
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 12

"What, you're just letting him kill you?" I said, and help Albert stand up.

"Impossible! How are you still alive?!" The man asked, they're planning to kill only Lenria, after destroying Lady Victoria's boutique.

"Oh, that man was really weak." She laughed.

We heard horses neighing, a tall fair lady barge in, holding a sword. She aimed at the man fast, the man was late to evade, his arm got cut off, he screamed in pain.

I felt hands covering my eyes, "You should not look."Albert said, I can still hear the man screaming and sword being swing. Then we heard another voices coming.



The last voice sounded like from Killian, I took off Albert's hands, my eyes were blurry, I blink a lot, to see a tall figured man rushing up to me. Then I realized I was already being hugged by him.

Is this Killian?

I felt tears forming in my eyes, I hugged back at Killian. My mana went calm, I felt relieved. But I push him to see if its really him. Those sea blue eyes, I stared at those eyes, for a moment.

"Thalia, are you okay?" He asked, but all I could I think is he's alive. I'm happy that he's alive. I cried while smiling.

"Victoria, you should have not barge in on your own!" The man with blonde hair, grabbed the wrist of this woman called Victoria.

"Marquis Henry and Lady Victoria, what brings you here? And I apologize, you've seen the Mansion in this state." Albert bowed, so he's Marquis Henry from Crusthane City. And that lady, must be his lover or something.

"It's okay, we were chasing the criminal, and Sir Killian used a search spell, but somehow it was heading here." Albert looked at Killian, and Killian looked at me. Does Albert know something?

"We somehow know the reason why..."Albert sighed, and Marquis Henry nodded.

"We will listen to what you have said, but first we'll help you fix your Estate." Now,, that I see it, the Estate is really destroyed. We all agreed.

We started fixing the Estate the day after the incident. So, we stayed the night at the Davenport's Estate at Crusthane City.

"Phew, dad might kill me, if he sees the mansion like this..." Albert said and all of us laughed. Yes, Duke Aldern was quite strict when it comes to this mansion. He always wanted the mansion to neat and clean, no crack can be found, every damage should be fixed, it was because this house was pass from generation to generation, and now Albert is the protecting this.

But, a sudden twist of fate came.

Duke Aldern's carriage was covered on a landslide, due to strong rainstorm that happened they day before they left. It totally broke Albert apart, he cried almost a month. I was the only who went to comfort him, I helped him recover each day, it never failed to show signs of recovering. But, I know there's still a scar on his heart that can't be healed, no matter what I do.

"I bet he'll faint from this..." Killain said, it made us laughed. However, Albert was silent, we looked at him.

"You know, it's time to make your own generation, Duke Albert." Marquis Henry said.

"He's right..." I said, and they all nodded too.

We saw a glimpse of happiness in his face. I know that someday that Duke Aldern will be proud of his son as this story still continues.

After a long week of fixing the Garrick's Estate, Duke Albert held a host party, he invited Marquis Henry and his fiancee Lady Victoria.

I was a bit shocked when I heard she was his fiancee. They didn't want to let the whole Davenport Estate to know their engagement, since they're not sure of their feelings yet.

But, while where at the party...

"What? You're now developing some feelings on Henry?!" Me and the maids squealed. Lady Victoria laughed at our reaction.

"Shhhh, don't tell that, okay?" we all nodded like a little girl.

"I don't even know if he likes me too..." she continued.

"I know he likes you too, Lady Victoria!" a maid said.

"I bet my life, Lady Victoria!" another maid said.

Then all the maids started talking and squealing about Marquis Henry and Lady Victoria's love life.

I giggled at the sight.

"I'm wishing for you and Killian..." Lady Victoria whispered in my ear.

"Wha-what do you mean, Lady Victoria?!" I blushed.

She giggled.

"Oh my, was I wrong? From what I see, Killian is so protective on you." She said, as she grabbed a glass filled with wine.

"You're totally wrong, Lady Victoria. Killian only sees me as his sister." I said. She smirked at me.

"I know you're his sister. Isn't that the point why he's protective on you? What do you think I meant?" her smirk widened a bit. She's teasing me!

"I'm not thinking of anything. I'm just saying that he only sees me as his sister."her face went like 'I don't believe you'.

"Well, if you say so." she said and sip on her wine again.

I sighed in frustration.

I looked at Lady Victoria, and she seems to be staring at Marquis Henry.

"Love is so unpredictable..." I said silently.

"I know..."