
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

"Love is so unpredictable..." I sighed and look at where Marquis Henry and the others are standing at.

Huh? Where is Killian?

"I know..." a voice behind me? I quickly moved aside and was about to hit--

"Stop." What? Killian, how is he here? Killian now appeared in front of me, holding my hand so strong, I can't even nudge a bit.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Oh, it seems I'm bothering here..." I heard Lady Victoria said, she stood up and walked towards Marquis Henry, who smiled when Lady Victoria walked up to him.

I can sense that Marquis Henry do like- No, more like love Lady Victoria.

"Is that something you want to experience?" I looked at Killian, who's also looking at them.

"N-no..." I said. Dammit, if he's not close too much, I won't be stuttering like this.

His grip loosen, as he put his other hand on my cheek, making me stare at him. I wonder what he's thinking that made him do these sweet gestures.

"What do you see in that Duke?" what is he talking about?

"Huh?" I looked at him with a questioned face.

"I said, what do you like about that Duke?" what? Like? At Duke Albert? I haven't even thought of that!

"Nothing. Duke Albert is just nice." He scoffed.

What is wrong with him? Duke Albert is nice, he always keep me company whenever I'm bored. He trains me nicely and always compliment my sword fighting skills.

"Do you like guys who are just nice to you?" he asked.

"Killian, I only think of Duke Albert as a friend." He grinned. Wait a minute.

"Are you jealous?" I finally asked.

His face was super flustered. Gosh, if only Sir Adair sees this. He'll laugh with me too.

"Wha-what? Are you insane? Wha-why would I be jealous?" This reaction is funny, I wanna tease him more. But, he might end up sulking.

"Okay okay, you're not jealous." I said and sat down.

I saw Killian sat down beside me, he took a glass and filled it with wine.

"Can I try?" I asked.

"No, you're still young for this." Oh yeah, I'm still 16 here in this world. I stared at the sky filled with a lot of stars.

"Sometimes, you just suddenly stare out of nowhere. It made me think that you're thinking why you're here." Killian said. If only you know, brother.

The party ended smoothly, some maid and servants got drunk. So we told the people who were sober to bring the drunk ones to their chambers.

"Oh hey Thalia!" hiccup. I can't believe he can't handle a three glasses of grape wine. He should have controlled this!

"Do you need some help, Thalia?" Albert said. I smiled at him.

"No, it's okay."

"He- hey, isn't that the man Thalia?" hiccup. No, I must moved him now. Before, he starts to say something weird.

"Let's go, brother." I struggle to move him, but he's too heavy.

"Wa-wait, I want to know first!" He shouted. Brother, don't ever asked me why I didn't stop you.

"Didn't you like him Thalia?" I saw a blushing expression on Duke Albert.

"Brother, you're spouting nonsense." Killian laughed.

"Oops, I guess she likes me more." What the heck Killian? I let go of Killian, and he just plopped on the floor.

"Duke Albert, do you mind bringing him to his room? My arms are aching." I smiled. Duke Albert nodded blushing.

He started picking up Killian with no problem and walked away. Gosh, if I was born as a man with built body, girls might be fawning at me.

I went to my room, washed up and change into my night gown. I was about to sleep, when someone knocked.

"Who's there?" I asked, but no one answered.

"I said, who's there?" What the? Is someone prank-- hiccup. Oh no, don't tell me...

I ran to the door and open it widely. I just regretted that decision, now I'm on the floor and Killian's on top of me sleeping.

"Killian move, you're too heavy!" I said, and use all my force to move him onto my bed. He's sleeping peacefully on my bed.

"Gosh, if I know this was gonna happen. I shouldn't have let you drink. Tsk." I sighed in frustration. I moved him to the side of the bed and lay next to him.

I'm so tired, used all my energy just by moving a rock. (*meant Killian* ) After that, my eyes shut itself.

"Natalia, wake up sweetheart.." Huh? Who's Natalia? I woke up and saw people staring at me with tears in their eyes.

"Who- who are you?" I asked.

"Natalia, it's me your mom." Mom? I don't understand. Wait, is this the modern world?

"You've been coma almost a year now." a man said. I remember him.

"Ja-jacob?" he smiled brightly.

"Yes yes, that's me." he hugged me, I couldn't bring myself to hug him.

I looked at the others, one by one naming them.

"Mom.." I pointed the woman who's sitting right in front of me, then she nodded.

"Merlina?" I pointed the girl near Jacob, who's standing behind mom.

"Jessy?" I pointed the girl beside Merlina, she nodded happily.

They all sighed in relief, but they seem kinda worried, so I asked.

"Is something wrong?" they looked bothered a bit.

"I heard she's awake!" a man with a hospital dress came in.
