Chisato: Take a look.

Shirasagi Chisato - 96/93/90/96/100 - 475

Matsubara Kanon - 90/89/86/93/94 - 452

Sayo: So both of you passed. And Matsubara-san scored higher than the last.

Kanon: Good thing Kokoro-chan helped me study. I wonder how Hagumi-chan and the rest are doing?

Chisato: I'm also wondering how Aya-chan is doing, hopefully her studying paid off.

3rd POV

Meanwhile in Class 3-B

Aya: Uhnnn....

Aya was crying as she was holding her test results. Some of the students noticed and asks her why she's crying.

Student: Aya-san! Are you okay!?

Aya: I'm fine....it's just...I'm so happy I passed!

Maruyama Aya - 86/85/84/88/87 - 430

In Class 2-A

Kasumi: Arisa! Look I passed!

Arisa: Get off of me you twit!!

Kasumi was clinging on Arisa as she was happy that she passed her test while the latter was trying to get her off of her.

Toyama Kasumi - 88/86/84/88/89 - 435

Ichigaya Arisa - 99/98/97/100/100 - 494

Misaki: I guess Kokoro's help really worked.

Misaki just sighed in relief that her leader's Spartan-style study session worked out.

Okusawa Misaki - 95/94/94/98/97 - 478

In Class 2-E

Tae: Wow.....I haven't had scores this high...

Tae was surprised that she scored high in her test....normally her scores were at least in the 60's or below.

Hanazono Tae - 87/85/84/86/89 - 431

Eve: The fruits of my labor paid off!!

Eve was holding her test paper with sparkling eyes as she was satisfied with the results.

Wakamiya Eve - 93/92/90/100/100 - 475

Hagumi: I did it!!!

Hagumi was on her knees as she saw that she passed and got a high score on her most difficult subject...…English.

Kitazawa Hagumi - 85/82/81/85/87 - 420

In Class 2-B

Saaya: How did it go for you Rimi?

Rimi: I-I passed! Thank you for helping me Saaya-chan!

Saaya: No problem. Let's go check Kasumi and the others.

Saaya and Rimi left their class as they go to where Kasumi and Arisa's class.

Yamabuki Saaya - 89/88/87/88/89 - 441

Ushigome Rimi - 84/83/83/87/88 - 425

Kokoro: Onii-chan will be so proud of me!

Kokoro lets out a very bright smile, anticipating on what will her big brother reward her.

Tsurumaki Kokoro - 100/100/100/100/100 - 500

Meanwhile in Haneoka

With Afterglow

Tsugumi: How's the result for you girls?

Hazawa Tsugumi - 90/90/90/90/90 - 450

Tomoe: Pretty good. Rinko and Ako helped me a bit.

Udagawa Tomoe - 89/87/87/88/88 - 439

Tomoe: What about you Himari?

Himari: I did great!!

Uehara Himari - 87/86/83/85/88 - 429

Himari: What about you Moca?

Moca: Moca-chan did way good this time~. And I have the same score as Tomo-chin~.

Aoba Moca - 90/87/86/89/87 - 439

Tomoe: Whoa you're right! What about you Ran? What's your score?

Ran: It's same as always.

Mitake Ran - 99/98/99/100/100 - 496

Afterglow(minus Ran and Moca): THAT'S NOT YOUR SAME AS ALWAYS!!!

Everyone shouted at Ran as her scores were that high and her friends did not expect that to happen.

Ran: S-shut up.....I just put more effort that's all.

Moca: Or could it be that you did that so onii-san could help you write a new song?~

Moca said that with a huge smug face making Ran' face full red.

Ran: Hmph!

Tsugumi: Tomoe-chan, What do you think of Ako-chan's score?

Tomoe: Pretty much she'll be so happy. I mean she's been studying hard for the past week.

With Ako


Ako went to where Asuka was and showed her score in excitement.

Udagawa Ako - 89/86/85/88/87 - 435

Asuka: Good job Ako.

Rokka: Congratulations Ako-san!

Asuka and Rokka congratulated Ako on her passing the exams.

Asahi Rokka - 85/84/83/86/85 - 423 (A/N: She ain't included in Yuyuko's condition but I just want to put it out cause why not)

Ako: With this I can watch Riku-nii's performance in Stockholm in person!

Rokka: Eh? You're going there too?

Ako: Eh? You too Rokka?

Rokka took something from her bag and it was a VIP ticket to the Future World Fes and Ako was shocked.

Ako: Where did you get that!?

Rokka: Well....Chu²-san gave each of us in her band this so we can watch the Future World Fes so we can get an idea on our band.

Ako/Asuka: Wait you're in a band!?/Since when!?

Both Ako and Asuka didn't expect that Rokka joined a band and they started interrogating her.

Rokka: I just joined a band 5 days ago and we're just starting.

With Kaoru, Maya and Hina

Maya: Kaoru-san, Hina-san. How did it go for the both of you?

Maya asked the two on how their tests go.

Yamato Maya - 95/95/95/95/95 - 475

HIna: All boppin' easy!

Hina puffed her chest as she showed her results in pure confidence.

Hikawa Hina - 100/100/100/100/100 - 500

Maya: ahahaha...same as always Hina-san. What about you Kaoru-san?

Kaoru: Ah~ It's nothing but a trivial matter.

Kaoru just flamboyantly posed as she showed her results as well.

Seta Kaoru - 99/90/90/92/90 - 461

Kaoru: Ani-sama will surely praise me for my efforts.

With Yukina and Lisa

Lisa: So Yukina, how did it go?

Imai Lisa - 94/92/91/93/94 - 464


Lisa: Yukina?

Lisa was concerned as Yukina was not answering she peeked at her paper and she was surprise at Yukina's score.

Minato Yukina - 95/85/84/88/88 - 440

Lisa: You did it Yukina! You passed!

Yukina: Thank you Lisa....

A Few Hours Later......

Live House CiRCLE Lounge Room - 4:30 P.M.

Yuyuko POV

I had a word with Riku-kun a little while ago regarding the thing that he sent to me yesterday. I asked him if it's okay to reveal it and he said that he's fine with it and he also said that they will figure it out soon so it's better to reveal it now than later. He told me that I can tell that to the girls at CiRCLE since Hatate-chan and Ayaya were working there too.

I'm waiting for the girls to arrive here. Ayaya and Hatate-chan are also here because they have a part of this as well. I also called Remilia and her maid to help me with this as they are sitting in one of the lounges while having tea.

Remilia: Yuyuko. Are you sure that it's wise to tell those girls who we truly are? There might be a chance that this won't end very well.

Yuyuko: Riku-kun made this decision and I'm sure they'll understand.

Remilia: If you say so.....they're here.

Remilia say that with a grin, the door opened and we see all band girls enter the room.

Rinko: Eh? Principal!? What brings you here?

Yuyuko: Rinko-chan. Didn't I tell you that when we're not in school you girls can call me by my name. Are we clear?

Rinko: Yes.....Yuyuko-san.

Yuyuko: Very good. Ara~ it seems that everyone is not here yet.

Sayo: What do you mean everyone is not here Yuyuko-san?

Aya: Remilia-san?

When Aya-chan said that, their eyes were set on Remilia who was sitting on the sofa having her tea while Flandre was sleeping on her lap.

Remilia: Ara. We meet again Maruyama Aya.

Arisa: Wait, aren't you the girl we met last month when you were with Riku-san?

Remilia: It seems that I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Remilia Scarlet. Heir to the Scarlet Family. You may call me Remilia. The girl sleeping on my lap is Flandre, my little sister.

Sakuya: I am Izayoi Sakuya. I am a maid serving the Scarlet Family.

Misaki: So you three were the transfer students that I've been hearing for the past week. I'm-

Remilia: You don't need to introduce yourselves as I already know who you girls are. Riku-boy already did that for me.

Eve: Then Remilia-san. How come Aya-san know you before us?

Remilia: Well me, Flan and Sakuya are her classmates.

Chisato: I see. Then as her band mate, can you please keep a close eye on her in class?

Aya: Mou! Chisato-chan!!

???: Sorry we're late!

The door opened and the girls saw some girls unfamiliar to them. But some of them recognizes the other.

Tae: Rei?

Rei: Hana-chan? You're here too?

Saaya: You know each other?

Tae: Rei is my childhood friend!

Rei: Wakana Rei. Thank you for looking out for Hana-chan.

Kasumi: ROCK!

Rokka: Kasumi-san!?

Kasumi-chan immediately hugged Rokka-chan when she showed up.

Maya: K-K-K-King!?

???: Huh? You are.....Yamato....Maya-san right?

The girl asks Maya-chan with a menacing look that made her scared.

Maya: H-H-Hai!!!

Maya-chan answered the girl who was looking at her menacingly. She took off her jacket and presented it to Maya-chan.

Masuki: Can you sign this!? I'm Satou Masuki! And I am a HUGE fan!

Maya: Eh?

???: That's not fair Masuki-san! I should get PasuPare's autograph as well!

Masuki: Then get in line. I was first.

Chisato: Wait. You're the girl that asked for my autograph from Riku right?

Reona: Of course! I am so happy that you remember me! I am Nyubara Reona, you can call me PAREO! And I am a MASSIVE fan of Pastel*Palettes!

Hina: Guess we got ourselves a devoted fan Aya-chan.

Aya: I'm so happy!!

Chiyu: We meet again. Shirokane Rinko.

Rinko: Tamade-san? Y-yes....it's been long.

Lisa: You know her Rinko?

Chiyu: Tamade Chiyu. Band leader and DJ of Raise a Suilen. I'm also Riku's cousin.

Everyone stopped doing what there were currently doing as they heard Chiyu-chan said that she was Riku-kun's cousin.

Everyone(minus PoPiPa, Kokoro, Rinko and the Gensokyo girls): You're his cousin!?

Chiyu: Yes, I am. I'm his cousin on our mother's side and aeugh~

Kokoro: Chu²!

Kokoro-chan hugged Chiyu-chan from out of nowhere like a stuffed toy and Chiyu-chan was struggling to get out.

Chiyu: Get off me Kokoro! PAREO HELP ME!!

But Reona-chan was just admiring Pastel*Palettes ignoring Chiyu-chan's call. But I think that they've had enough fun.


I clapped loud and the girls heard it and stopped.

Yuyuko: Now that everyone is here, we can finally begin. First of all congratulations on passing the exams and you all passed all of your subjects 70 or higher. With that, you girls can go to Stockholm to watch Riku-kun.

Everyone was clapping to my announcement. Well, they deserve it and they worked hard to achieve it.

Chiyu: LOCK, how much did you score on your exam? I want to make sure my guitarist isn't slacking on their studies.

Rokka-chan gave her test papers to her and she gave an approving smile.

Chiyu: Good! You passed! But you gotta work harder, but not too hard. I can't afford you to tire yourself out. Your band mates are here to help. Got that?

Rokka: Hai, Chu²-san!!

Kasumi: Yuyuko-san! How much did Riku-senpai and Youmu-senpai get in their exam?

Yuyuko: It's a good thing you reminded me of that Kasumi-chan. Here you go, this is Riku-kun and Youmu's test results.

Nagae Riku - 100/100/100/100/100 - 500

Konpaku Youmu - 97/96/96/100/100 - 489

Arisa: A perfect score!?

Yuyuko: Normally, Riku-kun's score would've been lower. But since Future World Fes was on the line, he put in some extra effort.

Sayo: So he's basically lazy in academics?

Yuyuko: Unfortunately so. Even though he's home schooled, he has little interest in it. But if it does either pique his interest or it required to do so, he will make an effort to do it with no problem.

Ran: Same as always huh nii-san.

Yuyuko: Now for the second matter. Please look at the TV.

Saaya: What are we watching Yuyuko-san? It's a bit too early yet for Future World Fes to start right?

Yuyuko: Yes it is Saaya-chan. But what I'm going to show you girls is what came after Riku-kun and his band performed.

I gave a nod to Hatate-chan and she turned on the TV and it shows the the room where Riku-kun and his band were resting after their performance.

Sayo: Yuyuko-san. Where did you get this footage? Isn't this a crime?

Yuyuko: One of the Celestial Families sent this to me, and she got this footage legally since she works as a detective so this can be counted as evidence. Now I want you all to calm down as to what happens next.

The video resumes where Riku-kun and Youmu stood up immediately and rushed to the door.

Kanon: What's going on?

Misaki: I don't know Kanon-san but...I'm getting a bad feeling.

Yuyuko: Hatate-chan, switch to the other camera.

Hatate-chan nodded and switched the view where it shows the hallway and everyone saw two men dressed in black who were holding pistols.



Everyone was scared when they saw some men are trying to kill Riku-kun. But they were shocked that the door opened and Riku-kun and Youmu made eye contact with the two men and the men started to make a run for it.

Tomoe: Why did they run? Riku was there!

Ran: Those two must be assassins. The fact that nii-san spotted them, it's natural that they make a run for it.

Himari: Girls look! Riku and Youmu are following them!

Eve: Is Youmu-san carrying a katana!?

Chisato: Now that you mention it, she is carrying a katana, but there are two of them.

Yuyuko: ufufufufu~ aside from being my family's head gardener, she's also a fencing instructor. And the swords that she's carrying are Roukanken and Hakurouken, Youmu's personal swords.

Eve-chan's eyes are sparkling in admiration and I'm pretty sure that she will ask Youmu to teach her the way of the sword. ufufufufufu~ it might be cute for Youmu to have a student.

The camera changes and we see Riku-kun and Youmu are chasing the two men and they are now at the shoreline. The girls saw that the two assassins are trying to reach for the boat, but they saw Riku-kun pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket.

Rimi: R-Riku-san is glowing!

Misaki: Yuyuko-san! What's happening to Riku-san!?

I did not say a word and just watched without giving Misaki-chan an answer.

Riku: No way in hell I'm letting you get away. Fish Sign: "Dragonfish Skynet"!

The girls saw Riku-kun put his hand in the sand and hundreds of scarves appeared below the two men, wrapping them up and preventing their escape.

Sayo: What the!?


Aya: How did Riku-kun do that!?

Kokoro: That was amazing onii-chan!

Yukina: Yuyuko-san. What did Riku-san just do?

I looked at the girls waiting to give my answer.

Yuyuko: This is the reason why I'm here. To explain you on what Riku-kun did and what we truly are.

Misaki: What you truly are?

Yuyuko: I think it's better for you to see it rather than tell you.

3rd POV

The room got colder the moment Yuyuko said that. The girls were watching Yuyuko glow and a blue mob cap appeared on her head that has a hitaikakushi with a red ghost insignia, and several small formless phantoms surrounding her, her skin got paler and her eyes were slowly dimming of life.

Remilia: I think it's time to show what we truly are as well. Flan, wake up. Time to spread your wings.

Flandre: *yawn* hai.....onee-sama.

Flandre got up from Remilia's lap and she spread her crystal wings and so does Remilia but it's a pair of bat wings, for Sakuya her eyes turned from dark blue to blood crimson.

S. Aya: Guess we have to do it too. Right Hatate?

Hatate: Don't need to remind me.

Then Aya and Hatate revealed a pair of black wings behind them and their ears turned from normal to pointed and are hovering in the room.

The girls that were currently seeing this can't believe what's happening.

Sayo who was hugging Hina tightly out of instinct was the first to ask Yuyuko.

Sayo: Yuyuko-san...what are you?

Yuyuko: I guess that I need to re-introduce myself. I am Saigyouji Yuyuko, ghost mistress of the Hakugyokurou and the netherworld. As well as one of the 7 Sages.(A/N: I know that Yuyuko ain't one of the sages of Gensokyo, but I'm making her a member here to fill in the spots cause only 3 have been identified as of yet)

Lisa: G-G-G-Ghost!?

Lisa who was scared of ghosts clung onto Yukina.

Yuyuko: Don't worry I won't haunt you like any normal ghosts do ufufufufu~

Aya: Ayaya, Hatate-chan...you two are....

Hatate: Me and Aya here are what you call Tengu Yuokai.

The girls are very familiar with tengu's as they are a part of Japanese history.

Rinko: Then, Remilia-san is...wait....bat wings, red eyes....don't tell me-

Remilia: You've got good eyes Shirokane Rinko. You guessed it, I am a true vampire and so is my sister.(A/N: I know that I said that Remilia and Flan ain't vampires a few chapters ago.....I take it all back)

Everyone was even more scared when Remilia calls herself as a true vampire. They were afraid that she might suck their blood or turn them into vampires as well.

Aya: Then....Sakuya-san...are you a vampire as well?

Sakuya: No. But I am bounded by a contract with oujo-sama that links my life to hers, and I did this on my own free will.

Rinko: Yuyuko-san....then is Riku.....

Yuyuko: Your guess is as good as mine Rinko-chan. But Riku-kun is a half human/half youkai.

The girls were shocked at the reveal that Riku was a half youkai, especially his childhood friends.

Kanon: T-Then how about Youmu-san?

Yuyuko: Youmu is half human/half ghost.

The girls were still shocked but they saw Chiyu and Kokoro was calm and felt like it doesn't faze them at all.

Misaki: Kokoro...how come you're calm from all of this?

Masuki: You too Chu².

Chiyu: Because I already know who they really are. So is Kokoro.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Misaki: You knew this whole time Kokoro!?

Kokoro: I knew onii-chan was a youkai long ago. But I don't mind. For me, onii-chan is still the onii-chan that I love!

Chiyu: I gotta agree on Kokoro right there. Iku is still Iku. He taught me everything there is to music and he's the very reason that I started this band. I owe everything to him. He even helped me find LOCK here to join my band.

Arisa: But why did Tsurumaki-san and Chu² knew Riku-san was a youkai?

Remilia responded to Arisa while floating in the air with her sister.

Remilia: Simple. Because they're his cousins, they're his family. And for a Nagae, family is very important.

Saaya: Then that explains it. Then what kind of youkai is Riku-kun based off Yuyuko-san.

Yuyuko: Well the Nagae are a race of fish youkai. An oarfish youkai to be precise. Way back then, they are also known as the "Messengers from the Dragon's Palace".

Rinko: Yuyuko-san, you said that Riku is an oarfish youkai, then what does those sparks from his hands yesterday came from?

Everyone looked at Rinko in question.

Hatate: Wait you saw Riku did that?

Rinko: Well it was when Riku finished singing the 1st song yesterday and everyone was in a trance, then Riku clapped and I saw some violet sparks coming from his hands.

S. Aya: *whistle* so you've noticed that one too? Good eye. Reason for that is because the Nagae Family can borrow the Dragon God's power.

Everyone: Dragon God?

Hatate: I'll take it over. From the information that we gather over the years, the Nagae borrows the Dragon God's power to manipulate lightning at will. And I heard that Mitake-chan over there have told you girls that Riku can read the atmosphere right?

Everyone but RaS except Chu² nodded and Hatate continued.

Hatate: Well Riku can read the atmosphere in the most literal sense. If Riku wanted to, he can read the atmosphere to predict the weather or even manipulate it at will, and he can even use it in combat. By reading the atmosphere, he can literally read his opponents every single move, and by the outsiders perspective, they're looking at Riku dodging without even trying.

Everyone besides the Gensokyo girls were Shocked and awe when they heard on what Riku can do but.

Lisa: Wait. If what you say is true, why does he haven't done anything.

Yuyuko was chuckling while her fan is covering her mouth.

Yuyuko: ufufufufufufu~ It's because he isn't interested in doing it in the first place. Remember what I told you girls earlier? Unless it piques his interest, only then he will put in effort.

Kasumi asked Yuyuko something with stars gleaming on her eyes.

Kasumi: If Riku-senpai can do that, what can Youmu-senpai do? And you too Yuyuko-san!

Arisa: Oi Kasumi! That is out of line!

Yuyuko: It's alright Arisa-chan. Ayaya and Hatate-chan told you what Riku-kun can do, so it's kinda fair to know what we can do as well.

Tae: Then.....what can Youmu-senpai do? Can she use lightning like Riku-senpai?

Yuyuko: Unfortunately no. Her ability is capable of handling sword techniques.

Everyone tilted their head in confusion as Yuyuko explains it in detail.

Yuyuko: What I mean is while the ability may seem to simply explain Youmu's skill with the sword, it also shows her potential. Those around her tend to call her inexperienced, and her appearance does make her seem young, but if she were to go up against a regular person, she would be considered an expert with the sword. She follows the teachings of her fencing instructor and ancestor and trains daily up to the point that she can learn how to cut time itself.

Kasumi: Youmu-Senpai can cut time!? That's cool!!

Maya: So Youmu-san can basically master any sword technique as long as she gets a grasp at the basics of any sword?

Eve: Yuyuko-san! Is Youmu-san accepting disciples!?

Chisato: Eve-chan!

Yuyuko: Hmmmmm.....for our standards, Youmu is still wet behind the ears and still got a long way to go but.....I'll give you a chance to talk it out to her and see if she approves.

Eve: HAI! Thank you for giving me the opportunity and I will be one step closer to learn the way of the Bushido!

The rest of Pastel*Palettes just laughed while Chisato was facepalming.

Tsugumi: Then Yuyuko-san.....what is your ability.

Yuyuko: I can manipulate death.

Yuyuko answered with a smile and everyone was frozen in fear knowing that Yuyuko can kill them in an instant.

Yuyuko: Don't worry. I rarely use it unless it's necessary. And no, I cannot kill you in an instant, What I can do is manipulate on how one dies.

Ako: So it's like the "Death Note"!?

Yuyuko: Well that's one way to put it.

Hina: What about Ayaya and Hatate-chan?

S. Aya: Well I can manipulate the wind and Hatate here has the ability to conjure accurate spirit photos.

Sayo: I see now. No wonder Himekaidou-san is CiRCLE's informant. With her ability she can project any accurate information that she needs whenever someone asks her for any info.

Misaki: Then what about Remilia-san and the others?

Remilia: I have the ability to manipulate fate.

Yukina: Fate?

Remilia: Kukukuku yes fate. For example, I can manipulate Rinko's fate with Riku-boy if I wanted to.

Rinko's heart started to beat fast when she heard that Remilia can manipulate her fate with the man she loved. Remilia flew down and held her by the chin.

Remilia: Don't worry, I won't do such a thing. I'm kinda interested in the ending that you'll have with him kukuku....

Remilia lets go of Rinko and Ako helped her to get her back up.

Ako: Are you okay Rin Rin?

Rinko: I'm fine Ako-chan. Thank you for helping m-


An explosion was heard and they looked at the direction where it came from and it was Flandre who just destroyed a wall.

S. Aya: Good thing Marina took the day off.

Hatate: She'll likely faint if she sees this. And the property damage included as well.

Aya and Hatate looked at each other and they were thankful that Marina took the day off.

Flandre: Aw.....it's broken.

Sayo: W-what did she just do?

Remilia: That is my sister's ability. Flandre is capable of destroying anything.

Tsugu: To think that an innocent child like her wield such power.

Remilia: Yes. Flan's destructive power was so great we had to isolate her from the outside world. And ever since childhood, she never had any true friends. She only had me, my old man, Sakuya and the staff to talk to. But it all changed when Riku-boy came to France. Ever since then, Flan became more open and more social. She treats Riku-boy as a brother that she never had.

Everyone had a warm smile knowing that Riku changed Flandre's life. Kokoro is currently hugging Flandre like a huge stuffed animal, Sakuya is trying to separate Kokoro from her but her grip on Flandre was tight and she was saying that Kokoro will become her older sister as well and Flandre just smile.

Tomoe: Then Sakuya-san, what can you do?

Sakuya: I can manipulate time. Freezing time, accelerating, slowing or any concept that can be used with time, I can manipulate it freely.

Ran: Isn't that a bit too OP?

Sakuya: True. But using it puts a strain on my body, however with this pocket watch as a medium, I can bypass the drawbacks.

After Sakuya explained what her ability can do, Yuyuko and the rest returned into their normal selves.

Yuyuko: Now that you've seen the other side of us and Riku, what are your thoughts on it? Whatever you say at this point, we will respect it.

Misaki: Why? Why tell us this now? This is too much for us to take in an instant....

Kaoru: I may have an idea why Misaki.

Chisato: You know something Kaoru?

Kaoru: I think they're telling this to us now, is for us to prepare for what's to come.

Remilia: Like the flamboyant one said, you girls need to prepare for what's to come. Now that you involved yourselves with us, expect things that will get your common sense thrown out of the window. Sakuya, give "those" to them.

Sakuya: Understood.

Sakuya took out a briefcase and opened it and what's inside was 30 scarlet tokens.

Yukina: What are these?

Remilia: Since you girls are now related to Riku-boy, I might as well give these to you all as well. These are Blood Tokens of the Scarlet Family. Present this to any property owned by my family and you will get special privileges. And this also serves as a form of protection.

Himari: Protection?

Sakuya: As long as you have that token, you are under the protection of the Scarlet Family.

The girls received their token from Sakuya and Saaya asked them a very important question.

Saaya: Yuyuko-san, aside from you and the rest in this room. Are there anyone else similar to you out there?

Yuyuko: Of course~ they're scattered all across the world, living normal lives like the rest of you girls are. We made a pact that we will only use our powers unless it endangers our lives or those around us. Well, most of them are here in Japan. From espers, youkai, gods-

Everyone: GODS!?


S. Aya: Why of course they exist, I mean Riku wields the power of the Dragon God and a half youkai to boot. You can consider him a half god if you think about it.

While everyone was imagining Riku acting like a certain Thunder God, Hatate was browsing her phone and suddenly she received a message from Marisa.

Hatate: Marisa? What did she send this time?

Hatate opened the message and her face paled. Yuyuko noticed and went to her.

Yuyuko: Anything wrong Hatate-chan?

Hatate: Yuyuko-san. Well, Marisa sent me a message and....you know what....take a look.

Hatate gave her phone to Yuyuko and she read the message that Marisa sent.

Marisa: "Be careful of the Black Fang. They ambushed me and Reimu. We manage to drive them back, but the thing is, they were using danmaku. Warn Riku of this at all costs."

After Yuyuko read the message, she went to the hole that Flandre made. The girls seeing Yuyuko leaving asked Hatate.

Ran: Hatate, where is Yuyuko-san going?

Hatate: Ah don't mind her, she's just making a call to order some food supplies.

Hatate lied to Ran as she already knows that Yuyuko is a literal glutton.

Tomoe: Food supplies?

Ran: Yuyuko-san may look like that, but she is a literal glutton. Even if she eats everything in Yamabuki-san's bakery, she still won't be satisfied.

Moca: To think that a ghost will be my enemy in bread~. Moca-chan won't lose~

Rinko: Now that you mention it, Riku did give Yuyuko-san a cake he made when he first came to school.

Sayo: Yeah, and from what I heard from some students, she finished the entire triple layered cake in just 15 minutes.

Kasumi: Riku-senpai can bake?

Rinko: Y-Yes..it's one of his hobbies when he has some time away from music. He told me this when we had time to catch up.

Hatate: Alright that's quite enough, the 2nd day is already starting.

Hatate changed the link on the TV and changed it to the link of the Future World Fes. The girls were waiting well except some are waiting in anticipation to Riku's performance.


Yuyuko POV

I went to Riku-kun's office and tried to call Yukari. after a short while, she finally answered.

Yuyuko: Yukari, it's me.

Yukari: "Yuyuko. Calling me means that you read Marisa's message right?"

Yuyuko: Yes. And this makes me hesitate whether to let the girls go to Stockholm or not as I'm concerned to their safety.

At first I was hesitant to bring the girls there because of the video alone but, now that I know that someone other than us can use danmaku can be a harmful to them.

Yukari: "You don't need to worry about that. Even the girls are there, the Black Fang won't touch them."

Yuyuko: How can you be so sure?

Yukari: "Even though they're a league of assassins, they still have a code to follow and that code is to never involve civilians in their missions and prioritize the target."

So even though they are assassins, they still have some honor in them

Yuyuko: I see. But is what Marisa said was true? Were they using danmaku?

Yukari: "That's what Marisa and Reimu saw and I don't know who taught them to use danmaku but I'm going to find out. I've already sent Ran to Stockholm to aid the boy."

So she already sent her sister to help Riku-kun, that will make things easier.

Yuyuko: Is that so. If that's the case, I'll be travelling with the girls for good measure.

Yukari: "Good call. With you on their side, then we'll have nothing to worry. And adding the Scarlet Family bodyguard, your gardener and the Komeiji Family, there is a low chance that the tournament will get attacked."

True. But everything will depend on Riku-kun's decisions.

Yuyuko: I've told the girls about everything.

Yukari: "So he decided to not hide it to them anymore. As expected from him. Guess we can let loose a bit when we're around them."

Yuyuko: ufufufufufufu~ now now Yukari, you can let loose, just not too much. YOu know Reimu will not be happy if we go overboard right?

Yukari: "Don't need to remind me. Well I gotta go, I'm already starting the investigation."

Yuyuko: Then good luck and don't be reckless.

Yukari: "Then let's have a drink once this is over. Later."

Yuyuko: Hm~ I'd love that.

After Yukari ended the call, I looked over Riku-kun's room and held one of the pictures where Riku-kun was declared the youngest "Maestro" in the world at the age of 13 and he was with his parents. There were tears coming from my eyes as I remember the moments when Riku-kun's parents were still here.

Yuyuko: Miku-chan, Richard-kun. I know that you're no longer here, but I'm sure that you're watching your son doing his best from above. I promise, I will never let anything bad happen to him, even I have to show my true self to the world. That is my vow.

I put back the photo and I make my way back to the lounge. Whoever is teaching the Black Fang to use danmaku, once Yukari finds out who you are, I better hope you pray to your god because not even your god will save you from her wrath.

Meanwhile in an unknown location

Llyod POV

As I was finished preparing for my tip to Stockholm to see if Riku is really my target, one of my men came by and has this to say.

BFM 1(Black Fang Member): Sir, all preparations for your trip are all complete.

Lloyd: Good. Then I will take my leave no-

BFM 2: Sir, there is an incoming call from the leader!

From father? It must be important.

Lloyd: Patch it through.

BFM 2: Yes sir!

I went to one of the monitors and the video call has already started.

Brendan: "Son, I assume that you're going to Stockholm yourself?"

The man who was in the screen has gray hair, and a gray beard with gray eyes with a scar on his left eye. He is Brendan Reed, the founder of the Black Fang and my father.

Lloyd: Yes father. I am to go there to confirm the target that our client gave us a few days ago.

Brendan: "Ho...and what is the name of the target."

Lloyd: You may not believe it but....it's Nagae Riku.

Father's expression became more serious as not just me, the other Four Fangs as well know that my father and the Nagae Family head had a very close relationship as close to being brothers.

Brendan: "Are you sure of this Lloyd? You do know the consequences if something happens to the Nagae heir. And who gave the order to assassinate him in the first place?"

Lloyd: The contractor is Shinomiya Oko, father.

I can hear father gripping the arm rest of his chair very hard and I can hear it creaking.

Brendan: "I remember that I did not approve of this-"

Lloyd: It was "mother" who approved of this.

Brendan: "Sonia? I should've known. Lloyd, is Ursula still close to her?"

Lloyd: According to one of her vice-commanders, Ursula has been distancing herself from "mother" over the past year. And I got an additional report that the "Angel of Death" ambushed Hakurei Reimu and Kirisame Marisa and got hurt in the process.

Brendan: "Hmmmmmm...Lloyd, put your travel on hold."

Lloyd: Father?

Father stood up from his chair and gave me a command as the leader of the Black Fang.

Brendan: "Gather the remaining Four Fangs. We'll discuss it at a later date. I'll get Linus and I'll get Jaffar once he's recovered. You get Ursula and bring her here, and make sure that "she" doesn't know anything of it."

Lloyd: By your command, father.

Father ended the call and I looked at the men who were with me as I gave them my order.

Lloyd: Change of plans. Set coordinates to Los Angeles. If I'm right, Ursula will be there.

BFM 1/2: Yes sir!

Hopefully this goes well. If not, we'll face the entire wrath of Gensokyo and the Black Fang is finished.

A/N: Imma put 3 chapters in one go because I felt like it. And once I put the remaining chapters here, I have more time to focus on the latest chapter which will be out in September.