
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 5:

The long journey has now ended, we have arrived at the Luthanian Empire. Wow, the sun reflects from the castle causing it to shine, like blazing fire.

We stopped at the entrance, at least four knights each side. Sir Aide was greeted respectfully, of course, they'll ask me too...

"Sir Adair, may we know who she is?" The other knights already positioned in front of the carriage door.

"She is my apprentice." Sir Adair said, the knights looked each other then nod. They opened the gate and let us enter. I sighed in relief.

"The knights highly guarded the gates, since the princess was gone." Adair said, how special is this princess?

"How long has the princess been gone?" I asked, he sighed. I shouldn't have ask—

"A week now." What, that long? How come no one found her yet.

"The princess looks a lot like you.." My lips were shut, I began to tremble again. Ha! Sir Adair, must stop saying nonsense. I think I look nothing from that princess.

We arrived at the castle, we were greeted by some maid and other servers. The castle was huge, living like this must be cool. Being rich and known, are somewhat out of my reach in my world. I was only known because of my friends.

But somehow, this is different. Why are the maids staring at me? Is it because of the dress? Or maybe...

"My eyes.." I looked down and just hold onto Sir Adair's cape. I looked like a child, but I don't care, I might get lost if I don't hold onto him. Or worse, I might bump into that crappy ki—

"Sir Adair, pleasure to meet you here." As expected, the King of Luthanian Empire, and he's with someone.

"Oh, your Majesty. Pleasure to meet you too." Sir Adair bowed to him, and suddenly his eyes met mine. His eyes widen in shock. He walked up to me and caress my face slowly. He look like he's about to cry.

"Your Majesty, is something wrong? You're tearing up!" The man with him suddenly held him. And also Sir Adair.

"I'm sorry, she just looks like my daughter." With that they all stayed silent. The King hasn't been able to move on from her daughter.

"What is your name, dear?" I couldn't answer that. I don't know if I should tell him my real name or the name in this world. I trembled, nothing came out from my mouth.

Not until, Sir Adair calmly talk, "She is my Apprentice, your Majesty." I sigh in relief.

"Oh. That's good to hear. Let's have a talk next time, Sir Adair." As that, they all bowed to the King, and the King took it's last glance to me.

"We shall meet next time, little girl." I bowed too. Then Sir Adair took my hand and walked off.

We arrived at his office, it was more like a library, filled with old dusty books and some glass with colored chemicals. If I was going to own this room, I think this room will be super tidy.

"So this where you will be learning at, those books there are for beginners." He said as he pointed at the middle left bookshelf.

"Don't touch those on the right, those are from my son, will be also your brother from now on." I nod and he patted my head.

Sir Adair smiled and leave the room. I looked around to see anything useful, since Sir Aide said my mana is powerful. I scanned the books, and found a black book. I thought it was something mysterious, but it was just a Guide for Healing Magic.

"Well, health comes first anyway." So, I opened the book and saw different techniques of healing, some of it needs plants for healing. Not all can be healed through magic.

I started following the techniques of Healing. First, was simple by channeling the magic power into their palms. This can only be used at a short range, in nearly direct contact of the recipient. Only non-life threatening wounds can be healed like, scratch, grazes and bruises.

"So, it was simple healing magic that Sir Adair used to me." I continued reading, when someone entered carrying a lot of books.

"Who are you?" A boy with sea blue eyes looked at me like with seriousness. He was a bit confused and he walked up to me.

"I asked who are you?" His voice rise, he acts like he is someone who has a rank when in fact he's just a little boy too.

I couldn't open my mouth to speak. Why does people release some vicious aura? I tremble in fear, thinking what should I say.

"Killian?" A little girl showed up behind the door, then holding her was Sir Adair. The little girl was smiling brightly when she looked at Killian.

"Killian, Lady Anne of Fersia is looking for you." Sir Adair said, Killian only snickered and turn back his gaze at me. What is he thinking? He's looking at me like I'm totally different person.

"Father, who is she?" Killian asked to Sir Adair. So he is Sir Adair's son. I may be a 19 year old girl inside, but I need to act as a little girl. So that he'll like me as his little sister.

"Brother Killian?" I said and grabbed his hands. I think I'm gonna puke by acting like this.

"Killian, she will be your step sister." Killian looked at Sir Adair in disbelief. That girl name Anne look like she is about to cry.

"What, that can't be! Father, you just can't bring some little girl from the street!" Ouch, that hurt. Sir Adair walked up to Killian and smacked his forehead. I was shocked by Sir Adair's sudden outburst.

"Killian, I have never taught you to act like that!" Killian touched his forehead, he looked at me angrily.

"Killian, say sorry." Sir Adair continued, but Killian was hesitating.

"Sir Adair, it's okay. Brother Killian doesn't need to apologize." I said and tightly grasped Killian hands, acting so happily.

This prick, acting so stubborn. You should've just acted nice, now look at you. Somehow, I feel pity for you.


5th Chapter is here! Please do like and vote if you like my amateur writing and story.