
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 20

After leaving the hallway, that filled with hugs and clinging sounds of Anne and Killian. I truly heard Killian struggling, poor him. Anne should notice by now, that Killian doesn't like him.

I was only walking slowly away from them, I just heard a plop sound. Maybe it was Anne, then next a stomping sound. If Anne had left, I know for sure Killian will search for me.

I have to hide.

I ran as fast as I can, thinking where should I hide. Along the way, I found the butler.

"Airo, where's the safest place to hide?" I asked cautiously.

"Why, is there something wrong, Princess?" He asked and quickly walked away, his head gesturing me to follow him.

"Why are we here, Airo?" I asked.

"Her Highness did the same, when she was hiding from the King." Seriously?

"Really, mother did? I never thought of that." I said, and he chuckled.

"Her Highness hid here, she did asked the same thing to me, when she was around your age." I smiled. Why would mother hide from father.

"I will go now, Princess." I was going to stop him, when he already vanished from my sight.

That was quick.

I looked around, in every aisle, I scanned every books that caught my attention, the last one did filled me with warmth and calm in the inside.

I can feel my mana calming.

Then a knock filled the room. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Princess, it's me the Butler." He said, and I let him in.

"Princess, I have told the wizard your whereabouts. I didn't knew he was the one you're hiding from." Oh yeah, I didn't tell him. But, how did he know? Probably the servants since the saw the commotion just a while ago.

"It's okay, where is he now?" I asked as I returned the book from the shelf.

"His presence was wished by the King." Wait, what? Father did?

I groan and covered my face with my hands, the butler looked at me with concern.

"I'll go see Father now." I said and the butler nodded, leading me to the office of Father.

I heard voices talking.

"My niece wanted to learn magic from you.So, I'm putting her in your care." Oh, no way in hell, Killian is going to agree with this?

"Yes, Your Highness, will do. I will teach her tomorrow." What the heck, killian? Is he freaking serious?

I groaned. Thinking of Anne clinging more to Killian, is making me mentally frustrated. I'm stopping this.

I was going to enter, when I heard Killian speak.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. But, I can't right now." what is he talking about? What did father say?

I heard father sighed. He'll consider this.

I heard Anne spoke, that's when I enter and finally cutting of her words. Killian was right, she is annoying. She was surprised when she saw me, but I just looked at her with a fierce look.

"Lenria?" Father said. I saw Killian turned around with a shot up eyes. Pfft. Woah, hold it together Lenria, you need to be serious.

But, Killian's face is making me hard to hold it. Aha! I just need to look at Anne, so that I can keep my fierce look on her.

"Princess, what are you doing here?" Anne asked nervously, I can see her trembling. I never looked away from her while talking to father.

"Father, Killian is supposed to teach me today." I said, now plastering a smug looked on my face.

"Oh, is that so? Why you didn't tell me, Killian?" father said and patted Killian's back. Father's smile is like he's nervous.

Finally, I took my eyes away from Anne, and now back to Killian.

"Killian." I called him with a stern cold voice. As he turn around to look at me, I positioned myself with a crossed arms.

You're really dead to me, Killian.

He went to look back at Father and said, "I must leave, Your Highness." and bowed.

Father waved his hand, gesturing Killian to leave.

"The blessings upon Luthanian empire be with you, Your Highness." Father nodded, after that I left.

I heard the door opening and closing, Killian must be following me. But I fastened my pace, thinking what made me do that? I know I'm surely okay, if Anne practices with Killian. Why am I frustrated about this?

While thinking, I just stared at the trees as I walk. Hearing large footsteps and name calling behind me, it's Killian rushing up to me. But why?

"Lenria!" The voice as loud as a roaring bear echoed through the hallway. I flinched, and finally came back to my senses. I tripped myself, seeing the dirt white colored floor. I'm now expecting a big lump on my head..

But I didn't, instead I've been held in such muscular arms.

"Such an airhead." A baritone voice. This isn't Killian, I opened my eyes, meeting a sparkling purple eyes.

Who is this man?

As Lenria processed on what just happened, she quickly pushed the man holding her and straightened her position.

'Is this some kind of revenge?' she thought.

"Lenria, we should go." Killain said, as he grabbed her hand, and walked away

As they were leaving, the man quickly stop them with a stern voice. "As far as I remember, magicians were respectful, and called the royalties with their title." the man said.

'could it be this man know that I'm the princess?' she thought again.

She winced in pain, when she noticed Killian's grip has tightened.

"Killian, don't mind him." Lenria said, then Killian continued walking again, dragging her.

The last thing they only heard was scoffed from that man.

"Duke Edward, the King has called you." a servant said. Then, the man name Edward went back, side looking at the girl.

"So, she's the princess, huh?" he asked himself.