Can you imagine entering a world where the battles that take place in your dreams can change your life? A world that is at the mercy of angels and demons battling to reach the Physical Plane, where your everyday life takes place, if you are willing to peer behind the veil of consciousness, then this saga is for you....
It was 3:00 am when we entered through the military zone. Agent Chang, Charles and I identified ourselves and were directed to hangar A- 11, where our private jet was waiting for us. On one side of the jet there was a coat of arms with the words Per ardua ad astra: Through adversity to the stars, the motto of the Royal Air Force. While we were heading to the jet, a black limousine arrived.
"Inspector Pitbull, is that you? You can board the plane; Agent Chang will join you in a minute."
I stood by watching the analyst carry his two chromed briefcases, but decided to get in the jet and sit there. A CIA assault team had already claimed most of the seats and examined us coldly as we boarded.
Agent Chang appeared a few minutes later, accompanied by the commander officer of the unit. After introducing us, I grabbed Agent Chang by the arm and pulled her to a corner.
"What the fuck is going on?" I asked her beneath my breath. "We're going to Sicily."
"You better tell me what's the meaning of your wife's last words, inspector. Why the Camerlengo? What does the right hand of the Pope have anything to do with the duke Von Wolves?"
"The Camerlengo is the half-brother of my wife, by their mother side. And he's partly responsible for her dead. For some reason, she asked us to look for him."
"Why did I hear this from my superiors and not you?"
I sat next to the window and Agent Chang dropped in my lap a folder with the words "TOP SECRET" across. I was rather surprised when I saw its content.
"God, is this confirmed?" "Yes, it is."