
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 17

After the bath, the Head maid told me, "The King and Queen has invited you for breakfast, we will lead you to the dining hall." I nod. I wore an extravagant dress, with mixture of sea blue and and white colors, a small yellowish flowers on my chest, a white heeled shoes, the upper half of my hair was tied as a bun, the lower was left down and combed perfectly.

Sighs. It will take a long time to get to used this. The color of my dress resembles Killian, I wonder how is he? I hope he's fine.

After dressing, then we went to the Dining hall, every people I met looked at me shockingly. I looked down, feeling anxious.

"Princess, don't mind them."The Head maid said. I just nod back again.

We reached at the Dining hall, seeing my parents already arrived.

"Lenria, you have arrived! Come sit here beside me." Mother said, gesturing me to sit the chair beside her.

"How was your sleep, Lenria?" Now, it was father's turn.

"It was refreshing." I smiled and they smiled back.

"Let's start eating?" Mother said. Father and I nodded.

"Bring out the dishes." Father said ,and suddenly servants came out carrying tray with cover.

They put it in front of us, and they open it at the same time.

While eating, I remembered what happened just awhile ago.

"Uhm Mother...?" she looked at happily.

"Yes, sweetheart? What is it?" She asked. It's like her face saying, "Just say anything you want, I'll give it you."

"Ah, can you not let the maids help me when it comes to bathing?" I said, she just stared at me.

"Why, do you not like how they bathe you?" She then looked at the servants, and the servants flinched.

"No, it's not like that, Mother. I just want to bathe myself." I said and grasp her hand, she looked at my hand, then smiled back at me.

"Sure, if that's what you want. I'll the maids later." She said and went back eating.

"Tha-thank you Mother." I nervously said. She giggled a bit.

After breakfast, I went back to my room again. I gestured the maids to leave. Now, silence erupts in my room.

I sat down on the bed, thinking what should I do. I want to stroll around the castle, since this is now my home. I was going to open the door, when,

Knock knock. Who must be this person ruining when I was about to stroll, huh?

"Princess, It's Airo Beckwith, the Butler." the man name Airo said.

"Come in. What is it?" I coldly said.

"His Highness, ordered me to tour you around the castle." he said, then I nodded.

"Good, since I was planning to take a stroll around the castle." I said, then walked out, the the Butler followed me behind.

We start at the Main hall, where parties is held, then to different kind of rooms from the first floor. We went to the second, where the library was located. We enter the Library and it was gigantic, there's so many books. I took a walk to each aisle, looking every books.

"Princess, we need to continue." Butler said and I nodded.

We went to the last floor, it was filled with pictures, in it was different persons. Then a giant picture frame was seen, the King was standing and in front of him was Mother carrying a baby girl.

"Is that me?" I suddenly asked, the baby really looks a lot like me.

"Yes..." Butler said. I was going to end the tour, when a small picture framed was put beside ours.

I trembled in fear, when I saw his eyes...

"Tho-those eyes..." I wouldn't forget that man with, "deep emerald eyes..."

"Is there something wrong?" The butler asked, and I pointed the child in the small picture frame.

His face was cold and gloomy, it was like he wasn't happy. His eyes resembled those man's eyes.

"Who's that child?" I asked.

"Forgive me, Princess. But I don't remember that child." He said.

I took the picture and told the butler, "I'll throw this..." Even though I was only going to hide it. I'm gonna tell Killian about this, when he comes back.

"Butler, I'm tired, I should head back." I said.

"Yes, let me take you there."

"No, I know my ways."I said and walked away, holding the frame.

"Yes, May the blessings upon the Lutha..." As I walked away, his voice was out of my hearing. I quickly rushed to my room. And slammed the door.

I put the frame on the table. I haven't looked at it since I left. But I need to know, so I need to see his clear face. I picked up the frame again, now seeing the child with a woman behind him.

"What? How?" It was dark a bit at the last floor, so maybe I wasn't able to see the full picture.

The woman has deep emerald eyes too, but her hair was black, unlike the child who has, "Fiery hair?".His eyes is surely like the man, but his hair was pitch black. I saw that with my own two eyes.

Knock knock. I jolted from the sound, thank god I didn't drop the frame.

"Who is it?" I furiously said.

"Princess, it's me, the Head maid."It's just the Head maid, I quickly hide the frame on my drawer.

"Come in. What is it that you want?" I asked.

"The Queen and King can't dine in today for lunch, so they ordered me to bring your lunch here." she said, then dragging a cart tray.

I nod, then gestured to leave. I didn't know it was lunchtime, we took that long to tour around the castle?

I ain't hungry a bit, but mother might be worried, that I ain't eating. I opened the cover and saw the dish, it looked like a curry. I took a bite of the potatoes. After that, I ended up eating the whole food.

"Damn, it was delicious." I burp, then plopped on the bed,and suddenly rubbed my stomach.

Knock knock. It must be the Head Maid. "Come in." I said, the the door opened, revealing mother.

"Mother, why are you here?" I quickly sit up.

"Oh my, were you eating? I'm sorry. Then was about to leave again, when I stopped her.

"No, it's okay. I was done eating anyway. Have you eaten, Mother?" I asked, then she shakes her head disagreeing.

"I'll call the Head maid, mother. To bring your lunch." I said, but she stopped me.

"No need, I just came here to see you. I just miss you." My mother said caressing my hair.

"Mother, we just saw each other this morning." I said, but she just smiled.

"That felt like years."she muttered.

"don't be ridiculous, mother." I said, and hugged her.

"Now, that I'm here, you can see me everyday." I said.

"I know, I just can't help missing you."she said, I know hear her sobbing. I tried to make her calm, by rubbing her back.

After what happened, she left again saying she has to do something. I sigh, a lot has happened today.

"sighing makes you ugly."I heard voice from the door.

What the?