
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 22

A sudden clashing sounds of swords erupt in my ears, I groaned as I stood up and rushed to the window. But suddenly I stopped and stare at them,

Why the heck are they fighting near my window?

The Head maid knocked and open the door, seeing me staring silently at the morons.

"Head maid?"

"Yes, Your Highness?" She responded quickly .

"Tell those two morons to move away, my sleep got ruined because of their annoying swords."  I said, and quickly went to the changing room.

"As you wish, Your Highness. I'll call the Butler for that." And as that, she left me with the other maids.

"WHY are we fighting here? Like seriously, near the Princess' window? You must be out of your mind..."

"I am not out of my mind, Marquis." I smirked as I held my sword in front of him.

"If you are not, then why are we here?" He asked again, I rolled my eyes at him.

And suddenly rushed towards him, grasping my sword tightly.

As expected, this Marquis is not just a normal swordsman, Marquis Henry gained a title after the war. However he rejected that title and gave it to Albert.

"Why are you challenging me? Out of all men here..." He said, as he push me using his sword, I fall off to the ground.

But I didn't completely fall, I used my hand to back me up and do back flip. And quickly ran to Marquis, and swooshing my sword at him.

Marquis Henry being good at dodging, dodge all my attacks, and just a sudden punch at my stomach made me stop.

"I don't do swords fighting anymore, Killian." He said and drop the sword.

"Masters, the Princess has said that you two must leave." The Butler arrived suddenly.

She didn't make any sound coming at us.

"Sneaky, Butler Airo." I said, but the Butler look at me expressionlessly.

"We will, please tell the Princess we're sorry for the inconvenient." Marquis Henry said as he now and left.

"Is she awake?" I asked.

"Yes, she is now preparing for breakfast."

"Thank you, but-uh can you tell her to meet me at the Central Garden?"

"Yes, Master Killian." the Butler said and left.

"Central Garden, it is!" I can't wait to go there with her. I know she'll love it, when she sees the Central Garden.

"He wants me to go where?" I asked at the Head Maid.

Where is that Central Garden?

"As far as I remember, Central Garden is from Solestice City." Mother said, chewing up her food.

"Solestice City? Isn't that far from here?" I asked.

"It is, if you take a normal ride. However, if you use a teleportation portal, you'll be there in a minute."

"Why does he want me to go there?" I asked again.

"Well, Central Garden is known for the exquisite flowers, sweetie." Mom said, as she wiped her mouth using the napkin saying that she's finished.

"I think I remember a rumor about the Central Garden when I was kid." Father said.

"That Central Garden used to be the an elf kingdom."

"Oh yes, I heard about that!" Mother add in, and saying it in a joyful way.

"It said, two lovers met at the Central Garden, but fate twisted them. The man died in agony, wishing he could see the woman one last time." Mother said .

How tragic could that be.

"The man was killed due to treason to his own kingdom." Father said, and held mother's hand.

"What did he do, Father?" I asked.

"It said years ago, us humans we're not allowed to fall in love with elves, or else you will receive death." That made me shiver in fear, how cruel humans were to kill such an innocent man.

I sighed.

"Anyways, I will excuse myself and visit the wizard." I said, and left them.

"Be careful along the way." Mother said, and I nod back at her.

As the knights prepare the carriage, I went to my room first and hide the picture frame that was hidden in my drawer.

I planned to bring this, to show it to Killian to see if he has some clues. I will tell him the whole story at that time when I was held captive.

"Your Highness, the carriage is ready." The Head Maid said led me to the carriage.

"Please be safe on your journey, Your Highness."

I only nod at them.

The ride was quiet and peaceful, only the rocks that are being crushed, horses neighing, and wind breezing were there.

I kinda feel sleepy.

"Your Highness, we have arrived at the Central Garden."

I woke up feeling heavy, seeing the knights standing outside the carriage, and it was almost night time.

"How come we arrived late?" I asked and went out the carriage, holding the knights hand.

"There was a problem when arriving the Manch Forest, Your Highness."

Manch Forest? That's weird, it's my first time hearing it.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Some sheeps were blocking the way." The knights said.

"Okay, so where is the Central Garden?" I asked and the knights pointed a giant greenhouse.

"That is the Center Garden, Your Highness."

"Thank you, you may leave now." Then the knights left me, as expected this Central Garden is creepy, owls cooing, wind howling, even trees are like making cracking sounds.

I swear if Killian's trying to scare, I'll kill him.

"I'll be waiting for you, my love."

"Till death do us apart."

I froze, what the hell was that? I looked around and see if there's was people talking, but I see none.

"Killian, if you're doing this, please stop."

"My love, I have waited for years, even until now."



"AHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs, when I saw infront of me a woman.

I ran as fast as I can, going to any direction, not thinking what will happen.

"Lenri- Ack!"


I fell and plopped myself on the ground, my butt aches.

I slowly caress my butt and winced from the sense it sent through my body.

It really hurts.

"You should watch out when you're running." I saw Killian right infront me, also caressing his but and his chest.

"Why did you run? And you even screamed?!" He slightly rubbed his forehead in frustration.

"Oh please, it's not like I didn't know what you're planning?" I said, and snob at him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You dare try to scare me, that's what I'm talking about!" I said and pointed at him.

"Look, I didn't even planned to scare you. I was going to show you the poinsettia flowers at night." He said and pointed a red flower, it was shimmering, like it was glistened with shining dust.

"I'm sorry, it's just that, there was some people screaming and talking while I walked around here." I said and looked down.

I felt a pat on my head. I looked at him, and he just genuinely smiled at me.

"It's okay, I get it. I know the story behind here. However, I didn't know they would show up."

We both stared at each other for a minute, but after that I looked away.

"What a hectic night, it is."  We both thought.