
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 11

Killian woke up hearing people loudly talking, he walked up to the window, seeing a store was completely destroyed.

"Search everywhere! Don't come back, if you haven't found the criminal who did this!" Marquis Henry shouted to the Knights. Killian wore his cape and ran to the store.

He saw Lady Victoria with a devastated face, her boutique was destroyed, not a single supply left. Killian noticed, whoever helps him, will suffer.

"I'll use a search spell." Marquis Henry nod. Killian placed his hands on the ground, then activated his search spell.

The search range stop at the end of the Crusthane City, heading to Loranth. Killian find it weird, why is it heading to Loranth? He then realized...

"Thalia!" Marquis Henry was confused to why he said a name.

"Who is that?"Henry asked.

"The criminal is heading to Loranth City! We must go!"Henry nodded and told his Knights to prepare their horses. Then Lady Victoria, suddenly stood up.

"I'm coming..."

"No, you can't!" Marquis Henry said, Lady Victoria didn't flinched nor jolted.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm still going!" Lady Victoria, grabbed a horse near, then rode on it. She went first, I hear Marquis Henry sighed.

"Such a stubborn fiancee..." Wait, what? Fiancee?!

"We must go quickly!" Henry continued. We rode on a horse, and catch up to Lady Victoria. I wish Thalia is safe.

"Duke Albert, there's a man on the gates!" A servant shouted, we couldn't finish our training, because of that.

"Thalia, stay here." I nod and just practiced on my own. The wind was getting stronger.

"I should head back in." I said and picked up some stuff and head in.

"Child, death does suits on you." I stop and looked around. There's no one, "Who's there?" then an evil laughed erupts around the training ground.

"Look at you, so weak..." He continued laughing, then a dark magic was thrown at me, I managed to evade it. I quickly positioned in a fighting stance.

"The one who's weak is you, you couldn't even show yourself!" I shouted, when will Albert come.

She didn't know the Estate was already under attacked by the man who was standing at the gates. Duke Albert fought alongside with the knights.

"Pathetic fool!" The man said, and throws dark magic at the Knights. Albert hope that Thalia would be safe. The man formed a large dark magic then aimlessly throw at Duke Albert.

Duke Albert closed his eyes, for he thought he was going to be hit. But he felt nothing. He opened his eyes and saw fire blazing around.

"Thalia!" He shouted, Thalia looked and smiled at him.

"What, you're just letting him kill you?" she said.

"Impossible! How are you still alive?!" The man asked, they're planning to kill only Lenria, after destroying Lady Victoria's boutique.

"Oh, that man was really weak." She laughed. The man who tried to kill her, exposed himself. He effortlessly throws dark magic at her, she still managed to evade those. She was planning to control her magic, but was lost focused when the man said something.

"Sir Adair, was such a good man, don't you think?" What is he talking about?

"Why did he agree to let you live here?" he asked.

"Such an idiot. But, thank god he's dead." What? I looked at him furiously.

"Wait, you didn't know? Didn't your brother told you, Thalia?" He continued, how did he know my name? What is he talking about Brother Killian? Is Sir Adair really dead? Is that why he kept going to Crusthane City. I know there is a reason behind this.

"I think you're brother is dead, too..." He finally said those words, which made me tremble. The man took this as an advantage to hit me aimlessly, so I got slightly hit on the arm. I leaned on a wooden wall as I winced in pain. I coughed, I was tired and couldn't stand up.

The man laughed like a maniac.

"I wish they could see this..." The man said. Who is he referring to?

"Your brother and that Sir Adair, who are dead." He said. It's like he was reading my mind. He is still hitting me with dark knives, some I was able to evade, but last hit was strong, my side waist is bleeding.

"I don't know why, you of all royalty. A princess like you was born." I flinched. Are they still chasing me because they think I'm the princess? My blood boiling, they killed Killian and Sir Adair, because of me.

I can feel my mana flowing everywhere in my body, which made me feel stronger. I stood up and face the man, he looked shocked at me. I can see my reflection in his eyes. I can see my eyes blazing.

"I'll burn you into ashes." The man jolted from my words. He tried to form again, but I got to hit him first, he fall to the ground.

I touched his arm, which made me feel another mana rushing through me. I let go of his arm and looked at my hands, a dark mist coming out.

"St-steal magic?" Steal magic, I've heard about that. This is a advantage for me. Since I study about Steal magic.

"It's my turn now..." I formed a dark magic and slowly press it on his to his chest where his heart is placed, he struggle to move, but I eagerly press it hard. He screamed in pain, but not long. He's finally dead.

I rush to the estate and saw Albert fighting on his own. I saw the man formed a large dark magic and aimlessly throws at the Duke. Albert closed his eyes like he was ready to take it. So, I ran and used the dark magic left in me to formed a block.

"Thalia!" I looked and smiled at him.