
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 19

"Thalia?!" when did she come here? I looked at her face, she was shocked, but after minutes, her face was expressionless.

I saw her mumbling something, after that she just left. I struggle from Lady Anne's arms, to the point, she fall to the ground with her butt.

I held my hand to help her, but she slapped it, "Lady Anne, let me help you."

She didn't listen, but instead she stood up on her own and storm off. Is this some kind of a woman thing? I quickly searched for Thalia.

"Ugh, I'm gonna use my search-" I remember search spell doesn't work on her, so I have to use my feet and eyes.

I asked the servants if they saw the Princess, but all I get are disapproving faces.

"Where the heck did she go?" I went to her room, but I just saw some maids cleaning her room. I went to the garden, search every sides and edges, but even a shadow of her can't be seen.

"Where the hell did you go, Lenria?" I just wanted to explain clearly. Wait, why do I need to explain? She's nothing but like a sister to me. That's it, there's no need.

But why does it feel wrong?

"Sir Killian..." an old man approached me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Butler Airo Beckwith." He answered calmly.

"Okay, what do you want?" I crossed my arms, waiting for his answer.

"The King has asked for your presence in his office room." what, why?

"His Highness? What does he need?"

"I'm sorry, but I was only told to look for you, Sir Killian." he said.

"Okay, tell him. I'll be there." I said and the butler nodded.

"Oh, and Princess Lenria went to the Library." he said, I was about to go to the library, when the butler stopped me.

"Sir Killian, please proceed to the King's office first." I nodded and went to the King's office.

I have now arrived in front of his office. Those tall, majestic, and gold looking doors are shining. The door was encrypted with some weird writings. It has a dragon on each door, they're releasing fire breath. Legends do say that this empire where ruled by dragons, way back thousand years ago.

Enough of the back story. I knocked on the door, and the door just opened by itself. Come to think of, there's no knights guarding the doors.

"Your Highness, you've called me." I bowed quickly. didn't' even looked at the King.

"Yes, raise your head." I raise my head. A sudden shock wave went through my body to my brain.

Why is she here?

"Lady Anne?" what is she doing again? I still need to look for Lenria.

"Yes, as you can see Killian.This is Lady Anne of Fersia, she is my niece." the King said. I know that, I'm not dumb.

What did she say to the King? Is it because she fell on the floor, it was her fault for hugging me. She's a Lady, shouldn't she act like a noble one?

"My niece, waned to learn magic from you. So, I'm putting her in your care."

Say what now? This is frustrating even more. I can see Lady Anne smirking, she's doing this on purpose. What do you really want Lady Anne?

"Yes, Your Highness, will do. I will teach her tomorrow." I said. Then the King stood up, then as he walked up to me, he clenched on my shoulder.

"What do you mean tomorrow? Anne, here, wanted to learn now. That's why she came here early." As if, she just wanted to annoy me. I'm now with Lenria, can't she just stop.

Wait, that came out wrong. I'm here to protect Lenria, not her. I need to continue searching her, before she ignores me for good.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I can't right now." I said, and lowered my head.

I heard the King sighed. I hope he'll consider this.

"Your Highness, Killian really-" Lady Anne was cut off by a sudden sound of a door opening.

"Lenria?" The King said. I quickly turn around and my eyes shot up, when I really saw her. She has those fierce looked in her eyes while looking at 'Lady Anne?'

"Princess, what are you doing here?" Lady Anne asked nervously while trembling, she knows that Lenria is still looking at her with piercing daggers.

"Father, Killian is supposed to teach me today." Lenria interrupted our conversation, now with a smug look.

"Oh, is that so? Why you didn't tell me, Killian?" The King said and patted my back, even though he's smiling, I can still sense he's nervous around her daughter. The proof is, he always gulped and sweating.

This is the Lenria effect on him? Didn't knew it could moved him this way. He scoffed.

"Killian." A cold voice called him.

Of course, he won't forget about her. He went back to look at Lenria, who's now arms are crossed and eyes saying, 'you're dead.'

"I must leave, Your Highness." He said and bowed. The King waved at him to leave.

"The blessings upon Luthanian Empire be with you, Your Highness..." The King only nodded.

After that, he heard a slam, he saw Lenria just left. He quickly fastened his pace, and went out, catching up to Lenria. He saw Lenria, walking fast, and blankly staring at the trees.

He called out her name, which made Lenria flinched and tripped. He ran to her, but somebody already catch the small body of Lenria.

"Such an airhead." the man said.