Can you imagine entering a world where the battles that take place in your dreams can change your life? A world that is at the mercy of angels and demons battling to reach the Physical Plane, where your everyday life takes place, if you are willing to peer behind the veil of consciousness, then this saga is for you....
The first thing Agent Chang and I saw when we got to the hotel's suite was Charles, wide-eyed and holding up his PDA so we could see the message he had written on the screen.
The whole suite is bugged.
The only place clean is the guest bathroom.
We followed him, bypassing agents that were still scouring for electronic bugs. Inside the bathroom, Charles turned the water on to drown the sound of our voices.
"This place is like an electronic bunker," he commented. "What do you have for us?" I asked anxiously.
"The recording of the Pope's conversation with the Camerlengo after your meeting."
"What?" exclaimed Agent Chang sharply.
"If they can spy on us, so do we," explained Charles, shrugging and passing me the earbuds. I took them, fitting one in my ear and handed the other to Agent Chang.
The Camerlengo's voice was the first to speak. "Your Holiness—"