
The Prodigy and the Band Girls (BanG Dream x Touhou OC)

Nagae Riku, heir apparent to the prestigious Nagae Family and a young prodigy in the world of classical and modern music. What people don't know, he is one of the greatest professional musicians to ever live. Alongside with his brothers that took him in, they've won the greatest tournaments in competitive music and created a dynasty. For 3 years they have dominated the competitive music scene. And one day, they have decided to retire. Leaving the world of music in shock. Riku retired in search of something. He had the money, the fame and made his name in history as a true prodigy, but deep inside him, something is missing in his life. 3 months after his retirement, he got a call from his grandfather and says: How about trying to go back to school? You might find something that you've been lacking. And who knows, you might find the one you've been looking for. By accepting his grandfathers offer, Riku did not expect that his life will take a 180 turn..........only one way to find out. A/N: Ight, I may be a bit trash with descriptions but this is the best that I can do, so bear with me. And I may upload a long, long, long while cause sometimes I get mindblocked and again bear with me cause this is my first time doing this. Now with that out of the way.......IWAE!!!!! Credits to VALVE, the DPC(DOTA Pro Circuit)and DOTA 2 for the details in the DOTA 2 Major and The International and also credits to the owner. And credits to ZUN for the Touhou characters, all of those belong to him. And another note.........This series is originated from the one that I have in wattpad, and at the back of my mind, why not put it here as well? So here you go. Hopefully you like what you read.................and I suggest you guys read this in your PC or laptop because some of the words are in Bold, Italic or Underlined and reading it on your phone won't show it.

IWAEHypeMan · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

VIII - Response and Stand-in

Several Days Later

April 21, 2021 - 3:00 P.M.

Live House CiRCLE - Riku's Office

Riku POV

A week has passed since I showed the girls my career as a pro musician, my history with OG, and my offer to Roselia being CiRCLE hosting their first live. During those days, the girls were coming to me almost every day so they can get some advice on music in which I agreed to help, even though I have a packed schedule.

Right now I'm at my office along with Yukina-san and the girls of Roselia, we're at the middle of a discussion regarding their first live. The first issue was the date of the live itself.

Yukina: I think we should hold our live at the 15th of May.

Riku: I prefer to do it at the 25th.

Lisa: Isn't that a bit too long?

Lisa-san asked me this and I answered while my arms crossed.

Riku: For you girls, it's a long time. But for a pro, it's an acceptable date. This gives us have more time to prepare in case there are some last minute changes or in such cases we make a new song and debut it during the live.

The girls are still not convinced, but I continued.

Riku: Remember what I told you about the PBC?

The 5 of them nodded in response.

Riku: Actually, I manage to call a friend of mine and told him the details and by coincidence he is going to have a vacation in here at the 25th, I gave him the run-down and he agreed.

Yukina: So, who is this person coming to watch our live?

Riku: You can call him "Dendi". A good friend of mine and a great guitarist.

Sayo: Who is this "Dendi"?

Riku: A former guitarist for Natus Vincere or Na'Vi and the 1st TI Champion. Just like me, he made it to the TI Finals 3 times in a row. Even though they placed 2nd at TI 2 and 3.

The girls were shocked on what they heard. If a person of such caliber were to watch them perform, then there is literally no room for error. But I said this to them to calm them down as I can see that they're getting a lot of pressure especially Yukina-san.

Riku: Don't worry girls, Dendi isn't that harsh, he's pretty chill and a very fun guy. So don't worry about getting pressured. As long as you play as you always do and enjoy every moment, you'll do fine. I won't be surprised if he wanted to play on the stage because of how good you girls are.

Sayo: He does that?

Riku: He does this on several occasions. But he only does this to bands that have the talent to make it to the big leagues. If he really does this in your live, then that means he approves you girls.

The girls are taking my words into heart and Yukina-san was the first to speak.

Yukina: Very well, we'll hold our live at the 25th of May as you said. Just as Riku-san said, we need all the practice we can get.

The girls nodded in agreement and the date of the live is set.

The next agenda was the fliers and tickets.

Riku: Now onto the next one....which of you is in-charge of the tickets and fliers?

Lisa-san raised her hand and she showed me her phone showing the design of the fliers and tickets for their live.

Riku: Impressive. The designs are really well made. Don't you Rinko?

Lisa-san and Rinko flinched as I said that.

Lisa: How did you know it was Rinko who made this?

Riku: It's kind of obvious from the start. Rinko is the only one I know who makes designs like this. But for now, send this to me and I'll have Hatate take care of printing the tickets and fliers.

Lisa-san sent me the designs of their tickets and fliers and I sent them to Hatate and she replied that she'll be able to print it by the end of the day.

Riku: With the date and the tickets and fliers taken care of, let's talk about the distributions.

As I said that, the atmosphere of the room got tense as this is a serious matter for Roselia and Riku.

Riku: Now as for the distribution, CiRCLE will take 40% of the earnings.

The girls had a shocked expression when I said that and I continue to explain so they can understand.

Riku: Now hear me out. The reason for this is because that Roselia is an official member of CiRCLE now.

Sayo: Since when did we become a part of CiRCLE?

Riku: To use one of the studios and equipment here at a low cost, you signed a membership here, thus Roselia is now a member of CiRCLE. Don't tell me you forgot? Rinko was the one who signed Roselia here a week ago right?

Sayo-san blushed as she started to remember that they signed a membership here. The girls excluding Yukina-san shared a light chuckle and I continued explaining.

Riku: With your band as one of its official members, your band gains some benefits from it.

Ako: Benefits?

Riku: *nods*one of the benefits is that you'll get 60% of the total earnings in lives that you perform here where usually both sides get half. But since you are a part of CiRCLE now, you get more of the earnings than the usual. As long as you girls surpass the minimal ticket quota, you'll be fine.

The girls understood what I said and Yukina-san asked an important question.

Yukina: Aside from that, what are the other benefits that we get?

Riku: You don't know?

The girls shook their heads saying that they didn't know.

Riku: I thought you already knew...anyway, the benefits you can get are prioritized bookings and can cancel them at anytime as long as both sides can get to an agreement, you get discounts on venue rentals and instruments, you can also inquire our services regarding on moving your instruments once the you finish performing free of charge.

Lisa: To think we get that many benefits just by doing that. I guess we got nothing to worry about anymore. Right, Yukina?

Yukina: Yes. Now let's get to the important part.

Riku: Exactly. Just as Yukina-san said, this is the most important part. This is regarding the guest bands that will perform. Do you have any bands in mind on who will perform?

Yukina: *nods*we manage to negotiate to some of them and they are willing to perform.

Riku: Okay then, I'll leave you to it. Make sure that the bands you chose to perform are the right ones. Remember, Dendi will be watching, and I won't be surprised if he brought along some people along with him.

As I said that, I looked at the clock and it's near 4 P.M., I stood up from my chair and looked at the girls.

Riku: Now with everything planned out. I guess it's time to show you the stage where you'll be performing.

Ako: Really!? You'll show it to us!?

Ako-chan asks me this with her eyes shining.

Riku: Yup. In fact, you girls will be the first band to see the stage that CiRCLE has built. Follow me.

I opened the door and the girls followed me and made our way to the stage.

As we went down the staircase and made it to the door, Sayo-san said this to me.

Sayo: From what I remember, this door is locked. Toyama-san and Tsurumaki-san tried to open it with their passes and it didn't work.

I just kept quiet and pulled out my phone and put it on the scanner beside the door. We heard a beep confirming that the door is opened.

Riku: Now then, take a good look on where you'll perform.

As I opened the door, the girls of Roselia got a look of the stage.

(A/N: The stage is on a smaller scale than this one and take off the PC's and the trophy in the middle along with the jumbotron above. Credits to ESL for this one.)

Ako: Ohhhhh! It's so big!!

Rinko: Isn't this a bit too big?

Riku: For some, yes. But I went my way and make it a bit bigger. It also reminds me of the time when I was still a pro.

As I was talking to Rinko, the other girls were looking around and they saw 4 flags on the left side corner and 4 flags on the right side corners. They took a closer look and it was the logos of the previous TI champions. Yukina-san approached me and said....

Yukina: Riku-san. How many people can fit in here?

Riku: The minimal.....I would say around 300. But if it's a sold out, this place could fit at least 550 people or more.

Everyone turned their attention to me when I said that.

Sayo: T-That many?

Lisa: I don't know if my connections are gonna be enough.....

Riku: About that, you don't have to worry; Aya can help you with that.

Yukina: Aya? You mean Maruyama-san?

Riku: Not that Aya.

The girls tilted their head in confusion as I said that it's not the Aya that they know.

Rinko: If it's not Maruyama-san, then who?

I just looked at my watch and said....

Riku: Incoming in 3, 2, 1.


The girls flinched when they heard the door opened loudly and as they looked at the person who was at the door, they saw a girl with semi-long black hair, red eyes. She's wearing a white blouse, a black short skirt and wears a tokin on her head.(A/N: Tokin is a headwear that the Tengu wear on their heads. Since Aya is a Tengu in Touhou, I'm gonna leave it cause it kinda fits her.)

???: ORE! SANJOU!!

I just scratched my head as I know who came in.

Riku: You're late. Aya.

S. Aya: Come on, don't be like that boss! You know I always come in clutch.

Lisa: Riku. Is she?

Riku: *nods*Aya, introduce yourself.

Aya did a salute as an answer to me and introduced herself.

S. Aya: Roger! Pleasure to meet you everyone! I am Shameimaru Aya! A fellow staff member of CiRCLE and in charge of the Live House's Social Media on all platforms. You can call me Ayaya if you like. And you 5 girls are Roselia, am I right?

Yukina: That's right. I am Minato Yukina. Roselia's vocalist. Pleasure to meet you.

When Yukina-san introduced herself, the others followed suit.

Sayo: Hikawa Sayo. Roselia's guitarist.

Lisa: Imai Lisa. I play bass for Roselia. Pleasure to meet you, Ayaya~.

Ako: Udagawa Ako, I'm the drummer!

Rinko: S-Shirokane Rinko....Roselia's keyboardist.

When Rinko introduced herself, Aya went to my side and whispered to me.

S. Aya: Say boss, is she the Rinko that you've been talking about back then?

I just nodded without answering and I turned my attention to Lisa-san.

Riku: Lisa-san. Aya here will help you on advertising your live. If you're in need of something that requires the social media, then Aya is the perfect person to rely on.

Lisa: It'll be a pleasure to work with you, Ayaya.

S. Aya: Ayaya. Same goes to you Lisa-chan. By the way boss. You got a package at the front desk.

Riku: A package? From who?

S. Aya: I took a peek and I think it was from Yukari.

I felt a shiver down my spine when I heard her name. Rinko approached me worried.

Rinko: Riku, are you okay?

Riku: I'm fine Rinko. But anyway, I think that we've covered everything here. I guess we can call it a day.

Yukina-san nodded in agreement. We manage to finish a lot today. After Lisa-san and Aya finished talking about advertising their live, we made our way back upstairs and we saw right away was a large black rectangular box. And it appears that there was a note. I took the note and read what was in it.

"This is the payment that I promised you a few weeks ago. Hopefully you can put it into good use.

I'll call you again if I need something that requires your help."


Riku: Hmmmm...so this is what Yukari-san meant.

Rinko: Ummmm....Riku. Who is this Yukari-san?

Riku: Yukari-san was a friend of my father when he was still alive. Yukari-san occasionally asks my family for help in some cases and we always get something in return.

Lisa: Then what did she sent to you this time?

Riku: I don't know. I'll figure it out once I get home. In the meantime.....*snap fingers*

As I snapped my fingers 2 tall men wearing suits appeared from out of nowhere and I instructed them regarding the box.

Riku: Take this to my room and be careful with it. If my grandfather, Youmu or Ayabe ask about this, tell them it came from Yukari-san.

Suit 1: It shall be done, Riku-sama.

As he said that. He and his partner took the box and made their way to my home. The girls left a bit later after they made an advanced reservation on one of the studios. Just when I was about to leave the front desk, the door opened and I see Chisato with her bass on her back.

Riku: Chisato, what brings you here?

Chisato: Well, Pastel*Palettes wants to make a reservation for Saturday this week.

Chisato could've just called me if she wants a reservation, but her bringing her bass means...

Riku: I can do that. But that's not the reason why you're here right?

Chisato: I really can't hide anything from you.....actually...I need your help on something.

Riku: Okay. Go to Studio 3 without me; let me finish things here first. You can practice your bass while you're waiting.

Chisato nodded and went to Studio 3 and I remained here to finish Pastel*Palettes' reservation.

Live House CiRCLE Studio 3

I made my way to the studio and as I opened the door, I see Chisato playing her bass. But I can already tell that something feels off. Chisato saw me enter the room and she stopped playing. She put her bass on the stand beside her and took a seat. I made my way to a vacant chair and asked her in a very serious tone.

Riku: Okay, be honest with me Chisato. Are you okay?

Chisato just looked down avoiding my gaze.

Chisato: I'm good Riku....

Riku: No you're not. I can tell that something is wrong; it's already obvious when you were playing your bass. It's like you're frustrated when I heard you play just now compared to your usual last week. Just tell me what's wrong Chisato, I'm your brother remember?

Chisato just sighed in defeat and tells me her problem in a hesitant tone.

Chisato: I really can't hide things from you onii-sama. The thing is, Aya-chan suggested that we do Yura Yura Ring Dong Dance, and she's very adamant on us performing it. And well....I don't want to do it for reasons that I won't talk about, and Aya-chan has been pushy about it and I've been doing my best to change the subject or say that we should do a different song but....you know Aya-chan is right?

Riku: Aside from her low self-esteem, she's quite a hard worker even for an amateur idol.

Chisato: Well....that's two things.....because of this; Aya-chan is starting to believe that I don't want to perform Yura Yura with her because she's not good enough....but the truth is.....

Riku: It was not Aya-san who has the lack of skill to do it, but you....right?

Chisato: That's right. I want to perform this song badly for Aya-chan but...I can't...not right now.

When Chisato said that I stood up from my chair and told her as if I'm scolding her.

Riku: Then why hide this from Aya-san and the others? If you're concerned of the lack of skill to do it then why hide it? You're all in a band for crying out loud! You should be working together to solve the issue! Not keep it to yourself!

Chisato just stayed silent as she continued to look down trying to figure out what to say next. Her being quiet for a long while means that I hit the mark.

Chisato: Well, when you're in the spotlight for so long, people tend to view you as a person who can perform in any circumstance. But in reality, they don't know how much effort you put in just to perform in front of them.

After I heard Chisato's true feelings I just smiled and said....

Riku: I think I get it now. I guess both of us are alike.

Chisato looked at me in surprise when she heard that we're similar.

Chisato: What do you mean we're alike?

I sat back and tell Chisato what I meant.

Riku: What I meant is, you have this bar set up high and it's not just the expectation that you set for yourself, but it's the high expectations from others right?

Chisato: Exactly. But...what do you mean that we're alike?

Riku: Remember the reason why I retired from OG?

Chisato : *nods*

Riku: Well that was half the truth.

Chisato: Then you lied to them when you said the reason you retired it's because of your duties to the family!?

Riku: My duty to return to the family by the age of 18 is one of the real reasons why. But the real reason I retired is.....I'm just tired.

Chisato: Tired?

Riku: Tired from the expectations that people had in me and OG.....every win we get, it kept getting higher than the last. Ever since we won TI9 and back to back to boot, the pressure was on us and they expect that we can put out a performance like we did in TI throughout the year, even though they have no idea on how much work and effort that we put in every time. And when Johan damaged his voice box and I became the vocalist, the bar was set higher much more as they expect more from me. Me and the boys know that if we kept going on like this, people's expectations will be even higher to the point that we can't even keep up with the demand. It will entirely tire us out and lose our motivation to play especially Jesse and Ceb.

Chisato was just quiet and shocked as she heard on what I really have to go through in my days as a pro.

Riku: So we decided that we retire after TI10. To get away from music for a while. Try something new and do things that we missed out. I mean....Jesse went back to college a month ago to get his degree. I mean he has 2 years left to get it. Topias continued culinary school since that was his other dream, Ceb went back to his family since he's about to get married and Johan is fully committed in managing OG since he's the owner.

Chisato: But why tell me this?

Riku: Because at this point, you're going to tire out due to the expectations and pressure that people put into you and I don't want that to happen. And from my guess is that you feel that Aya-san and the others have these high expectations on you?

Chisato: Yeah.....but....what should I do onii-sama?

Riku: You must tell them how you truly feel Chisato. By opening yourself up to your band mates will make you understand each other more than ever. You trust them and they trust you.

Chisato: But.....I don't want to waste their time just for me.....

Riku: So you would rather choose to suffer in silence?

Chisato: Yeah.....

Riku: *sigh*what am I gonna do with you....Chisato. Look at me. Eyes on me.

Chisato looked at me in the eye and I put my hands on her shoulder.

Riku: Chisato, asking for someone's help is not a waste of time. Remember, you are not perfect, you don't know everything, and there are times where we have to ask help from others, even if it means on swallowing on our pride. And asking Aya-san and the others for help will not make them look at you differently. They're your band mates, friends, partners and someone you can trust.

Chisato: But...what if they see me different once they knew that I have some flaws.

Riku: Chisato, all people have flaws. Take Hina-san for example. True that she can do things perfectly on her first try, but she has some flaws as well. And I have some flaws as well. Just try talking it out to them and trust me when I say this. They won't reject you; they will help you as you have helped them.

Chisato: I.....I will try.....I'll keep it in mind.....onii-sama...

Riku: Now with that out of the way....let's talk about your problems with the song you were telling me.

Chisato: R-Right. The thing about Yura Yura is.....it's a duet between me and Aya-chan and there are parts of the song where the both of us have to sing together but....

Riku: So basically you're having problems on singing and playing bass at the same time?

Chisato just shyly nod her head on my question to her.

Riku: Hmmmmmmm.....that's a tough one....but I might be able to help you with that. I like to do it now but.....

Chisato: But?

Riku: I have an appointment at 7 and it's already 5 in the afternoon. But I'll give you some tips. You need to master the bass before you get to singing. You need to practice the song over and over again to the point that you can play your bass by muscle memory then sing. Practice Yura Yura to the point that you don't have to look at your bass to know where your fingers are placed at. It's a matter of trial and error and a lot of patience. Believe me, I've been doing that on my guitar on my early days in OG and it was stressful but worth it.

Chisato: Do you think I can do it?

Riku: I don't think you can do it.....I know you will. Now get up, let me treat you something to eat. Been a while since we hang out just the two of us.

Chisato: Won't other people get the wrong idea? They might be thinking that we're on a date. And I am an idol so normally I can't have a boyfriend.

Riku: True, but this is considered a sibling date so don't get the wrong idea. Wait for me outside and let me finish things here.

Chisato left the studio and waited for me outside. I called Hatate and Aya to close up once they're finished on their jobs and I finally left and met up with Chisato.

A Few Minutes Later

Family Restaurant

Me and Chisato made it to the restaurant, we find ourselves a seat. When we manage to find a spot, two girls approached us and they seem to know me, and they told me that they were one of my fans back when I was with OG and asking for my autograph. Obviously I can't reject them and I gave them what they asked. After the girls left I saw Chisato pouting and I can tell she's jealous so I just pat her head so she can calm down.

When the waiter arrived, I ordered a classic Salisbury Steak and Chisato ordered some Carbonara. While we were waiting for our orders, Chisato looked at me with a serious look and said.

Chisato: Riku.....something's wrong right?

Riku: Was it obvious?

Chisato: For me, yes. Want to talk about it?

I gave a moment to think about it. I already helped her on her issues, might as well.

Riku: Here's what happened.

Flashback - April 10, 2021

What did Johan meant by that? They need me in OG again? I talked to Johan on the phone and asked him on why am I needed back on the team.

Riku: Explain.

Johan: You know what's happening in Eastern Europe right?

Riku: Russia's sudden attack a few months ago? Yeah.

(A/N: I know that this happened in 2022, but I'm gonna put it in 2021 and COVID didn't happen.)

Johan: The thing is, ever since that attack, multiple countries have restricted Russian VISA's and that includes the bands and players that came from Russia. That means Misha's VISA is invalid due to that.

This is the first time I've heard about this. If that's true, then this will screw up the entire season over.

Riku: How did the Eastern European teams respond to this?

Johan: They tried to appeal a few weeks earlier, and somehow it was approved. But the conditions are that the bands and orgs aren't affiliated to Russia and have them relocate alongside renewing their VISA's. Na'Vi, Virtus.pro, BetBoom and Team Spirit are already in the clear, but for the guys who are Russian but are playing in other regions like nightfall, dyrachYO, Misha and chu, it might take longer.

Riku: And you called me is because of this?

Johan: Yes. And the second reason is that you are still a part of OG since you're also part-owner of the org, we can't afford to lose half of our PBC points to find a stand-in from another band.

Riku: Wait. Half of the bands PBC points? I thought it was just 25%?

Johan: They changed the rules before the PBC started this year most likely on the stand-in rule. And from what I heard, they're also changing the rules for Future World Fes and TI.

Riku: They what!?

Johan: We'll get the full details of it 2 weeks before the Future World Fes begins so don't worry.

Riku: Okay...What about Ceb? Did he know about this?

Johan: I called him just now, he wanted to do it but it seems he's with his family and won't be in contact with us till the end of June.

Riku: I see. Regarding Misha's VISA, how about you try registering him a Portuguese VISA. I mean he's been living there in Portugal for a long time now right? Might as well do it so he'll be able to play at the next one.

Johan: Why didn't we think of that? I'll tell Juan about this. And as for the stand-in thing...you'll have the end of the Spring Tour to reply. I've talked to your grandfather earlier and he agreed.

Riku: Wait, what?

Johan: All we need is your reply if you want to go or not.

Okay. So many things are happening right now. One is the Russian VISA issues. Two, is the sudden rule changes in the PBC. And three, is that my grandfather gave Johan his approval of me playing in the pro scene again without me knowing. I just sighed and talked to Johan.

Riku: Alright. I'll give you a call once I have my answer.

Johan: Okay, I'll expect it before the end of the month. Take care.

Riku: You too Johan.

End of Flashback

Riku: And that's what's on my mind for the past few days.

Chisato: I think you should do it Riku.

Riku: Eh?

Chiasto: Did I say something wrong?

Riku: No....it's just ...I wasn't expected that you're gonna say that. It's just that.....I'll feel bad that I'll leave Japan again after all those years.

Chisato: You don't need to worry.

Chisato said that as she gently holds my hand.

Chisato: You can go and play to your heart's content. We'll be here waiting for you to come back. And besides, we will get to watch you play at the stage that you've been at for years for the first time. And it's not just me, Rinko-chan and everyone else wanted to watch you too.

Riku: *chuckles*guess I got worried for nothing....good thing I talked this one out to you.

Chisato: Me? What about Rinko-chan, Kokoro-chan, Ran-chan and Kaoru?

Riku: Several reasons. Rinko will be disheartened if I leave. Kokoro and Kaoru will probably tell everyone about this and for Ran...probably she'll keep this to herself. And out of all the childhood friends that I have, you are on the serious and understanding side when it comes to things like this.

I see Chisato's brow twitched a bit....I can see that I did something to make her angry.

Chisato: Is that an insult or a compliment?

Riku: A compliment...incoming food in 3, 2, 1.

Chisato was about to ask why I was counting down, and right when I said 1....

Waiter: Sorry for the wait! Your orders have arrived.

The waiter showed up with our orders and Chisato just looked at me surprised.

Chisato: How did you know that our food is gonna be here right now?

Riku: I don't know. I'm just a prediction master. But enough of that, let's just eat.

After I said that, me and Chisato ate the food we ordered. After that, I tell Chisato that I'll take her home, she refused at first, but when I said that there might be some stalkers behind her, she accepted my offer and made our way to her home.

Several Minutes Later

Shirasagi Residence - Front Gate

Chisato: Well....we're here.....and...thanks for the meal Riku.....

Riku: Anytime. Well, I'm gonna go now. Remember what I told you at CiRCLE right?

Chisato: *nods*I'll make sure that I'll sort this out with Aya-chan and the others.

Riku: Good. Good night.....Chisato.

Chisato: Good night.....onii-sama.

As we said our goodbyes, I make my way home to give Johan my answer and to take a look on what Yukari-san sent me.

20 Minutes Later

Nagae Mansion

As I entered the mansion, Youmu was already waiting for me. She asked me if I had dinner in which I told her that I did have dinner outside with Chisato. After that, she told me that the package that Yukari-san sent me was on my room.

Riku's Room

As I entered my room, I pulled out my phone and dialed Johan's number and.....

Johan: Riku.....

Riku: Johan it's me.....I'm in.

Johan: Have you thought about this?

Riku: Yeah. When will bootcamp start?

Johan: We start next week.

Riku: I see. By the way, how's Misha and chu's VISA's going?

Johan: Your idea worked perfectly. Although they won't be able to come with us at Stockholm, they'll be able to go with the others at the next Future World Fes with 0 issues.

Riku: That's good news.

Johan: And there are some last minute changes regarding on the bands going to Stockholm.

Riku: What about it?

Johan: The Chinese bands won't be able to go due to riots going on China's major cities, resulting in a lock-down.

Riku: Are you serious?

Johan: Yeah. And there have been talks that the Future World Fes will be cancelled. But the PBC decided to let it continue with the 14 bands remaining. As for the Chinese bands, they decided to give the top 4 bands of the current tour additional 300 PBC points to make up for it.

Riku: Well that's a relief. I was starting to get worried for them. Anyway I gotta go, I have some matters to attend to.

Johan: Okay. Call me when you're about to leave.

Riku: Will do. Good night Johan.

*Call Ends*

Riku: Now that my talk with Johan is done....let's see what Yukari-san sent me.

I opened the box and what's inside was a white keytar with violet and red outlines. I lifted the keytar and it felt a bit heavy than the usual keytars, which means that this keytar is fully customized. I gotta thank Yukari-san for this. After I gave my new keytar a go. I took a look at the rankings of the Western Europe PBC, and I was shocked on what I saw.

1st - OG - 6-1 - Qualified to Future World Fes

2nd - Gaimin Gladiators - 6-1 - Qualified to Future World Fes

3rd - Team Liquid - 4-3 - Qualified to Future World Fes

4th - Tundra - 4-3 - Qualified to Future World Fes

5th - Team Secret - 3-4 - Remain in Division 1

6th - Entity - 2-5 - Remain in Division 1

7th - Brame - 2-5 - Relegated to Division 2

8th - Nigma Galaxy - 1-6 - Relegated to Division 2

Riku: Are you fucking kidding me!? Nigma of all bands have dropped to division 2!? What the hell happened Kuro? And Secret too....They did well last year and now they're in the middle of the rankings....they might rely on the Regional qualifiers to get to TI at this point. And OG snagged 1st huh? Not bad even though tied with Gaimin...OG has more 2-0 wins than Gaimin that's why they got 1st.

After taking a look at the rankings of the other regions, I went to my grandfather's room and told him everything. He said that he can still go and told me not to worry about him. Before I left he told me "Go give them hell", which I understood immediately. I called Yuyuko-san and explained my situation and she said that if I can get a mark of 80 or above in the exam that she's gonna give me then I am good to go. Then I told her that if I can take Youmu along with me and she agreed to it. I went to my room and I start to prepare.

The Next Day

Hanasakigawa Girls High School - Rooftop

Rinko POV

It was the start of lunch break and as I was about to head to the student council office with Hikawa-san, Riku called me and he said that he has something to talk about just the two of us. I agreed and followed him to the rooftop where no one is there. When we arrived at the rooftop, Riku turned around and looked at me with a serious look.

Riku: Rinko. I'm leaving Japan this weekend.

Rinko: Eh?

Eh? Riku? Leaving Japan? Again? All of a sudden I felt my heart beating fast and tears starting to come from my eyes. Riku was coming closer to me and wiped the tears on my eyes.

Riku: Don't cry now. Just let me explain why I'm leaving.

I let out a sniff and wiped my tears and listened to Riku explain.

One Explanation Later

Rinko: So that's how it is. You're leaving because your band needs you, did I get that right?

Riku: Yeah. There are no keyboardist available and OG can't afford to lose a lot of points, so I'm their last resort. And besides, you get to see me perform on the stage that you and your band wanted to go right?

Rinko: How long will you be gone?

Riku: The group stage starts at the 12th to the 15th of May and main stage starts the 17th to the 21st. But I gotta get to Portugal to practice with the band as soon as possible to familiarize myself with the new boys.

Rinko: That's quite long...then....what about our first live? Who's going to take over?

Riku: I already told Marina about everything, you can trust her. My grandfather handpicked her to be CiRCLE's manager and I can vouch for her, she's more capable than you think.

If Riku says that Marina-san is capable as he says, then I'm going to trust him. I unconsciously grabbed both of his hands and held it tight.

Rinko: I understand...but promise me Riku...Promise me that you'll win.

Riku was just silent when I say that and I suddenly realized that I grabbed his hands and held it tight, my face turned red when I saw it and I let go of his hands in panic. Riku just chuckled and gently pat my head.

Riku: I already planned to...but sure. I promise I'll win. Now let's get back to class, we don't want Sayo-san getting angry now don't we?

As he said that, me and Riku left the rooftop and made it back to class with time to spare. After school ended, he told me that I can't tell what happened on the rooftop to the others and he said that they're gonna find out on saturday.

April 25, 2021 - 10:00 A.M.

Live House CiRCLE - Front Desk

It's Saturday and Yukina-san called us and she said that we should start practicing in preparation to our first live, everyone is down with it and now we're inside CiRCLE and only see Marina-san behind the desk. Yukina-san and Sayo-san were looking for Riku but before Yukina-san was about to ask where Riku is....


The door opened and we see Toyama-san and Poppin'Party alongside with the other bands, I guess they made a reservation for today. I see Ichigaya-san scolding Toyama-san.

Arisa: You're too loud!

Kasumi: Sorry!~

Kokoro: Onii-cha- Are? I don't see onii-chan here.

Misaki: Maybe he's doing something important.

Aya: Do you have any idea where he is Chisato-chan?

Chisato-san kept quiet and ignored Maruyama-san's question. I guess that Riku also told her to keep it a secret.

Ran: Odd. Normally nii-san will tell us if he's doing something important.

Tomoe: You think so?

Mitake-san simply nods and Yukina-san goes to where Marina-san is.

Yukina: Marina-san. Have you seen Riku-san?

Marina: Well...about that...he left Japan just this morning...

The room was silent for a while and after that....

Everyone(Except Chisato and Rinko): EHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?

Hikawa-san was the first to ask Marina-san why while looking very angry.

Sayo: What do you mean he left Japan!?

Hikawa-san's sister came to her to calm her down but it didn't work.

Hina: Onee-chan! Calm down!

Just when Marina-san was about to explain the door opened and we see Himekaidou-san with bags on her eyes.

Marina: Hatate-chan. You're here....then that means....

Hatate: Yeah. The bands have been decided.

Lisa: Decided?

Hatate: It's better to show it to you rather than tell you.

As Himekaidou-san said that, she took her flash drive and she inserted it on the board and Yukina-san was shocked to what she saw.

Yukina: T-This is...

Hatate: These are the bands that qualify to compete at the Future World Fes that will be held at Stockholm in May.

Everyone was surprised on Himekaidou-san's announcement. Then the screen changes and we see the 14 bands who qualified.

(A/N: The teams are listed from left to right)


Western Europe


Yuragi – bzm – ATF – Taiga – Iku

Gaimin Gladiators

dyrachYO – BOOM – Ace – tOfu – Seleri

Team Liquid

MATUMBAMAN – miCKe – zai – Boxi – iNSaNiA


skitter – Nine – 33 – Saksa - Sneyking

Southeast Asia


Raven – Armel – Jabz – DJ – Jaunuel


jaCkky – Yopaj – Fbz – TIMS – Skem


Gabbi – Karl – Kuku – Whitemon – Xepher


Eastern Europe


Daxak – Larl – Noticed – Forcemajor – SoNNeikO

Team Spirit

Yatoro – TORONTOTOKYO – Collapse – Mira – Miposhka

Mind Games

Dinozavrik – Ainkrad – Petushara – Astral –Dukalis

North America

Evil Geniuses

Arteezy – Abed – Nightfall – Cr!t- – Fly


Timado – Bryle – SabeRLight- – MoonMeander –DuBu

South America

Thunder Awaken

Pakazs – DarkMago – Sacred – Matthew – Pandaboo


K1 – Chris Luck – Wisper – Scofield – Stinger

Hatate: And I've overheard that you girls are looking for Riku. Then let me show you why he ain't here.

Himekaidou-san tapped on OG's logo and the screen changed and we see the names of OG's members.

Kasumi: NO WAY!!!!!

We see Toyama-san in front of the screen screaming and Yukina-san went to her.

Yukina: Toyama-san, what happened?

Kasumi: Riku-senpai's name is here!

When Toyama-san said that, Yukina-san, Mitake-san and Hikawa-san turned their attention to the screen and they saw Riku's name.


Gt./Vo. - Artem "Yuragi" Golubiev - 19 - Ukraine

Gt. - Ammar "ATF" Al-Assaf - 15 - Jordan

Bass - Bozhidar "bzm" Bogdanov - 15 - Bulgaria

Drum - Tommy "Taiga" Le - 23 - Norway

Key./Vo. - Riku "Iku" Nagae - 19 - Japan

Saaya: You're right Kasumi!

Ako: 2 of them are the same age as me!!

Imai-san asks Marina-san why Riku's name is written there.

Lisa: Marina-san, why is Riku's name there?

Marina: Well....from what he told me a few days ago, he was called by OG and asking him to be a stand-in for their current keyboardist because he has some issues on his VISA.

Sayo: Then why didn't he told us sooner?

Hikawa-san questions Marina-san, but I already know why.

???: Simple. Because he knows that you're going to find out sooner or later.

The voice came from the front door and we saw a young woman with pink hair wearing a sky blue kimono. Me, Hikawa-san and the other girls that goes to Hanasakigawa know her. She is Saigyouji Yuyuko, Hanasakigawa's principal and Riku's aunt.

Rinko: Principal, what are you doing here?

Yuyuko: Well Riku-kun called me a little while ago and he asked me to give you girls this.

As Saigyouji-san said that, she went to the front desk and put something that looked like tickets on the desk.

Sayo: Principal....are those tickets?

Yuyuko: That's right Sayo-chan. But these are not just your ordinary tickets; these are VIP tickets for Future World Fes. Riku-kun managed to reserve these for all of you.

Kokoro: Does that mean we get to watch onii-chan play in person!?

Yuyuko: Of course. But...If you want to watch Riku-kun at the tournament itself, you have to pass your exams first. You are still students after all. You girls need to have a grade of at least 70 in all subjects if you want to go.

The moment she said that we heard some of the girls on the ground wallowing in despair and it was Toyama-san, Hanazono-san and Kitazawa-san.

Yuyuko: And this also applies to those who go to Haneoka as well. I talked to your headmaster and she agreed to it. So if you fail, you won't get to watch Riku-kun play in person.

The Haneoka girls went wide eyes when the principal dropped the bomb and I can see Yukina-san sweating bullets.

Kasumi: Arisa! Help me study!!!

Arisa: Let go of me you oaf! Study on your own!

Tae: Saaya....can you help me?

Saaya: I-I'll see what I can do...

Hagumi: Mii-kun!! Help me study!!!

Kokoro: Don't worry Hagumi! I'll help you out!

Hagumi: Kokoron!!

Chisato: Aya-chan, Maya-chan. Have you 2 been studying?

Aya: Well...I think I can handle it but.....can you help me a bit?

Maya: H-Hina-san and Eve-san has been helping me so...I have no problems.

Himari: Tsugu! Please help me!!

Tsugumi: Don't worry Himari-chan! Everyone will help! Right girls?

Tomoe: Don't worry Himari! You can rely on us!

Moca: Moca-chan will give her all~

Ran: Hm. Like same as always, we got your back Himari.

Sayo: Tempting as it is but....we can't forget that we have to prepare for Roselia's first live. So we may not have the time.

Ako: Aw man!! That's not fair!!

Hikawa-san is right. I want to go too but.....we have our live to prepare.....

Marina: Oh yeah regarding that, Riku wanted you girls to go. This might give you some inspiration in the upcoming live that you'll have. Don't worry about the set. Me and the others will take care of it. Just give us the details and we will do the rest.

Rinko: Marina-san....

Lisa: Well...looks like we have to hit the books on this one. Are your grades going well Yukina?

When Imai-san said that, Yukina-san was just quiet then she turned around and went to the studio we reserved with style.

Lisa: She dodged the question!!

Sayo: Looks like we have to help Minato-san study. Shirokane-san, how about you help Udagawa-san on her studies?

Rinko: S-sure. Ako-chan, Are you okay with me helping you?

Ako-chan hugged me in excitement.

Ako: Absolutely!! If it's you helping me, I feel I can perfect the test!!

Yuyuko: Ara Ara~ ufufufufufufu.....

Marina: The girls are really motivated now.

Yuyuko: Of course. I mean Riku did his exams in advance and if he passes the exam with a grade of 80 then he can go. If Riku-kun can do it, I'm sure they can too.


Nagae Mansion - Kyoya's office

3rd POV

We cut to the Nagae Mansion a few hours after Riku left Japan and on his way to Portugal, we see Nagae Kyoya the head of the Nagae Family leaning on his chair after taking care of some documents that Riku finished before he left. As he was taking a rest he heard the door knock.

*Knock* *Knock*

Kyoya: Who is it?

???: It's me Oyakata-sama.

Kyoya: Ah Eiji, you can enter.

As the door opened Kyoya sees Kamiki Eiji the head butler of the Nagae Family coming inside while holding a bunch of papers.

Eiji: Here are the documents that you needed.

Kyoya: Good work Eiji. Then that means the men we sent a few days ago did its job perfectly.

Eiji: Yes, they manage to take her to safety, but they were too late to save the mother and father as they already succumbed to the injury that they had when the men got there. And according to the men, the parents were shot multiple times and several stab wounds in the back.

Kyoya: I see. What's the situation on the girl right now?

Eiji: She is still unconscious as of now but she's still alive. We informed the school that she's attending the situation and they agreed to give her time to recover. And if it all goes well, then the transfer will go smoothly.

Kyoya: Have you found out who is responsible?

Eiji just shook his head.

Eiji: No. But the men manage to get some hints on who hired them.

Kyoya: Hired? So someone paid them to do it.

Eiji: Yes sir. From what the men gathered, they were hired by a bald asian man with a terrible attitude.

Kyoya just leaned back on his chair without saying anything and let out an exhausted sigh.

Eiji: Is something the matter oyakata-sama?

Kyoya: It's nothing Eiji, don't worry about me. Get the car ready, I'm going to pay her a visit.

Eiji: Understood. But may I ask a question.

Kyoya: Ask away.

Eiji: Are you sure that you want to make her a part of the family?

Kyoya: I am certain Eiji. She has the blood of the Nagae in her veins and I will not let anyone who has the Nagae blood die again. I will not make the same mistake again.

Eiji: I see. What about Riku-sama? He doesn't know any of this.

Kyoya: He'll find out sooner or later. He has something that needs his full attention on right now, and telling him this while his band is relying on him will change his priority.

Eiji: Oh right, I forgot about that. One last question. Will she take the Nagae name or will she keep her old name?

Kyoya: That will depend on her once she wakes up. If she wants to take the Nagae name, then we will welcome her with open arms and tell her everything that is to know about the Nagae. If not, then we'll still accept her but we must do everything in our power to make her live a normal life, we can't afford to get her involved in our 'world' too much.

Eiji: Very well. I will make preparations for your transport at once.

Eiji left and Kyoya stood up from his chair. He goes to the window and gazed to the outside view.

Kyoya: Looks like things have gotten out of hand. If 'he' is involved in all of this.....I might need to pay them a visit. But for now, the girl is my priority.

Kyoya left the office and on the table, among the documents was a Bio and it has a picture of a young girl with dark violet hair and dark violet eyes that are devoid of life, and the name of the girl was


























































"Asahina Mafuyu"

A/N: Volume 2 starts now with the Future World Fes in Stockholm!! Riku leaves Japan for Portugal to prepare for the tournament as OG's stand-in keyboardist.