
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 14

Why have I comeback? It's weird, I don't remember anything after I went to sleep that night on my birthday. I just can't believe that easily to what David say.

"You're lucky, I was watching outside that night through the window. It was weird, because I saw you in the middle of the night, walking outside your gate, still wearing your uniform." he said. I don't even remember anything.

"I followed you in case something happens I'm there to protect you. You were walking like someone else, it was totally weird. It was like you weren't from this world." he said.

"I saw you walking to the street, you didn't mind the cars that was passing. You just walked, then a bike came rushing to you, I ran and pushed you, but it was an accident." he look down while saying it.

"Continue, I want to know..."

"You were still hit by a car, and that bike ran over me. It damage your head a lot." he finally said.

Did Lenria from the other world resurrected here? From what David said, I walked like I was someone else, so it must be her.

"It's okay now, you're awake." David said and hold my hand.

"Killian..." I suddenly blurted Killian's name.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"It's nothing." I smiled.

"Rest first." David said and tuck me in. He walked out to the door and said his 'goodbye'

It's been two days since I've arrived in this world again. I looked at the window. I wonder how they're doing? Did the real princess came back to her world?

Isn't this what I wanted? To be back at my own world? Somehow, it feels wrong. What did really happen to me?

After staying at hospital for a week, I finally got discharged. All of my friends were there to help me. I was happy, but there is still missing.

"Is something wrong sweetheart?" My mom asked.

I smiled for assurance. She seems to be taken by it.

We ride on mom's car, but it was bit small. So Jacob and David decided to ride on a bus. Mom and others nodded at them, then she started to on the engine and drove off.

"Do you feel any discomfort, Natalia?" Merlina said. It's weird, as far as I remember, they call me 'Talia' . I can really feel it, there's something wrong.

While Jacob and David on the bus, they transformed back into dark sorcerers.

"the longer we kept her alive, the sooner she'll know this is an illusion!" the man who transformed Jacob said.

"that girl is not from this world, we must kept her longer first. She might be useful." the man who transformed David said.

They corrupted Thalia's mind when she was asleep. Killian woke up seeing Thalia in pain, sweating, and burning up.

Killian saw a bit of dark magic floating on her head. He called Albert and the others and told them about the situation. Marquis Henry called some healing wizards and doctors to check her Thalia's condition. Lady Victoria stayed beside Thalia, she was incharge of bathing and dressing her.

Marquis Henry and Lady Victoria asked why a kind of harsh thing happened to her? Killian and Albert got no other choice but to tell them the truth.

"Thalia is..." Albert said, he was hesitating.

"She's Princess Lenria..."

"Oh my..." Lady Victoria said and sighed in frustration.

"What are we going to do about this?" Marquis Henry asked.

"We can't give her to His Majesty yet, the threats will increase." Killian said.

"Wouldn't it be better for her if she's guarded by her own Father, than to let her wander around the Empire?!" Henry said furiously.

"Henry is right, Killian. Letting the Princess wander around, isn't that already an advantage to the enemies?" Lady Victoria said.

"Killian, I think it's time to give her back." Killian didn't wanted to let go Thalia, he has been attached to Thalia, being a brother was enough for him.

But they have a point, I was careless. I left Thalia, knowing that she will be safe, but I'm wrong.

"Okay..." They all prepared for departure. Killian covered Thalia in a cloak and carried her to the carriage.

Marquis Henry and Lady Victoria came along with them except Duke Albert.

"Say 'hi' for me when she'll wake up." Killian nodded.

And the carriage departed. Thalia was trembling, Killian used light magic on her.

"Et uve re" a light magic where it can soothed the triggered memories. Somehow, Killian believed that this is the cause, it made Thalia stop trembling.

They arrived at Luthanian Empire exactly the sun setting. They quickly went to the King, at his room. The King was quite shocked to see them.

"What's happening here?" Killian walked up to the King and showed Thalia to him. The King was quite confused.

"I can feel Lenria... Where is she?" a woman suddenly said. They all looked at her.

"My wife, stay calm.." The King walked back to her and calmed her down.

"Ainsley, I can feel Lenria..." King Ainsley looked at Killian and back to Thalia.

"Is she?" King Ainsley asked.

They nodded. King Ainsley slowly walks up to Killian, he slowly took Thalia away from his arms. King Ainsley put Thalia beside on the Queen.

"Yes, my daughter!" The Queen cried in joy also the King.

"My daughter is back..." The Queen and King were happy, but we need to end that first.

"She's not in the right condition, Your Majesty." The King looked at Killian.

"What do you mean? What did you to my daughter?" King Ainsnley grabbed Killian's collar.

"Your Highness, a dark sorcerer corrupted the Princess' mind." Lady Victoria interrupted.

"Silence woman!" He hissed back at Lady Victoria.

"Your Highness, we're telling you the truth!" Marquis Henry has interfere too. King Ainsley let go of Killian's collar.

"I can heal her..." Killian said.

"You can?" All of them asked.

I know it's unbelievable. Why the heck did I just say that? Using a powerful magic on the Princess is risky, but I need to do everything I can do to save her, if it means risking my own life.

"I can."